Arkansas registrant flies nazi flag in protest of sex offender sign.

A registered person in Salesville, Arkansas hung three nazi flags prominently on his property, in protest of a sex offender sign put up by the city in front of their fire department identifying him as a sex offender.

Business owners in Salesville don’t like either displays – as neither are good for business. Who wants to drive into the city and see sex offender warning signs and nazi flags? People contemplating stopping will drive right though.

The registrant says that as long as the warning signs stay up, his flags will stay up and the Mayor said that’s just fine with him. Local business owners are not so fine with that.


11 thoughts on “Arkansas registrant flies nazi flag in protest of sex offender sign.

  • June 14, 2017

    I love it. THAT’S how you fight back! Those of us here in Florida could learn a lesson from that guy. For example, we’re not allowed to put up ANY holiday “lighting” or decorations up even during Christmas. So, our landlord put white lights all along the house in December and called it “security lighting”. It’s still up today…….Love that guy. Good move!

  • June 14, 2017

    If the local government is going to act as Nazi Gestapo agents then the Nazi flag seems most appropriate. It must be nice to live in a community where the only threat is presented by RSO’s. All other violent crime under control…amazing!

  • June 14, 2017

    Fight fire with fire!

    Show the stupidity of this entire SOCIAL SHAMING and turn it around!

    Good for him!

  • June 14, 2017

    This guy is awesome

  • June 14, 2017

    Good for him!

  • June 14, 2017

    The Mayor says that’s fine with him; stupid politicians!!!!!!!!


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