Amended Complaint in DOES 1-7 v. SWEARINGEN (Ex Post Facto PLUS Case)
An amended complaint has been filed in the “Ex Post Facto PLUS” suit. A copy of the complaint can be read from the link below.
The amendment adds a couple plaintiffs, adds Facial Challenges to the Statute, and adds complaints for violation of the plaintiffs’ rights to substantive due process and privacy under the Florida Constitution.
FAC wishes to thank, wholeheartedly, the hard work of attorney Val Jonas, Beth Weitzner, Todd Scher, Jeanne Baker and Grant Sarbinoff who have been working tirelessly on this case.
Does v Swearingen – Amended Complaint
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Are we still waiting on court to rule on state’s motion to dismiss?
Or did they deny it and allow the challenge to proceed?
I do recall that there’s a tentative trial date (11/2020).
There was an amended complaint filed last month – they filed a MTD to dismiss that one and our answer is due shortly for that.
Yes, trial date is still good.
In the meantime, unknown, untrack-able sex offender migrants are coming into the country by the day and not so much as a whimper from the idiot politicians carrying on with all this sex offender nonsense here! It is a moral indictment against every one of them and their two-faced hypocrisy! Not only are these migrants raping children and getting away with it but they are bringing catastrophic diseases into our midst.
Most sex offenders are untrackable. 95.8% of all reported sex offenses are committed by people with no criminal conviction and who are unregistered.
Not aware that it’s any higher among migrants than among natives, though.
I wish we had an advocacy group in Tennessee. TN has just passed a law that strips registrants who committed any sexual offense against a child 12 and under of the right to live under the same roof as their own biological children EVEN IF THEIR OWN CHILDREN WERE NEVER VICTIMS OF THEIR ABUSE.
This law also effectively tells registrants who don’t have children presently not to even think about it.
I can understand not allowing someone who molested their own kids back into the house under some circumstances. I will say this…if there is a GOOD, HONEST, COMPETENT sex offender treatment provider who respects the value of family and fostering healing in the victim and a reunification plan is agreed to by all parties under the guidance of said treatment provider and other counselors if victim is or has been in counselling to cope with and heal from the abuse, then even then a parent should be allowed to reunite with and live with their families. Having a family is such a basic human right.
Tennessee has been on my mind a lot, the last few days. There is a crisis there right now that dwarfs (at least temporarily) anything we’re fighting on Florida at the moment.
I did not realize that TN lacked an advocacy group. But that makes sense to me now— how else to explain how such a law passed both chambers with nobody noticing?
Thank G-d we have tireless FAC volunteers keeping tabs on the legislature, tracking bills that are introduced, and making calls to action when necessary.
There are two recent topic posts on this situation in Tennessee on the FAC website:
You might get a better response by posting on those. Also, my research has yielded Tennessee has an advocacy group:
as per NARSOL’s website, where all state affiliates are listed: