Lauren Book files “child sex doll” bill

Sen. Lauren Book filed a new bill on Monday ( that would criminalize “knowingly selling, lending, giving away, distributing, transmitting, showing, or transmuting; offering to commit such actions; having in his or her possession, custody, or control with the intent to commit such actions; or advertising in any manner an obscene, child-like sex doll“.

What’s disturbing is not the idea of the bill but Sen. Book’s reasoning behind it. According to Florida Politics, “Book is concerned the dolls will serve not as a replacement for the urges of pedophiles, but as a catalyst for perpetrators to seek out victims.“That is not a cure for anything,” Book argued. “The doll just isn’t enough, and then they act out again sexually on children.””

But by her theory, shouldn’t you ban all sex dolls because they will be a catalyst for rape?

Had Book merely suggested that children should not be sexualized in the form of sex dolls and therefore these items should be banned, we would have all agreed with her. But instead she throws her far-fetched theories and theatrics behind her bill in order to get it passed.

Again – this is not a bill the Florida Action Committee particularly cares about because it won’t change any of our lives – it’s just the absurdity behind it that’s ridiculous.


25 thoughts on “Lauren Book files “child sex doll” bill

  • December 22, 2018

    How does one determine the age of doll? Head size? Aren’t all dolls depicting all ages actually smaller than life size? Will an ordinary sex doll become illegal if hair is styled in pigtails or will a sex doll be considered a child sex doll if the head ratio is proportionally larger than the body? Barbie® dolls have perhaps caused more indirect harm on children than any other doll. The unrealistic proportions of Barbie® is believed to contribute to anorexia nervosa, most common among girls 15-19 and most prevalent in countries where girls play with Barbie® dolls. (See “Body Image” section)
    Furthermore, Barbie® is actually a sex doll since the doll is modeled after the sex doll, Bild Lilli.
    Since Barbie is supposed to be age 17, below the age of concent, and the doll is modeled after a “sex doll”, AND because this doll is attributed to anorexia nervosa, THIS is the first “sex doll” that should be banned.

    • December 22, 2018

      Since the newly created crime of creating underage heads for sex dolls will likely be a sex crime, the interesting comment on society is that distributing 3D printer files to create doll heads will carry a harsher penalty than distributing 3D printer files to create firearms.


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