ACLU: Retroactive Sex Offender Registration Law

“For over a decade, the ACLU of Michigan has been challenging Michigan’s sex offender registration law which has barred people with past offenses from living and working in large portions of the state, and has subjected them to ongoing supervision and reporting requirements, in most cases for life, all without any consideration of individual circumstances.”


25 thoughts on “ACLU: Retroactive Sex Offender Registration Law

  • December 21, 2024

    This maybe a little off topic but after reading Cherokeejack post about having people who harbor rso to be placed on it themselves it got me thinking as we are approaching a new everything- new year, nee legislation season and new administration. Instead of focusing a lot of our time on lawsuits and laws and I am not saying we need to stop doing this because we need the courts help in our mission but what about trying to change the public perception regardless sex offenders? I saw the post the other day of a safe harbor law being proposed but what if organizations such as FAC and NARSOL start trying or leaning to changing how everyone thinks of us? Yes we all know some registered belong there but some of us have either been on this for way too long or maybe not serious enough to be placed on a registry list or a number of factors… Just a thought as we end the year

    • December 24, 2024


      There used to be a saying that stated, “You can’t keep a good man down”, but we all know that they can keep a large swath of good men (And yes ladies too) down. The registry is nothing but an open invitation to have us harassed, harmed or God forbid, like some, murdered.

  • December 20, 2024

    Saw this today about people asking to make those who harbor sex offenders, to be placed on it themselves.

  • December 17, 2024

    I see no replies concerning the meeting about the Does vs Glass case in Southern District Court (formerly Ex Post Facto) outcome?

    • December 17, 2024


      I was thinking the same thing. We should be able to be able to listen or at least read the transcripts. Many of us were not able to call in and listen.

    • December 17, 2024

      The case is proceeding to court, and the attorneys for the case are preparing to file amended complaints to reflect changes since the case was first filed.

    • December 18, 2024

      If I understood the discussion, it seems that there is a shift towards making FDLE prove someone knowingly violated the draconian restrictions before making an arrest. However, it seems FDLE has no jurisdiction/control over local sheriffs (elected officials) so not sure how effective FDLE is. If I’m wrong – let me know.
      Now – if the local sheriff departments had to start proving someone knowingly and intentionally violated restrictions then I think we’d see some relief.

  • December 11, 2024

    Michigan ACLU along with other states does add value to this effort to throw down much if not all of the sex registry. Sure we all have and face different circumstances in this sex registry ordeal although the main motivation of all this registry is to prevent the adult from talking to a teenager in that type of situation. So who’s pulling the wool over who or who is bearing false witness, and who’s playing the pretender of this sex registry charade which is meant to deceive.
    If you say government than you are right. See government looks for power such as in compliance checks, mandatory rules for one to follow, even rules that are so outrageous that many have to protest about it. Whether the registry is punitive or non punitive the government is calling that action.

  • December 11, 2024

    Has the Sex offender retroactive law been challenged in Florida? Recently? By multiple registerents? So many new laws over the years, The registery is now punitive and a life time of punishment. Been hopeful for 32 years. No hope left.

    • December 11, 2024

      Connie there is a law suit called Does and it has been ongoing for years. The first one got denied due to technical issue related to statue of limitations. They filed a new suit with new registrants that were well within the statue of limitations to file.

      We are hoping for the best but not many judges have our backs. I believe (My own opinion) that they know the registry (retroactively especially) is not moral, just and in some cases not even legal. But they want to get re-elected and it is judicial suicide to side with the deplorables (Us)
      Easier for one or two people to get removed by a local judge, than to wipe out the entire money making, job creating industry of sex offense compliance registry.

      [The moderator clarifies: Does v Glass is in the Federal Southern District of Florida. The Federal
      judge is not elected. On the statute of limitations issue, Does have already prevailed in the Circuit Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit].

    • December 11, 2024

      Mark your calendar for a special Membership meeting call on Thursday December 12th at 8pm ET (phone 319-527-3487) when attorneys for the Does vs Glass case in Southern District Court (formerly Ex Post Facto I) will discuss status of the case and intended outcomes.

      • December 11, 2024


        Thanks for the update

      • December 13, 2024

        I was not able to listen in on the call last night do to work. What are the updates.

        • December 13, 2024

          Is there a way to listen to that call? Was it recorded?

          • December 13, 2024

            Same here, would like an update as I was not able to do so either. Please post an update, regardless of if good or bad news. We are hungry for information that may help us gain some well-deserved relief.
            I would settle (At least for now) not allowing cops to come to our doors like we are still on probation decades later? And/or only having to register if we have updates. Would save the sheriff’s office a ton of money to have us register online.
            We know, no other group of people in the U.S have to put up with this un-fair and I believe, unconstitutional retroactive application of the registry.
            May the Lord bless us and keep us safe from our enemies.

          • December 31, 2024

            has this transcript or update been posted anywhere? why be so secretive about it especially to the people that been funding it.

          • December 31, 2024

            The case is proceeding to court, and the attorneys for the case are preparing to file amended complaints to reflect changes since the case was first filed.

    • December 15, 2024

      It’s so crazy, my lawyer never explained to me after talking me and my family on taking an open plea, the driver’s license, the sheriff’s visit, courthouse registry,etc. the lawyer never mentioned none of these things to me…… It’s should be a law for that…but it’s a shame no one cares

      • December 31, 2024

        There was not even a registry for my laywer to tell me about when I offended. Nor when arrested, nor went sentenced, nor while in prison. I was released to house arrest and that same week; the registry was put into action. I have been on it since 1997, although charges from 1991.
        Doesn’t matter tho as most of us back then were retroactively added. Had no idea about how long it was for, until they announced it would be for life with no chance of removal. Now there is a way off but it is hit or miss depending on the judge you get.
        It should be automatic removal at the appointed time, just like when your sentence is finished. But we know there are people also kept past their sentences in prison so at least I was not in that group. It is called civil commitment. (I call it legal kidnapping)

  • December 6, 2024

    Although I do not live in Michigan, I also was retroactively put on the registry, even though my crime was 6 years before the registry was even activated. They use the excuse that it is non-punitive, so it can be applied à la carte.

    Then to ever get off of it, you have to hire a lawyer, and not guarantees a judge will agree. We did our time but now we seem to be serving a life sentence, which even death does not remove you.
    Something is wrong with the justice system, the courts and law makers. Punish and deny should be their new motto.

    • December 13, 2024

      We are all serving an extension of our sentence that keeps us enslaved to the legal system-some of us for life.

      • December 13, 2024

        And where was the plea agreement for those of us who were retroactively applied? I have said this before, but if there had been a registry when I was sentenced, no way in Hell I would have plead guilty.
        I did my time like a man but then was given a life sentence on the registry as soon as I was released from custody. From the custody of the Department of corrections to the department of registry affairs (That’s what I call it anyway)


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