A Month After Irma, Miami-Dade’s Sex Offender Camp Is Still There

Florida Sex Offenders

Excellent reporting and follow up from Isabella Gomes of the Miami New Times. Her story follows:

A Month After Irma, Miami-Dade's Sex Offender Camp Is Still There

Beneath a shredded blue tarp, 58-year-old Claudia Baker takes a swig of A&W root beer. “Imagine your faucet dripping at night. That’s what life is like for us—except instead of just hearing the drip, we feel it,” she says.

After serving nine years in prison for child pornography, Baker now lives at an encampment of sex offenders near the train tracks near Hialeah. There, residents sleep on wet cots, endure massive storm floods and openly defecate behind a storage container. Nearby business owners say they’ve scared away customers. “My dog in Texas lives better than I do,” says Baker.

How Florida Sex Offender Registry Effects Citizens

Because of a 2005 county law, sex offenders in Miami-Dade are prohibited from living within 2,500 feet of any school, daycare center or park — a restriction that essentially banishes them into homelessness. After New Times chronicled their conditions in August, Homeless Trust Chairman Ron Book declared the site a “health crisis” and announced that the county would shut it down as soon as possible.

However, two months later — even after Hurricane Irma tore through and flooded the site — the camp is bigger than ever. Why? Book says he’s working on closing it but needs more time.

“It’ll be sooner rather than later,” Book says of when the sex offenders will be relocated.

Eladio Morales (left) and Claudia Baker (right).

Eladio Morales (left) and Claudia Baker (right).
Photo by Isabella Gomes

The County has struggled to find a permanent home for sex offenders since passing its restrictive laws in 2005. For years dozens lived under the Julia Tuttle Causeway until a national outcry erupted over the situation; they were shuffled around the county and by 2014 ended up near the railroad tracks in Hialeah. As of August, 233 sex offenders are registered to the area of NW 71st Street and NW 36th Court. Eighty-eight are on probation with ankle monitors tracing their movement.

Despite Book’s promises in August to close the camp, dozens of sex offenders still lived there a month later when Hurricane Irma took aim at Dade County. Police forced the offenders to evacuate, says Baker, and many fled to shelters, including Baker who hunkered down with 2,000 other people in the basketball court of Miami Central Senior High School on NW 95th Street.

Upon returning to the encampment, Baker found that her cot, tent and rubber pallets had become wet and mosquito-infested. So, she slept in her moist, molding tent, as rats scurried beneath the rubber pallets. “The rats…they’re big suckers,” says 72-year-old Eladio Morales, who started living at the encampment just two days after Irma. “That’s why I don’t sleep on pallets. I’d rather sleep on the ground.”

Since the hurricane, residents say that persistent storms and showers have flooded the premises, ripping tents from the ground. “One tent ended up on the other end of the railroad track,” Morales says, resting his arthritic legs.

A few former camp residents have been relocated since August. Baker says three offenders have been relocated to real housing. Among them, 49-year-old Brett Borges, who once solicited nude photos and sex from an undercover cop, posing as a 15-year-old on Grindr. He says he’s found an apartment near 81st and Biscayne Boulevard.

A Month After Irma, Miami-Dade's Sex Offender Camp Is Still There

Photo by Isabella Gomes

Hundreds of others remains at the camp. “Ron Book keeps telling us he’s shutting [the camp] down, but he won’t give us a date,” says Baker, “When this is happening [and] where we’re going, we don’t know.”

Book says, “It will happen, but we haven’t set a date.”

Where exactly will the offenders be relocated? “No comment,” Book says. “But they’ve had ample time and opportunities to seek housing alternatives.”

Baker says in the meantime, residents have tried to make the camp more liveable. They’ve acquired heavy-duty generators, a portable shower, a microwave, a speaker system, and a wide-screen T.V. and reinforced tents with water-proof camping tarps, sheets of industrial-grade plastic and even large event-style canopies. The additions, however, have only further pushed the encampment’s boundaries further into the street where trailer trucks and pickups regularly drive.

“That’s what we’re afraid of,” says Mary Grafton, whose family owns a custom furniture factory two blocks down the road. “The county said they’d clear out the camp, but it’s only getting bigger,” says Grafton, “now there’s more tents and more tarps, but still no one’s picking up the garbage.”



4 thoughts on “A Month After Irma, Miami-Dade’s Sex Offender Camp Is Still There

  • October 22, 2017

    Once again, a situation that defies human comprehension continues to exist. The only way to successfully help any person is to integrate them. The Books cannot be that ignorant, they know what they have to do but are just not doing the right thing. A new word should be coined for this type of unjustified treatment of people and while we’re at it another one for the Books. As Florida counties become more populated these type of extreme criminal restrictions could pop up anywhere. This state really needs to wake up and face the facts. How evil, hate filled, blind, stubborn, and self serving can our politicians be? Never mind, the answer is clear!

    • October 22, 2017

      Not only that but these soulless sociopaths typically hide behind religion to justify their evil. They will claim they are protecting the good from the evil. Very simplistic black and white – use vs them mentality not unlike the 2 party system we have here in the USA.

      Very easy to manipulate large populations with the 2 party system. “You are either with us or against us” nonsense. Using sex offenders as pawns is very convenient since all they have to do is mention slogans such as “think of the children” and the innate emotional protective instincts kick in and the rational thinking brain turns off.

      Educating the populace of the facts is the only way to make change. As long as politicians can exploit this emotional manipulation they will do so!

  • October 22, 2017

    This is torture of American citizens on American soil by the State of Florida government. There are only man made laws but this is breaking common universal human rights.

    Knowing that this situation is allowed to exist makes me very doubtful about future changes in Florida with regards to the registry and eliminating the lifetime punishment aspect.

    The government simply are fine with treating these Americans as trash no one wants and allowing them to exist in terrible conditions until they die I suppose as they have left them no other options really. CRUEL and UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT

  • October 21, 2017

    “Where exactly will the offenders be relocated? “No comment,” Book says. “But they’ve had ample time and opportunities to seek housing alternatives.”

    Really? Really? Book you are a total jerk! Where would you propose they go? You created this inhumane treatment in your county! Fix it! GET RID OF THE LIVING RESTRICTIONS!

    This is nothing short of criminal!


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