Bill containing very concerning changes to registry filed – SB 1932
Yesterday, Senator Ed Hooper filed SB 1932, which is a 100+ page bill making significant changes to the registry. We have not gone through the bill yet, but one glaring and very concerning change is that the State makes it more difficult to petition for removal and now requires that FDLE be noticed on every petition and FDLE plus the State Attorney have an opportunity to oppose.
More to come, but in the interest of getting this to you as quickly as possible, please read through it yourself below.
Never fails, getting close to getting off this nightmare and this crops up. Hopefully it doesn’t pass, i wish a newspaper would print everything we have to do to stay legal while being an RSO, i think anyone who saw the 3 white pages of rules and regulations we have to go through daily, in order to stay on the outside of the fence, would deter anyone from making an unwise decision.
All these rules and regulations and the public never sees them….
What does your sentence that starts “I think anyone” mean?
I am pretty sure the police, politicians and others who are against us, have someone who comes on here and reads the comments, stories and lawsuits. Knowing your enemy (US) is a military strategy of having someone on the inside.
Do you really think it is a coincidence this is being put forth? Just takes pissing off one person to bring A nuke into our plans. I have been the target on one those “raids” and bringing down because I stepped on the wrong feet. It is why I do not give out too much personal information on here. I pushed the wrong buttons and got an Iwo Jima Level response.
Thanks for the heads up regarding those higher ups who are against us, I’ve called them everything under the sun. Now I have to sleep with one eye open, call one eyed Brandon.
Why don’t you begin educating the public by submitting press releases to print, cable and television media across the state using empirical research data to make your voices heard via educated voters.
When I was one TikTok there was a creator that is a therapist and work with registered people and formerly in a prison. She advocates and I would share facts with people who made negative comments. There is no shortage of data to use. The problem is people in general put feelings over facts. Laws should be fact based and not based on feelings. But that’s not the world we live in. We can all share with others online or in person. Doing mail campaigns or emailing politicians. We can all do something.
It’s HATE over facts and logic, not “feelings.”
You can NOT argue with someone that will never change their minds on this topic no matter how credible the evidence you present to them. Hate and resentment overrides their executive functioning. All you will ever get from the proponents of the registry is: “They’re on there for a reason” and “I only care about the victims.” So, we’re up against militant intransigence here.
Write your congressman? Ha! Have fun with that. They’re in on it! It’s their reliance on this registry hate and division that keeps them in office.
I’m far from the most optimistic person in general, but especially when it comes to this topic. I said feelings because this subject stirs up intense feelings and emotions. Not everyone that is against us hates us. Several people think the registry works because they can simply see all the dots on a map. Some people’s mind will change when presented with the right data. Everyone believes in protecting children. Some people also think the government wastes money on programs that don’t work. Other feel rights are important and shouldn’t be infringed upon. So, we either advocate, and educate or just give up and go play in traffic.
Press releases are great, but not for this. We need to make sure this bill dies in committee.
Yes Ms. Vicki….
Empirical Data, Does Not Lie and Math Does Not Lie
Great Strategy….We, Just need to Form, Such Strategy and Someone Take The Lead and it has to be put in A Legalese Type of Format!
We do send the research but it is basically ignored. If it does not sell a story, they are not interested.
Empirical Data is Empirical Data…Why Would ‘One’ have to “sell it” to “them’?
I could not agree more.
Does anyone know of a country where a sex offender can move to, that makes life a little easier? I am more than tired of all this bullshit. I simply want to live out the rest of my life without any more nonsense. I made a mistake, I served my time, isn’t enough is enough?
Anyplace other than the United States is better.
Not true. Plenty of countries are worse for ORDINARY CITIZENS than America is for its registrants.
But if it’s treatment of sex offenders we’re focused on, then consider the frozen gulag:
Thanks for sharing. That was eye opening. Having said that, I would expect nothing less of Russia.
If been in the Twin Cities during the winter with freezing temps and 4’ of snow. Personally I rather be whipped than put on a registry or sent up the frozen arctic.
We are all in that position. Well most of us anyways. Last time I went to register, I asked the registry guy behind the glass what year he was born. (He looked very young) He told me 2000 and I said “Do you know I will still on probation when you were born”.
If you’re in Florida I’d get the Hell out and don’t look back. No matter where you lay your head at night get involved in advocacy and don’t be afraid of speaking out.
Yes, Brandon, I did…Got out of Dodge!
I am off the registry wherein I reside in a couple years…But Flori-Duh will keep me on their list…could care less….and When I am off the list wherein I reside and go to Flori-Duh….I go to Flori-Duh when I want-like I am going to check in with the LEO’s….Yeah Right….
I Did! Average Yearly Temperature, Here, is 84 F and Normally Sunny!
-The Best Move Ever! Surf is up 70% of the Time! Hang Ten!-
‘They’ can Visit Here…And there is Google Duo…So, it makes things much easier to contact family members!
Well where I am it was a brisk 27 and even though I thought my balls were going to freeze, it still is better than Florida.
Everyone is saying get the heck out of Florida. My Family is here. My Dad is elderly and if anything were to happen to him, I have to be here for my Mom. My Dad is a lot older than my Mom. Family comes first. Right now I am taking care of both of them pretty much. I get real nervous when my Dad goes somewhere by himself.
I’m talking about those with loved ones outside of Florida. We all have a choice to make stay and fight or leave and fight. My parents and I were the other family living in Florida, so I choose to leave and fight. Don’t have to worry about to much backlash from out of state. I rather be kissed on then pissed on. I need better non offensive analogies.
I don’t know about any other countries but a while back I heard that Indiana is the least restrictive state concerning the registry. Now, with this new federal involvement on the registry I have no clue of which state is least restrictive. I also though about leaving the country but I can’t see myself living so far from my family. So it’s stay and fight for me atm.
Also, an old saying that still rings true, comes to mind. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
Most European/eastern European countries for now don’t care about RSO’s. So if your retired and have income coming in or if you can work mobile you can have a new life without restrictions like the way i feel when i vacation in places like that and it is pretty easy to get a visa to live there if you find the right lawyer
Tired, I know the feeling. Fighting locally, supporting the movement $. Preparing an exit strategy. Check out the link and stay tuned!
How can the ex post facto law that is in court right now play into this? Obviously the most concerning is the removal off registry. I can see this bill being changed 7 ways from Sunday before it makes it to final vote but isn’t the ex post facto law if we win supposed to protect us from bills like this?
The Registry Nazis are getting scared they will lose their funding and jobs because of all the wins that the courts are issuing. But just like in Michigan, the Gestapo finds loopholes to go around the rulings. In other words they have ZERO respect for the judges wishes. In some cases defying orders and daring the judge to do anything about it.
Re-posted by a member for reference.
Call me stupid, but I am totally befuddled by these hundreds of convoluted lines. There is reference after reference to other sections of Florida code. Is it really considered “fair notice” if one must research all those legal threads in order to understand requirements? I have never seen such incomprehensible gibberish in a bill. Of course, this is the first time I’ve attempted to read a Florida bill.
If Sen. Hooper has enough time to dive into all those statutes, why does he not have enough time to read reports and research about sex offender recidivism and danger to find the truth?
Oy vey.