Bills starting to be introduced show need for distinction among offenders

The new year has just begun and we are monitoring the Bills being introduced to the legislature. Already a few will have an effect on the registration population.

SJR0074 (joint resolution) concerns voting rights. It says that voting rights (and the right to hold office) shall be restored upon expiration of a felon’s sentence, except sex offenders or those convicted of a homicide, who are only eligible after restoration of their civil rights (which requires an additional seven years AFTER release from a sentence to even apply).

SB118 concerns expungement of criminal records and intentionally goes after those “extortion sites” that post mugshots and criminal record information and then charge a fee to take it down. The Bill would require the extortion sites to take down the information for an expunged record and can impose a civil penalty of $500 a day for non-compliance.  This relief would not apply for sex offenders, who are not eligible for expungement.

SB340 concerns “Transportation Network Companies”, (think Uber and Lyft) and discusses who is ineligible to be a driver for these TNCs. Among the restrictions are a felony within the past five years, except for sex offenders who are excluded regardless of how long ago.

So what is wrong with these bills?

Not all sex offenders are homogeneous. Not all are dangerous. These bills contemplate that an armed bank robber can vote when off probation, but a “sex offender” can’t. These bills contemplate that a drug dealer doesn’t deserve to be extorted, but a “sex offender” does. These bills contemplate that a murderer is safer to be an Uber driver than a “sex offender”.

What if the “sex offender was someone who had a consensual relationship with his 16 year old girlfriend when he was 18 and that was 20 years ago?



12 thoughts on “Bills starting to be introduced show need for distinction among offenders

  • January 25, 2017

    Issues not withstanding, any relief is a good thing. I’m the won who originally blew the lid on these extortion websites to WIRED magazine back in 2011. My mugshot is still up on multiple sites. I have a 10 year old misdemeanor DUI as my first and only offense; but, because I was taken in when they started publishing mugshots to websites, and because I spoke up about the practice, these sites have Targeted me.

    I have been placed on a Blacklist which means they wouldn’t even remove my picture if I lost my mind and decided to pay. I applaud these bills and I hope they go through. The need for relief is too great to not pass this.

    I blew the whistle in 2011 to help people and have been paying for it ever since

  • January 19, 2017

    I was convicted in South Florida federal court for journalistic curiosity, through a public defender working with the prosecutor to get a plea bargain signature out of me. I refused, but the psychological torture was intense to plead without a signed bargain. I had no money for a private attorney and I found out later the public defender was collaborating with the prosecutor. In other words-NO ONE was on my side. All my appeals from prison came to naught. Society does cherish it’s witchhunts and loves it’s auto-de-fe’s. I am living in Illinois now and am a member of Illinois Voices, I refuse to return to Florida until the legal environment returns to some form of constitutional sanity.

    • January 24, 2017

      Phys Ed, How do you like Illinois? I have 2.3 years left on probation, and then I want to leave Florida. I am searching for a state that will not treat me like a second-class citizen for the rest of my life. My sentence is only 5 years probation, no gps, i did not have to move (i live behind a school), and all charges withheld adjudication. But being on the registry is a life sentence. I have found out that many states offer a teared system, and under those, I could get off of the registry after 5 – 10 years.

      Does anyone know of a Web site that lists the RSO restrictions by the state? I have heard that Colorado is not too bad.


  • January 12, 2017

    Surely they have good reason, right? Let’s just find out!

    Call or write. Share their response here.

    Who knows, maybe they’ll have a great reason, or maybe even figure out that they have no reason and stop the harassment.

    SJR0074 – Ask Senator Jeff Clemens (D) what his reasoning is to permit an armed robber, or domestic batterer, or animal abuser, etc., to vote, but not registrants.

    District Office – (561) 540-1140 – 508 Lake Avenue, Unit C, Lake Worth, FL 33460
    Tallahassee Office – (850) 487-5031 – 210 Senate Building, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

    SB340 – Ask Senator Jeff Brandes (R) why he thinks a murderer should be allowed to drive an Uber, but not a registrant.

    District Office – (727) 563-2100 – 9800 4th Street North, Suite 200, St. Petersburg, FL 33702
    Tallahassee Office – (850) 487-5024 – 416 Senate Building, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

    • January 12, 2017

      EXCELLENT research and suggestions – appreciate the sharing of information!!!

      • January 17, 2017

        I can’t begin to tell you the effects that have happened to me as a sex offender, not only am I punished in jail for 5 years, and 5 year probation for just talking dirty while i was drunk to a fake minor, who was a cop, of course, I never watched TV so I missed “To Catch A Predator”…then there’s no date set on termination of being on the registry. I can deal with not voting, but as an educated former teacher who has done his time, I am forced to live in a high crime area and take mediocre jobs where you are harrassed daily. The registry is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! Its like false imprisonment. Every where you go you are harassed and told to hold on a few minutes. I WANT OFF THE REGISTRY! HELP!!!

        • January 17, 2017

          There are almost 1,000,000 in your same position and worse!
          in about another 10-15 years when that number reaches 2,500,000 that’s when I think there will be change.
          Just pray you don’t violate any of the unconstitutional non-punitive laws.

          PS. You are not the only educated person suffering there are many that are homeless without jobs. Since you are so educated why not join FAC and try and make a difference instead of feeling sorry for yourself? If you don’t stand up for yourself; who will?

          • January 25, 2017

            I am a female, sentenced 1997. (Principle in Attempt) L&L.14 DAYS IN JAIL. ROR…?? 6 MTHS HOUSE ARREST. 4 – 1/2 YRS. Probation. So , I am under a the different law, I am eligible to apply for clemency & Pardon. And I did in Dec, 2014.. Denied. No lawyer to help. I am only disability so, no money for lawyer. But, this should have never happen. I had no one to help me. They used me as an example. I was eligible to reapply In Dec, 2016. But no point due to the fact I need a lawyer.. and help now.. Please my case may sound great for some of you. That will never be eligible. But, North Florida has no intention of giving me my freedom without a fight!!! I am Physically sick and exhausted. And would love to have my freedom. Do things to help ppl. That deserve it. But, this is not a easy case. Very deep Corruption for years from a small town. And files are disappearing. Witnesses dying or dead. Not only do i want freedom i want justice. The Internet Laws are making it harder for me to achieve some of my goals, like blogs, writing a book. Websites. I want to tell my story. But, If anyone else out there has tried the First part (Clemency).. Then you know that the Interview you had …man they have every ticket, past due Car Ins payment, any kinda of judgment (civil or criminal) even why you put a restrainting order on someone… even if you sue ppl…seriously..they ask and know stuff you dont even remember. No joke… SO, ALSO OTHER THAN ASKING FOR HELP, KNOWING THAT I CAN REFILE, BUT WILL NOT UNLESS I HAVE A LAWYER.. IM NOT SURE IF I CAN BLAST MY REAL FEELINGS OUT ON HERE. GOD FORBID….UMMMM ,,,, MRS. ?? DO YOU REMEMBER POSTING A COMMENT ABOUT US ON A WEBSITE..??? 🤔 ANYWAY, ANYONE PLZ HELP.. I AM NOT A RAPIST.. SO EVERY RSO THAT GETS FREEDOM IS A VICTORY IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION FOR ALOT OF US…. 😢😢😢😢😢

        • January 17, 2017

          I sympathize, but understand that there are people facing injustices everywhere. Some worse, some not so bad, and certainly people who have been saints compared to you or I are facing poverty and maltreatment we couldn’t even imagine.

          It’s a fact of life and these are challenges we inherently face as humans. If you tether your happiness to where you live or how you’re treated, and refuse to adapt, you’re refusing to be human. We adapt and are capable of surviving and thriving in unthinkable conditions.

          I could be wrong, but my guess is you demand others let your past be history, but are you letting go of your past if you have expectations of living to the old standard you once had? I have been there and revisit at times, but I can without hesitation say that living in the present brings me joy, regardless of the questionable “riches” I had at one point. Live now and be happy.

          For the things you don’t like, put your effort into fixing it rather than being unhappy about it. FAC could use your support and I’m sure your neighbors wouldn’t mind your effort to reduce crime, if that’s what you want to see. Be the change you want to see.

          • January 19, 2017

            Wow…what a bunch a meaningless crap. This man is simply stating his hope for justice and pointing out how unfair it is and you tell him to accept it and deal with it as his new “reality”…well I say, F that and get pissed and stay pissed until this BS has been changed.

            If you don’t it never will be changed. If we are so passive about it then just imagine how people who know nothing about the abuses that RSO must endure even though many committed no real crime at all or a victimless one and are still treated like monsters and in Florida FOR LIFE!

            No way…get mad, stay mad, and fight the bastards until we get the justice we as individuals have a right to under the American constitution!

            Nothing less will do or be acceptable – Lee

          • January 24, 2017


            Not sure where/how you get those ideas from what I said. The intent was simply, don’t be miserable and defeated and that many people in worse conditions find ways to rise above it. I never said don’t be angry.

            I also clearly made an argument for focusing anger into constructive work to fight back. Sitting around stewing doesn’t solve any problems, it just brings everyone around you down further. Stripping hope from others is not what we need to be doing.

            You misread, or didn’t read in entirety, the my comment.

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