Major Concerns:

  • Amendments filed by Senator Lauren Book for SB 1252: The department shall assign a distinctive, fluorescent green license plate to vehicles owned, leased or operated by persons who are designated as sexual predators under s. 775.21 11 or are subject to registration as sexual offenders under s. 943.0435 or s. 944.607, or who have a similar designation or are subject to a similar registration under the laws of another jurisdiction. Such person must display the distinctive, fluorescent green license plate on any vehicle owned, leased, or operated by him or her as required in subsection (1), and may not disguise or obscure the plate. 
  • The sponsor of SB 1252, Senator DeCeglie, filed an amendment to the bill that would remove the red lettering on the driver’s licenses.  Senator Book filed an amendment to put the red lettering back into the bill AFTER DeCeglie filed his amendment.  Book is fighting to keep the red lettering in SB 1252.
  • Senator Book continues to push legislation that would punish people with a past sex offense after they have served out their sentence.  Is she using her office to seek revenge for what her nanny did to her?


PLEASE Do the Following:

  • Email or call the 40 senators (or as many as you can).
  • Let the Senators know that you OPPOSE the fluorescent green coloring of the license plates that Senator Book has proposed in her amendments, along with the red lettering on the front of driver’s licenses.
  • Ask the Florida Senators to vote YES on Senator DiCeglie’s amendment to SB 1252 that would remove the red lettering language and vote NO on Senator Book’s amendments that include the red lettering on the front of driver’s licenses and florescent green license plates.
  • Ask family members and friends to also contact the senators to OPPOSE Book’s amendments.

Talking Points:

  • According to FDLE, there are already 63 registry requirement violations that could land someone back in prison, making people on the Florida sex offense registry regulated to the point that the Florida registry has become excessively punitive. Adding the red lettering on the driver’s licenses and the fluorescent green license plates will be the tipping point that will bring the registry down in the courts.
  • Should legislators, such as Lauren Book with an obvious vendetta, be able to create policy to target a particular population?
  • Why is Lauren Book refusing to talk to reporters? What is she afraid of?
  • Other states have tried to legislate the green license plates and failed to do so (Ohio, Alabama, and Wisconsin). Why does Florida want to be infamous as the state for being the most unconstitutional state in the United States?
  • Why does Florida want to go down a path to place targets on the backs of children and families with the green license plates just because a family member made a bad decision in the past for which they have already paid their debt to society?
  • Why does Florida want to deliberately and blatantly ignore all of the research which clearly shows none of these policies have done anything to increase public safety?
  • Lauren Book’s amendments will have registrants along with their spouse or significant other, teenage sons and daughters, and others driving with a target on their backs for vigilantes to come after them in a way that this country has never seen before.
  • Lauren Book’s red lettering on the driver’s licenses has been declared unconstitutional in the Louisiana and Alabama court cases.



Emails and Phone Numbers for Florida Senators:

Senator Email Phone
1.      Ben Albritton (850) 487-5027
2.      Bryan Avila (850) 487-5039
3.      Dennis Baxley (850) 487-5013
4.      Lori Berman (850) 487-5026
5.      Lauren Book (850) 487-5035
6.      Jim Boyd (850) 487-5020
7.      Jennifer Bradley (850) 487-5006
8.      Jason Brodeur (850) 487-5010
9.      Doug Broxson (850) 487-5001
10.   Danny Burgess (850) 487-5023
11.   Colleen Burton (850) 487-5012
12.   Alexis Calatayud (850) 487-5038
13.   Jay Collins (850) 487-5014
14.   Tracie Davis (850) 487-5005
15.   Nick DiCeglie (850) 487-5018
16.   Ileana Garcia (850) 487-5036
17.   Erin Grall (850) 487-5029
18.   Joe Gruters (850) 487-5022
19.   Gayle Harrell (850) 487-5031
20.   Ed Hooper (850) 487-5021
21.   Travis Hutson (850) 487-5007
22.   Blaise Ingoglia (850) 487-5011
23.   Shevrin Jones (850) 487-5034
24.   Jonathan Martin (850) 487-5033
25.   Debbie Mayfield (850) 487-5019
26.   Rosalind Osgood (850) 487-5032
27.   Kathleen Passidomo (850) 487-5028
28.   Keith Perry (850) 487-5009
29.   Jason Pizzo (850) 487-5037
30.   Tina Scott Polsky (850) 487-5030
31.   Bobby Powell (850) 487-5024
32.   Ana Maria Rodriguez (850) 487-5040
33.   Darryl Rouson (850) 487-5016
34.   Corey Simon (850) 487-5003
35.   Linda Stewart (850) 487-5017
36.   Geraldine Thompson (850) 487-5015
37.   Victor Torres (850) 487-5025
38.   Jay Trumbull (850) 487-5002
39.   Tom Wright (850) 487-5008
40.   Clay Yarborough (850) 487-5004



Every email/call gets heard and tallied.  Every respectful conversation with a staffer is an excellent opportunity to change a mind about our community with someone who has direct contact with a lawmaker.  YOUR EFFORTS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


  • April 30, 2023

    Good Morning
    This situation highlights why I thankfully give to FAC.

    I have been a member since 2017 I think, I joined when I got a card in the mail.

    How often since that day I have thanked God for FAC.

    I must confess that I have not pushed FAC as I should have.

    Yesterday I went next door an d talked to my neighbor.they have someone ont the registry, but I have neglected to speak to them about FAC. But yesterday I did.

    We talked about SB 1252, there was such concern. I shared about FAC and they said they were going to join!

    They sent out emails to the Senators last night.

    And we’re going to get their family and friends involved. And tell them about FAC.

    I am going to contact all Registered Citizens in my area and make sure they know about FAC, that they are not alone.

    Have a blessed day

    • April 30, 2023

      Ive sent to all individually with new subject lines and additional thoughts. Lets pray.

      FAC, youve been the only beacon of hope for myself and my family. We just want to live peacefully. Weve given back to our community and they are none the wiser. We want peace for all and the right to live our lives as all others do.

      • April 30, 2023

        I’m praying with you, and I encourage all other believers here to do the same! Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; He hears our prayers and sees our suffering.

        “You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.” Psalm 10:17-8

    • April 30, 2023


      Your post is in line with my today’s Bible study lesson. It is based on Matthew 22:39 Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

      Here is the last paragraph of today’s study that is so relevant.

      “Have you ever rejected someone for a reason you wouldn’t apply to yourself? If you haven’t rejected yourself, then don’t reject others. Tear down the walls that separate you from others. As you love and care for yourself, show love and care for others”.

  • April 30, 2023

    What about I sell my car to my brother, who lives in another State. He adds me to his insurance. Then loans me the car. Nice try Book

    [Moderator’s note: Book’s amendment applies to “vehicles owned, leased, or operated”].

    • April 30, 2023

      I have my out of state plates registered here and reported on the site. How would they do that? Im between my homestate and here: never close to 30days consecutive. Car is registered and i nsured in my homestate.

      • April 30, 2023


        The million dollar question is, do WE have to pay for the new plates since mine are good for another year.

  • April 29, 2023

    This amendment is like putting a target for violence on all those that will have this license plate. There is enough gun crazy people in today’s society that we don’t need to create any more targets.
    It will continue to create chaos to those who live in a state with the most intense restrictions to live a normal life. This amendment is for men and women who have made mistakes, were punished by being incarcerated, served their time, and then forced to live with Florida’s lifetime probation rules. I will not go into these rules because you are aware of them and realize how restrictive they are. This amendment, I believe, is both unconstitutional and totally unnecessary.

    • April 30, 2023

      Agreed! I just posted on another thread about this absurd legislation. Let’s make our voices heard! Kind of scary that a license plate or a license card can be that obvious. Especially to those of us who are trying to make life happen as normally as we can. Legislators need to stop with nonsensical laws that STOP us in our tracks of making a good life! I know it took me a great while to get a good job and my own home…these proposed laws puts my livelihood in jeopardy!

  • April 29, 2023

    The House closes for the year on Wednesday. So the fact that it was proponed Friday, helps a little. There’s no similar version bill in the house. Keep prayers going.

    • April 29, 2023


      Amen and again I say Amen!

      Will share with my prayer chain.

      2 Corinthians 4:8

      We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;

    • April 30, 2023

      Great point. If I remember doing both houses have to match their bills which 1085 and 1252 do except the license plate. So does any one know what happens

  • April 29, 2023

    I think the red lettering will pass. I don’t think the license plate will pass. But if they both do ……

    Immediately send $10 to FAC labeled Senate bill 1252 injunction. I will be sending $100.
    Reach out and retain two Attorneys. One a constitutional Attorney and the second a Registry Attorney.
    Turn in your divers license and get a Florida ID card.
    Sell your personally owned vehicles.
    Begin looking for a short term lease apartment.

    In doing the above you have protected yourself as you do not own any vehicles nor do you drive you have surrendered your license. You also have protected your family from senseless violence, death and property damage. Lastly set yourself up with a short term lease so when the cases and lawsuits are won, you can move back home. Lastly and this is a long shot, consult with Morgan and Morgan about a personal injury lawsuit against any lawmakers who vote Yes on the Book amendments. If you are really angry reach out to Oh and reach out to the reporter who broke the story and tell her your story

    • April 29, 2023

      Am confused by the latter of your comment as it is not realistic.
      Sell our cars? Move to a temporary lease? Are you trolling? Those suggestions are not practical or realistic. The injunction part, donating yes!

      • April 29, 2023

        I am not moving, very hard to find a comfortable place to live. I’m fortunate to be “burned” into this block after 12 years. I’ve had interactions with most of my neighbors helping or asking for help on whatever small issue pops up (hurricanes being one), my wife and I are very quiet and I “rarely” play loud music outside, I have cameras up recording every second of every day in a 360 degree view of our home low enough so my neighbors can be themselves in their backyards behind the fences, yet they know who to call if something on the street is important to them, or the police often want a clip as well.

        We cannot become a victim of this political abuse. We need to stand up, wear our big green plates to Publix, Walmart, the finest dining establishment in town using valet parking. Having been through this nightmare several times I know this is just another weird moment in the life of an RSO.

        We do need to fight for our rights and our family’s rights too, with wisdom and the right tools. For certain. Morgan and Morgan in Florida is almost as powerful as Mickey Mouse. In fact, I will smoke a hit of my Medical MJ in honor of their past successes for the People of Florida.

        For you just coming into the post-prison nightmare of being out here in Florida, you will be OK after you find an “island of sanity”. Best advice anyone gave me was to find an “island of sanity” and it was not even about being an RSO. In a way, these islands are everywhere, you just got to poke around.

        One day we may need to wear a big pointed bright green cone on our heads in public to warn kids and advertise a political campaign. Seems “green” and “sex” go together, “red” and “sex” is off-limits, opens a giant can of worms…

      • April 29, 2023

        Fight, First of all I never troll and if you had or have read my previous comments you would have not made that comment so Moving on. To be clear I currently do not own any of the 3 cars on my registration, Yet if this passes my law abidding family members with no felony record, no misdemaenor record either; will be forced to drive around town marked for harrassment, damage or physical harm. My out of state family members who usually stay five to 10 days would be forced to get the plate, I can promise you this that would never happen. So would I move out of my house that I have lived in since 2003 and away from my wife of almost 30 and 3 daughters if this passes …. Damn Straight. What would be your suggestion. I have already spoken with an attorney over the phone and will be setting up an appointment with him in the coming weeks. This is the first time I have ever emailed one of our state legislators. This is my Alamo, like many of us on here and the registry our offenses predate the FSORNA. So am i willing to take impractical steps to protect my family, ah yeah yes I will. Lastely from time to time others have tried to compare the registry to 1940’s Germany and I always felt like it a stretch, but now what is the difference between a yellow star visable by all or a Florescent Green License plate visable by all other than the color and shape.

        • April 29, 2023

          Tampa Tribune used to post a photo of every Sex Offender in Hillsborough County every year. Maybe they still do that. My first time famous on those pages a bunch of people shocked who I knew demanded I be kicked out of my college or neighborhood. Talk about a stressful day!

          Public humiliation is cruel and unusual punishment. We who on the registry are subject to that every time a politician wants to get attention for “protecting” kids. Here we are again. Green license plates.

          Every day more people on the list, in Florida most of the people on the registry are visitors from other states. Green license plates will be a novelty for a minute, then nobody will care. I’ll agree to wear a metallic green wig if I could only rent or buy a waterfront condo in my county where I pat taxes.

          Seems being a RSO in Florida took back seat to Drag Queens lately. Who is more evil or of the Devil? LOL

          A black Registered Sex Offender who is a Drag Queen in Florida must be considered worse than a mass murderer or school shooter!

          I’m a white SO on the website and the town I live already passed my picture around a few times. I’m lucky.

          A green license plate is one more nail in the unconstitutional coffin of this entire political fiasco that one day will crumble.

          Morgan and Morgan would make many millions on a successful class action lawsuit. Right?

          • April 29, 2023

            I was at a good job where the public came in and worked there for 11 years. One day either an employee or a customer went down every isle and hung posters of my registry page.

            Anyway the manager personally went and took every one of them down and apologized to me and said he had my back. The next day corporate called me and overrode the manager and terminated me for disruption of business practices.

          • April 30, 2023

            Hope the person who posted the flyers and got you terminated feels good about themselves. My bet is they are guilty just not busted yet.

            These people and politicians like poking a stick at the poor dog chained up in the corner who is not able to defend itself. Thing is, eventually the dog becomes mean and everyone wonders why. Nation-wide we try our best to be good productive neighbors, yet the truly mean and cruel people on their soap boxes are making things much worse.

          • April 30, 2023


            What is funny, or odd or disturbing is this. I am not required to notify my neighbors and some of them have known me for over 30 years. When the Nextdoor app came out, I was outed by the neighbors. So I did not bother anyone for over 30 years and yet now that the info was found out, I am the boogeyman?
            People sometimes do not even make sense. They drive by and stare at me like I have 3 eyes and horns. If I was going to do anything to someone, wouldn’t I have done it before when no one knew my secret?
            ONE single mistake 32 years ago and I am branded as a monster. Even funnier, they walk their kids to the school bus, but when they get home, they play in our front yard HAHA. I can’t even believe the hypocrisy.

    • April 29, 2023

      I also think the DL red letters will pass, but not the plates. However, many people own homes or have large families with small children. The banishment laws in most towns makes it impossible to move anywhere. Thanks for the lawyers. I’m donating.

      • April 29, 2023
    • April 29, 2023

      I don’t think the green plates will pass. But I think is only for cars the registrant has access to. I think that Book’s father is trying to crate a massive sex offenders homeless problem.

      • May 1, 2023

        The thing is that I have access to my wifes company vehicle. We both are on the title. The green tag could destroy her small business. We both own motorcycles and would have targets on our back to be run off the road

    • April 29, 2023


      Morgan and Morgan looks for slam dunk cases such as work or car crash accidents, and high profile ones like amusement park accidents where they can get a big payout.
      I called them last year about a life altering injury I got from a medication I took that rendered me partially paralyzed. The nice lady was excited about my case. I never got a call back. (All lawyers look up your past so sure they saw I had a sex offense and were thinking “No thanks”)

      [Moderator’s note: registrants on this forum have had capable attorneys represent them in a number of matters].

  • April 29, 2023

    Dear L. Book. Your Pro Abortion and even got arrested behind this. Then in the name of Child Safety you keep bringing nonsense laws against Reformed (paid debt to Society) Citizens???? And don’t even bring a Bill that will significantly help school Children with mass shootings.
    Your a walking Contradiction and you use Registered Citizens to hide and blind people of your true inconsistent and biased unjust color’s.
    Have we not learned anything from history.

    • April 29, 2023

      PS. I did not send this in an email.
      I was frustrated and venting.
      She’s (L. Book) getting away with weaponizing her post to feed her agenda against Citizens on the registry.
      I hope the other Senators realize this


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