Florida Governor Wants to Disenfranchise Sex Offenders

As if it wasn’t bad enough that people convicted of Murder or a Sex Offense were excluded from Amendment 4, which restored former felon’s rights to vote upon completion of their sentence, Governor Elect Ron Desantis wants to stop registrants from voting entirely, even those who were never convicted of a felony and who never lost their right to vote.

According to Naples’ NBC 2 News, “He wants the language to say that people, such as sex offenders who did not face felony charges, should not be eligible to vote…I think the voters of Florida would not have passed that if sex offenders had been allowed”

If his attitude towards people required to register is so harsh when it comes to removing the voting rights of people who never lost their voting rights in the first place, one can only imagine how he’ll be to those who come before him for clemency hearings.

57 thoughts on “Florida Governor Wants to Disenfranchise Sex Offenders

  • May 16, 2019

    Solution is to harness your relationships in ur community and vote these people out! I have in California so can you in Florida…How? I harnessed salons and barbershop doing complimentary scissor sharpening in the name of a good candidate to kick out a bad one, it works!!! It’s therapeutic, empowering and just feels good. I train for free YouTube search: Sharp-N-Go mini. Hey, if you can skip a cup of coffee and send a few bucks to FAC that’ll also help!

  • December 28, 2018

    Who in the he’ll voted for Desantis anyway ?. An ex prosecutor really!!..

  • December 21, 2018

    We are tax payers!!! Taxation without Representation is one of the main reasons for the 13 Colony’s revolt against the British Crown.
    We must demand a refund of our taxes!


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