A new scarlet letter for harassment charges
In an effort to encourage a more equitable system of justice in this country — something to which any number of legislators, unprincipled prosecutors and judges seem opposed — I believe it would be in our best interest to treat all those charged with sexual harassment and sexual misconduct the same way we treat all sex offenders.
While the term “sexual misconduct” has a rather benign sound to it, it nevertheless can include anything from sexual assault to sexual abuse.
It doesn’t matter if it’s Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Roy Moore, Bill Clinton, Georgia H.W. Bush, Charlie Rose or John Conyers doing the touchy-feely thing or some other form of sexual harassment or misconduct. Unwanted touching or misconduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual battery and/or assault (laws differ from state to state) and deserve to be punished in the same manner as all other sex offenses.
To that end, I am proposing that each state be required to create a Sexual Harassment/Misconduct Registry modeled on the existing sex offender registries.
Oh please !! Not another registry that does nothing but cost us all money and accomplishes nothing !!
Just register males at brith
Umm, females too Mark
Let’s be honest with ourselves. We will probably all commit some sort of act during a lifetime that is offensive to someone. Should provocative dress be a sex offense…sex harassment? In today’s climate with anybody and everybody being offended at something or other, the system might as well put us all on the registry so we could monitor each other. I think I read a book about a society that looked somewhat like that.
Out of the Nearly One Million SO registrants dought of 800 are not men. Of the three new sexual harasment allegations a day none are women
Out of nearly one million Registrints I doubt if 800 are not women. From the three new celebrity sexual harassment allegations a day none are women
Why not Sex Offender registry for them. They have done no less than many on the registry. Why are they exempt?
My charge was inappropriate touching and I’m on the SO registry. Why shouldn’t these celebrities also be on the SO registry?
In reality, every single person could be misconstrued as a sex offender. All of us have done something, at some point to make someone feel uncomfortable, or upset someone. I think that the last thing we need are more registries and more restrictions on people. The registries now are full of people that had minor offenses, and there are some with more serious offenses. They have things so screwed up now that it is almost impossible to distinguish the serious repeat offenders from the one time anomalies. I don’t see where the registries help anyone, and does not protect society. It just makes it virtually impossible for anyone that is a registered sexual offender from leading any kind of normal productive life. Maybe through all of this, some good may come out of it? Hopefully, people will come to their senses and see how ridiculous all this really is. Cooler heads need to prevail, and make common sense decisions instead of decisions made strictly on emotion.
Amen. If they do not, it is further proof that SOR is bill of attainder.
The sons and daughters society have to be warned of potential harm caused by these individuals! It wouldn’t be punishment after all, merely a civil tool by which innocent potential victims are safeguarded.
SHMR registry. I lol’d.