
“Its often I wonder what new State Law or City Ordinance will affect my Life as a RSO.” There seems to be a never-ending Lobby to make harsher Laws in Florida for Registered Citizens whether we are in Jail, on Probation or in Release.

I asked a Lawyer recently, a excellent Civil Rights Attorney about what would happen if I decided to take a jog in my Local Park. The Lawyer said I would need a Lawyer! So basically that being said, I called my County Sheriff and he said in my City there was no Ordinance for a RSO in Release frequenting a City Park. But he also said, “To be safe, I would recommend you not do it.” Now, I’m totally confused. No State Law, No City Ordinance and the Cops say not to do it? So I went further. “How about if I decide to hand out Candy for Halloween? Again, in the City I reside, No City Ordinance and No State Law since I’m in Release in accordance to my own case. But of course, the Sheriff recommends to stay safe, turn off my Lights and go to Bed early. My City’s RSO Task Force tells me that as well.

My question remains; “How can we be policed when there are no such binding laws as in my case to police us with? The fact remains this is unjustifiable continued punishment after the Courts have ruled in our cases, speaking of the RSO in Release of course. Now if you are on Probation and a have to Register and in some cases a RSO in Release, then yes there is a Statute regarding where you can go and where you cannot go as well as the Halloween rules of Lights Out after Dark! In Lake County, Florida for example their RSO Task Force visits Offenders on Halloween Night! So you must know and understand your City Ordinances to remain Compliant.

The Lawyer that warned me about possibly not being Compliant is right. If you have a bad feeling about the situation, then don’t do it. RSO’s can easily become Victims of Violence against themselves so hanging out in a Park even if its Legal is probably not the best idea. And that goes for Holiday Entertaining as well. The power to take our rights from us even when in my case a Felony Conviction never happened is at our doorstep each and every day. In my City, a Sexual Crimes Task Force is setup to come to my Home every few months to make sure we are Compliant. And that is after the fact that I must in my case appear in Front of the Sheriff on my Birthday Month and six Months after that every year for the rest of my Life. And the DOC Records being forwarded to the FDLE keeps track of myself, my crime, home address, vehicle information and just of late (2014) new Laws regarding registering our E-Mail, IM accounts and other Social Media Usernames and Passwords we may have.


I MUST report any electronic mail address or instant message name, prior to using such, during registration/reregistration or by providing all updates through the online system maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. {F.S. 943.0435(4)(d); 775.21(6)(g)4}.

The Above Link is the FDLE Cyber Communications System – Sign In (requires your Username and Password)

If for whatever reason you have not Registered this information required by Law, not obtained a Username or Password sent to you by the FDLE, you need to call or E-MAIL the FDLE Immediately. If they don’t have your Computer-Internet information you will be charge with a crime!

FDLE 888-357-7332 / E-MAIL:

So therefore Compliance as demanding as it may seem must be done. The consequences far outweigh our life as a RSO as crazy as that sounds. I realize many of us get confused, have legal questions but are afraid to ask or cannot afford Lawyers. That is why you are here and support FAC. And FAC can be a fantastic service to your questions about Compliance.

Compliance is the Key in a RSO’s recovery and rehabilitation and not having the Laws being anymore of a hindrance in our lives they already are.

Next Topic: “Second Rate Citizen”

Disclaimer: JEV is currently a Florida based RSO. These are personal viewpoints and are not be used as Legal information in any Court of Law. “True Confessions” is a column designed to give out constructed information as well as criticism in the fight for reformation of Sex Offender Laws.


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