Bill containing very concerning changes to registry filed – SB 1932

Yesterday, Senator Ed Hooper filed SB 1932, which is a 100+ page bill making significant changes to the registry. We have not gone through the bill yet, but one glaring and very concerning change is that the State makes it more difficult to petition for removal and now requires that FDLE be noticed on every petition and FDLE plus the State Attorney have an opportunity to oppose.

More to come, but in the interest of getting this to you as quickly as possible, please read through it yourself below.

SB 1932


92 thoughts on “Bill containing very concerning changes to registry filed – SB 1932

  • January 13, 2022

    Not being pessimistic but I’m tired of Florida’s obsession with registrants and things getting worse every year. Are they that afraid of 44k out of 20 million residents? They represent all citizens of Florida. Florida made the state scorched earth for registrants its time for registrants to make Florida’s ole boy style corruption scorched.

    • January 14, 2022

      It’s stupid. They actually don’t have enough sense to focus on much that is intelligent. They’d rather push their Registry pile of feces around and play with it. Just to pander to really stupid people. It doesn’t matter what nonsense “law” they pass, I’m completely confident I can easily make it not just worthless, but a while lot worse. And I will.

      But yes also, I will continue to make life difficult for politicians and everyone else who thinks Registries are acceptable. There are hundreds of ways to lower the quality of their lives. Everyone want Amerika to be a sh*thole country so let’s get on with it.

  • January 13, 2022

    until all of us stand up to the goverment just as it was done in the days of MLK we all can sit and fear the reaper crying about all of it is NOT going to do a thing to change what is going on ppl will continue to to be punished by the perverbal hanging in the trees and house burnings
    just sayin actions speak louder.. yes lots of casualities during the time of MLK but he suceeded to get the ppl there rights as HUMANS in a world of haters.

    • January 13, 2022

      The problem with that is everyone is brave behind a keyboard, but for RCs, the threat of a return to prison (or God forbid Arcadia) makes people not want to be the nail that sticks out for the fear of the hammer falling. We need more non-RC advocates who don’t have that Damocles sword over their head. Sadly, public figures will rally to all kinds of causes, but no one wants to touch the cause of justice for RCs. In Biblical terminology, we’re lepers, tax collectors and adulterers all rolled into one.

      • January 17, 2022

        I was 1 time a RC and released in the beginning of 10 yr registration expirations 07/2005 I could of walked away but I didnt… I know what you all have to deal with so keyboard worrior is not who I am..
        since i Now look outside the box I try to do my best to search out ways to end this registry yes last 15 years, and yes I still get the same shit you do all the time and when I mention standing up for Rcs and there issues I get hit with bricks..
        Ive given my knowledge and experences hoping to help with questions like blacklistings travel experences visa issues for sponsoring a love one and what to do and not to do
        each and every time I comment.. I take chances and fear to be slapped back on the registry and im sure there are lot of ppl would would enjoy so much to see it happen or try to make it happen to shut me up.

        and as for life off the registry? what is that..cause Im still geting hit with the fall out.. always scruntized at the borders and in other countries granted the only place Ive even been pulled in the US border and that was only 1 time blacklisted as well in 1 country only to be allowed back in when the truth came out and a federal agent was quietly removed from the country due to his false accuastions
        yet eyes are always on me..

        I cant have my wife here from another country yet I have our 7 yr old daughter with me now who I brought back from her mamas home Country, which they as well kept eyes on me no thanks to DHS and false information to my wifes home country.. so i not free

        1 million RCs all stand up as a whole and things will change
        how many blacks took that plunge to expose there lives in washington?
        in the 60s …August 1963, more than 200,000 yes 200k
        there are close to 1 million Rcs
        Just sayin till we all unite nothing will change..

  • January 12, 2022

    I spent most of today, up to now, reading this mess. Instead of keeping the existing framework of 775.21 and 943.0435, Hooper decided to copy and paste large swaths of the two laws and underline everything as if it was new, with no strikeouts.

    If I am understanding the bill correctly, there will be no way to get off the registry if it passes as is. That is the most concerning language to me. Read lines 1706-1772, grab a refreshment and have a seat, then read lines 1773-1777. Lines 1706-1772 are what 943.0435 contains now, but under a new section:


    The problem lies with lines 1773-1777:

    “5. To qualify for removal under this paragraph, the sexual offender must not only establish the requisite criteria to be considered for removal, but also that they do not meet the criteria for registration under any other sub-subparagraph under subparagraph (1)(h)1.”

    Well, those subparagraphs enumerate all offenses which got you on the registry in the first place. They run from line 1157 to 1245. This makes no sense at all.

    Other items of concern, as many have pointed out, include the “any part of a day” BS, and also the international travel notification removes the “5 days or more” language. So I guess it’s 1 day or more now.

    The only upside in this poorly-written, confusing bill is the ability to make vehicle changes, legal name changes [maybe?], and renew drivers license online. There is also ambiguous wording on whether changes to permanent, temporary and transient residence could be made online (lines 1473-1483):

    (a) A sexual offender shall report in person to a driver license office, or through an authorized alternate method as provided by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, and is subject to the requirements specified in subsection (4):

    Each time a sexual offender’s driver license or identification card is subject to renewal; and
    Without regard to the status of the offender’s driver license or identification card, within 48 hours after any change in the offender’s permanent, temporary, or transient residence.”

    • January 13, 2022

      Much appreciation to our Lege. Committee volunteers for slogging through this, despite everything underlined, and extracting the useful parts.

      • January 13, 2022

        Amen! JZ is a huge asset to our org.

        • January 15, 2022

          @FAC#3 Thanks!

    • January 13, 2022


      The “Somewhat” good news is, several Florida judges have constantly ruled that these new laws and amendments cannot be applied retroactively. Several have gotten off after 20 years instead of 25 due that one particle judge stating “You cannot change the time line”.
      That is our little bit of hope.

      • January 16, 2022

        Do you have any documentation on those cases that got off after 20 and especially who represented them?

        • January 16, 2022

          Ron Kleiner represented them.

          • January 16, 2022

            Thanks for replying I just now saw this post.

    • January 14, 2022


      So a ‘Person Forced to Register’ who is on Flori-Duh’s Hit List, moves from Flori-Duh and is Subsequently Removed their State Jurisdiction’s Hit List, Is still on the Flori-Duh Hit List and still must register when visiting Flori-Duh-even that person has been removed from their Resident Jurisdiction? Confused!

      • January 14, 2022


        • January 14, 2022


          And if you do visit (Per someone I know) Whatever address you come to visit, you can expect a visit from a verification officer to come by and make sure you are in compliance. (Whatever that means)
          I am sure though that some bigger metro areas may or may not do this but hick town sheriff’s like Wanye Ivy, Chitwood and other Sheriff’s are sure to be on you like white on rice. But like I said, that was one person’s experience. They made sure he was staying at that location, made sure the car he was in was registered etc.

          • January 17, 2022


            Are you serious that an officer is sent out to see if a registrant is actually there while visiting? Talk about spoiling a vacation and soiling underwear. Who comes up with these ordinances?
            Knock knock
            Who’s there?
            It’s the sheriff’s department.
            Sheriff’s department who?
            We believe —- Is here
            —- is here.
            Go get —!!
            Do you have a warrant
            Why not?
            We just need to verify if — is here.
            It’s —- and thanks for wasting time and for the embarrassment.

        • January 14, 2022

          So A Person Who is Off the Registry in Their Home State but was on the Florida’s Hit List will always remain on the Florida Hit List?

          So When a Person in that same Situation, Visits Florida, they actually have to register? So, How would Florida Know that a Person in this Situation is Visiting Florida? Is it on the ‘Honor System’?

          I am Confused! I am actually laughing at this because…….!!!!!

          • January 16, 2022


          • January 16, 2022


            Most likely, they do not know. But God help you if you get caught. It is like a game of Russian roulette, you can pull the trigger and spin the barrel numerous times and not get hurt. Then that one time, things go horribly wrong. And the sad thing is, in Florida at least, judges do accept the excuse that you didn’t know, and they don’t care either.

    • January 14, 2022


      So I guess nothing changes for me as I’m no longer a Florida resident, yet I’ll forever be a threat to Florida communities for life and death even when my time on the registry expires in my state. Even if I send FDLE proof that I should be removed I’m still SOL.

      You deserve a medal for reading the bill. My head hurt from reading it once and I couldn’t see straight for hours.

      • January 14, 2022


        Yes Florida does not want your tourist money, you bad bad man.
        (Sarcasm) Places right now are begging for workers and yet most of them won’t hire someone on the registry/with a sex offense due to liability and corporate red tape.
        Also, they say they are super short on patrol officers, but still have enough to come around to our houses and harass us? Buck the system and send all the officers back on patrol and maybe solve a “Real” crime?

        • January 16, 2022


          Thanks you torched my halo. I have a job but I’ve known the people since I was in my late teens and they believe the registry is trash.

          • January 16, 2022


            Also remember this

            1 John 4:4

            “Great is He (God) who is in me, than he (Satan) who is in the World”.

      • January 14, 2022


        JZ Should Receive Bottles of Rare Veuve Clicquot, if This Person Drinks! I Will send it!

        If not, I can Send This Person a Basket of Their Favorite Vittles!

        JZ, Sliced It and Diced It!

        THANK YOU!

        Bon Appetite JZ!

      • January 15, 2022

        @Brandon Thanks!

  • January 12, 2022

    Part of what successfully killed these provisions last time was popular backlash by FAC members. Legislators were surprised to learn that these laws are NOT as popular as they used to be. In committee, our volunteer presented 170 of our appearance waivers expressing opposition, as opposed to like ZERO members of the public speaking in support.

    This turned out to be more impactful than, say, studies on recidivism rates, which many lawmakers already have been made aware of, even if they don’t always admit it.

    Does anybody remember differently?

    • January 14, 2022

      As for legislators being aware of the low sexual recidivism rates (which you are probably correct in saying), this bill still contains lines 197-202: “Sexual offenders are extremely likely to use physical violence and to repeat their offenses, and most sexual offenders commit many offenses, have many more victims than are ever reported,……” Where is his research to back up this statement?

      This also occurs in statute 775.21. I sent every legislator back in 2019 the findings from the DOJ’s recidivism report in May of 2019. Too many political leaders say whatever they want to say and I guess the public takes it as fact.

      • January 16, 2022

        Just because lawmakers insert that preamble, doesn’t mean they believe it.

        Some are aware of the recidivism stats but disregard them due to low rates of reporting.

    • January 14, 2022

      Give me the comment card to fill out and ask me for a donation for a legal challenge. I’m ready to start writing and swipe the credit card!

    • January 15, 2022

      No, your spot-on Jacob. I was part of the effort, and it did pay off. I’ll be part of this effort, as well, and we will defeat it again! I did write Senator Hooper directly and asked him “What in God’s name were you thinking”?

      Got to be part of the Book cronies. Lauren is tied up in here sex tape fiasco. Got to laugh, you know it had to be her partner that released the “compromising video”. NOT that I would watch it but, can you say the new Pamela Anderson/Kim Kardashian?

  • January 11, 2022

    It’s another ploy to find ways to throw us all back in jail. That’s their whole intent, didn’t serve a life sentence? Well we can fix that, we hear by create x law and x law and x law to make it simply easy to violate, so we can send you back to incarceration!

  • January 11, 2022

    It includes online vehicle registration which looks like the only upside.


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