Major Concerns:
- Amendments filed by Senator Lauren Book for SB 1252: The department shall assign a distinctive, fluorescent green license plate to vehicles owned, leased or operated by persons who are designated as sexual predators under s. 775.21 11 or are subject to registration as sexual offenders under s. 943.0435 or s. 944.607, or who have a similar designation or are subject to a similar registration under the laws of another jurisdiction. Such person must display the distinctive, fluorescent green license plate on any vehicle owned, leased, or operated by him or her as required in subsection (1), and may not disguise or obscure the plate.
- The sponsor of SB 1252, Senator DeCeglie, filed an amendment to the bill that would remove the red lettering on the driver’s licenses. Senator Book filed an amendment to put the red lettering back into the bill AFTER DeCeglie filed his amendment. Book is fighting to keep the red lettering in SB 1252.
- Senator Book continues to push legislation that would punish people with a past sex offense after they have served out their sentence. Is she using her office to seek revenge for what her nanny did to her?
PLEASE Do the Following:
- Email or call the 40 senators (or as many as you can).
- Let the Senators know that you OPPOSE the fluorescent green coloring of the license plates that Senator Book has proposed in her amendments, along with the red lettering on the front of driver’s licenses.
- Ask the Florida Senators to vote YES on Senator DiCeglie’s amendment to SB 1252 that would remove the red lettering language and vote NO on Senator Book’s amendments that include the red lettering on the front of driver’s licenses and florescent green license plates.
- Ask family members and friends to also contact the senators to OPPOSE Book’s amendments.
Talking Points:
- According to FDLE, there are already 63 registry requirement violations that could land someone back in prison, making people on the Florida sex offense registry regulated to the point that the Florida registry has become excessively punitive. Adding the red lettering on the driver’s licenses and the fluorescent green license plates will be the tipping point that will bring the registry down in the courts.
- Should legislators, such as Lauren Book with an obvious vendetta, be able to create policy to target a particular population?
- Why is Lauren Book refusing to talk to reporters? What is she afraid of?
- Other states have tried to legislate the green license plates and failed to do so (Ohio, Alabama, and Wisconsin). Why does Florida want to be infamous as the state for being the most unconstitutional state in the United States?
- Why does Florida want to go down a path to place targets on the backs of children and families with the green license plates just because a family member made a bad decision in the past for which they have already paid their debt to society?
- Why does Florida want to deliberately and blatantly ignore all of the research which clearly shows none of these policies have done anything to increase public safety?
- Lauren Book’s amendments will have registrants along with their spouse or significant other, teenage sons and daughters, and others driving with a target on their backs for vigilantes to come after them in a way that this country has never seen before.
- Lauren Book’s red lettering on the driver’s licenses has been declared unconstitutional in the Louisiana and Alabama court cases.
Emails and Phone Numbers for Florida Senators:
Senator | Phone | |
1. Ben Albritton | | (850) 487-5027 |
2. Bryan Avila | | (850) 487-5039 |
3. Dennis Baxley | | (850) 487-5013 |
4. Lori Berman | | (850) 487-5026 |
5. Lauren Book | | (850) 487-5035 |
6. Jim Boyd | | (850) 487-5020 |
7. Jennifer Bradley | | (850) 487-5006 |
8. Jason Brodeur | | (850) 487-5010 |
9. Doug Broxson | | (850) 487-5001 |
10. Danny Burgess | | (850) 487-5023 |
11. Colleen Burton | | (850) 487-5012 |
12. Alexis Calatayud | | (850) 487-5038 |
13. Jay Collins | | (850) 487-5014 |
14. Tracie Davis | | (850) 487-5005 |
15. Nick DiCeglie | | (850) 487-5018 |
16. Ileana Garcia | | (850) 487-5036 |
17. Erin Grall | | (850) 487-5029 |
18. Joe Gruters | | (850) 487-5022 |
19. Gayle Harrell | | (850) 487-5031 |
20. Ed Hooper | | (850) 487-5021 |
21. Travis Hutson | | (850) 487-5007 |
22. Blaise Ingoglia | | (850) 487-5011 |
23. Shevrin Jones | | (850) 487-5034 |
24. Jonathan Martin | | (850) 487-5033 |
25. Debbie Mayfield | | (850) 487-5019 |
26. Rosalind Osgood | | (850) 487-5032 |
27. Kathleen Passidomo | | (850) 487-5028 |
28. Keith Perry | | (850) 487-5009 |
29. Jason Pizzo | | (850) 487-5037 |
30. Tina Scott Polsky | | (850) 487-5030 |
31. Bobby Powell | | (850) 487-5024 |
32. Ana Maria Rodriguez | | (850) 487-5040 |
33. Darryl Rouson | | (850) 487-5016 |
34. Corey Simon | | (850) 487-5003 |
35. Linda Stewart | | (850) 487-5017 |
36. Geraldine Thompson | | (850) 487-5015 |
37. Victor Torres | | (850) 487-5025 |
38. Jay Trumbull | | (850) 487-5002 |
39. Tom Wright | | (850) 487-5008 |
40. Clay Yarborough | | (850) 487-5004 |
Every email/call gets heard and tallied. Every respectful conversation with a staffer is an excellent opportunity to change a mind about our community with someone who has direct contact with a lawmaker. YOUR EFFORTS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
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Great to hear the Green Plates issue is dead. But we still need to keep the pressure up on Bill 1085.
wow – is that official?
Shows she has withdrawn her amendment to 1252
But like Cherokee said FAC has yet to make a comment on this yet. So she maybe she could still summit it.
If you read this she has only changed it . From all RSO to only predators. Look at the bottom of the page . It says to insert this .
Bottom of page says “withdrawn.”
The House closes on Wednesday and the Senate closes on Friday. Let’s keep praying.
AWESOME WORK FAC!!!!!!!!!! Lauren Book withdrew all of her amendments to Senate Bill 1252.
K not that I didn’t believe you but I looked myself. First off thanks go to God first, FAC second and thirdly to all the people who wrote, emailed, and called. Now if I can get a commission check at work it will be a trinity of good news as this happened and my eldest daughter got engaged last night. Now let’s go win these ex post facto suits
Good morning
Where did you see this info.
Is this info, a FAC Fact?
Did she really?
Yes!!! She withdrew all three last night. Praise God, and great work everyone!
Sorry but until FAC verifies this with a post I will not believe it or get excited. We have all had false starts before. Time to celebrate would be when an official statement is made by FAC. We have gotten our hopes up too many times then squashed when someone jumped the gun based on rumors. Not trying to rain on the parade but…..
Not even sure why FAC would post comments saying that until they verified and made a statement themselves? This is the foundation of legal memos and statements that leak or rumors and speculations float around. Let us hear from FAC on the matter then we can have some cake and celebrate.
LB dropped the amendments!
Look here:
However, HB 1085 still has the red lettering.
What is the purpose in their minds for the red lettering? We already have the code on our DL that tells police or anyone else who needs to recognize a RSO.
Maybe they want the clerks at banks to know we are a RSO when we cash a check? Or maybe the waitress at Oak and Stone who needs to scan a DL to give us a Beer Wall wristband? Or maybe they expect us to walk around and show everyone our DL when they don’t need to see it.
Or like the time I went to renew my driver’s license and in front of 300 other people waiting, she yells “Sir are you aware your DL states you are a sex offender”? I left so fast that I left smoke on the floor. I know she did that on purpose because how loud she yelled it across the room when I was just 4 feet from her clerk’s window.
“Or like the time I went to renew my driver’s license and in front of 300 other people waiting, she yells ‘Sir are you aware your DL states you are a sex offender’? ”
Since most people in Florida can do their Motor Vehicle stuff online, except SOs, you probably had 280 RSO’s in line behind you. 😉
The lady who did my DL was nice, seemed happy to server another RSO and be very kind about it. You just never know who or what you will run into.
Pinellas County is friendly to ALL kinds of people. Hillsborough County across the Bay was a nightmare.
And now apparently we have another identifier we were not privy to. That so and sp in the hologram we see no requirement for
Wait….. are we currently suppose to have a SO or SP hologram on our license?
Indont see it on mine but apparently some have it. Im an so all i see is the statute number
I agree. No celebration until the end of the legislative session. And then I will breathe a a sigh of relief.
Yes, it would be great to get an official FAC,agreement.
I mean, you can go to the Senate website and see for yourself that she withdrew them. That much is certain, and definitely good!
However…. I’m not a lawyer or an analyst or anything, but we’re not in the clear with the red lettering just yet. Senator DiCeglie’s amendment to remove the red lettering has to pass. The House passed the bill with the red lettering included. I’m slightly concerned that the Senate might just go along with the House in order to get it passed because we’re so late in the session.
No if DeCiglia’s Amendment passes removing the red lettering, what happens? Does the house bill get stuck?
I believe that it if DiCeglie’s amendment passes removing the red lettering, the bill would go back to the House (their session ends Wednesday) and they’d have to pass the amended version. I’m not positive, however, so someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
I believe the difference gets hammered out by conference committee.
Good morning
Where did you get this info?
I looked it up and did not find it.
Please FAC, let us known
Look here:
I am still concerned. FAC has given two statements today and neither were about the green plate decision. We are all asking what the heck is going on and FAC is stating mute. Until FAC or someone higher than just any of us posting, I am not holding my breath.
I think FAC is also airing on the side of caution for official word. If not, why stay silent and let us all worry about our fate?
Nothing is for sure until the fat lady sings…
Or for anyone who has followed the Grateful Dead, “Until the fat man sings…”
Look at the link he posted. You don’t need verification from FAC. Click on the amendments tab and you see she removed her amendments. While that doesn’t stop her from adding again, it’s off the table for now.
Perhaps because there was such an outcry about family and roommates having to change their plates.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they came back to change the overall law to avoid this next year.
Fantastic News!!! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on this issue. I’m going to wake my wife and tell her the great news. She will be elated with the wonderful news.
I have sent emails to all 40 senators, individually, including Lauren Book.
Senator Lauren Book continues to proselytize Hate, despite her own unfortunate circumstances ! 🥴
She continues to profiteer. (Indeed she has profited from the suffering of millions!)
She hasn’t even the intelligence to see how futile her hatred is!
How sad!
Love and GOODNESS will prevail, though- Charity ALWAYS does.
She does not have the nerve to tell the truth. She does not have the moral compass to speak the truth, and so she continues to preach her brand of hated mercilessness.
She continues to format hatred instead of preaching peace and love and forgiveness.
What a sick excuse for a human being Lauren Book is!
Poor, poor THING!
Her Money-Grubbing and stupidity will catch her flat-footed and merciless (Because of her lack of mercy).
Good luck to her (For, she will need mercy!)
So what about people who no longer live in Florida but traveled back to see family? I travel back to see my elderly parents, and more elderly and not happy about it grandma twice a year. I never stay more than a couple days so I don’t have to register a hotel address. Would I be exempt? Or just another reason to never return to Florida
I was going to say I do not know how they could impose that on you, then I remembered, Florida has people on their registry who are dead. How weird is that? So If this passes, you need to check with a lawyer because Florida makes up laws as they go along. Doesn’t even matter if they are constitutional, they pass them and dare a judge to disagree. What a waste of tax payers money because not only do we have to pay for filing lawsuits but the state has to pay for a defense when they are challenged.
Hopeful, why stay in the same hotel during your visits? There are thousands of hotels, each with a different address (if you get my message).
If you have a hotel you like, and return to it occasionally, register it as an address. The Hotels could care or less, they just like being booked up. They have sex offenders from all over Florida and entire country stay with them often, maybe even most nights if they are a large and popular destination. I’ve considered listing multiple hotels when I do my six month registration just in case I do want to go spend a few days at one of them. If it is already listed, then I might not need to visit the Sheriff every time I want a quiet break from my work. Right? I could just go check in and already be OK by the law?
Changing hotels every 48 hours is a pain in the butt.
You have to report them every time you go and set up a temporary residence to your county sheriff office. you don’t just list them once and go whenever you want without reporting again…
FDLE’s newest motion in our EPF+ challenge denies that this is happening, arguing that a registrant who travels more than once to the same temporary address, can make one report of that temporary address and continue to go there without having to make another report.
Any members who have been required, or know someone who has been required, to report that they are going back to that temporary address after a first report, are urged to alert or leave message at 833-273-7325 Option 1.
Do it now so we can file an effective response to FDLE’s motion for summary judgment.
You should post this as a front page item.
If i travel to my home in my homestate regularly. I need to let them know each time i go and thats monthly. Is that what we are looking for? Some are greater than three days
Yes it is.
In Osceola, you not only have to tell them you are going each time, and how long you will be there, but you also have to call in by phone and let them know you are back home when you get back. Call “Anna” (the SO clerk) and check if you want…
I do not see anywhere in the statute where it says you can list a temporary residence one time and come and go as you please for any amount of time you want. That is ridiculous for them to say that in the lawsuit. If that were so I would just list everyplace I want to go in Florida one time at my 6 month registration, and never talk to them again about leaving home to travel around Florida.
Oh, and according to “Ana” you also have to report BEFORE you go not after you get back as the statute is written. When i showed her the statute, she said oh, well, that is for people like if you were in prison, or arrested, then you would have to report after. “What good would it be to report after you got back” she said.
FAC would like to hear from members who have been required, or know someone who has been required, to report that they are going back to that temporary address after a first report. please notify ASAP or call 833-273-7325 Option 1. You will need to support your story with a sworn declaration (affidavit).
You don’t need our sworn affidavits. All you have to do is call the sex offender clerks and ask what the policy is in the counties…. As I suggested.
The lawyers (or their staff) could easily do this by picking up the phone and asking each counties SO clerks and recording the conversation with approval if required.
They should have also included the recorded law makers views and statements on SO’s with quotations about how they are going to make Florida “scorched earth” for Sex offenders and all the other nasty comments that are on record as obvious punitive intent, and Ron Books and Lauras comments. There are many of them. One said we should make the font even bigger in red ink just last week, which is obvious distain and punishment.
to Jed: This is not meant to offend but feel your post is counterproductive and may lead some to not provide the needed affidavits.
1) May I ask if you are a lawyer? And why if not you question FACs request for affidavits? I suggest if you are not an attorney that you defer to people that know what they are doing and take this wasted time of posting this and use in a more productive volunteer time with FAC.
2) If you are an attorney I ask you provide professional courtesy and speak to the attorney(s) handling the case to understand why they request an affidavit.
United rather than internal bickering is the best way forward.
How is it “bickering”? Just making very well thought out and logical suggestions seems productive and helpful. I would assume you are not going to get many, if any, SO’s to make sworn statements knowing the backlash they will face by LE. for standing against the registry. Most SO do not want more attention from LE than they are already getting.
Doesn’t it make more sense to use my suggestions instead and simply call the Sheriffs sex offender offices to see what the policies are and make note if it? All you need is one or two counties to verify and dispute the FDLE summary judgement claims to nullify their statements.
Why do I need a law degree to make that suggestion? Attorneys are not infallible and are only people trying to do the best they can. They can’t think of everything without help, especially since they are not experiencing the extremes of SORNA and need suggestions from people who are actually living with it.
You are being overly sensitive and ignoring the logic so as to not hurt the attorneys feelings or upset anyone.
Is it illogical to state that it is obvious that the lawmakers intent is to make the registry punitive by quoting their statements to make Florida “Scorched Earth for all sex offenders” and many other punitive statements they have made?
Is it illogical or impractical to state in the summary judgement that the attorneys have called multiple SO clerks and were told that each time an offender makes a legal temporary address they must register that address and also phone in when they arrive back home?
Come on, we are not children worried about getting our feelings hurt. This is a war on Sex offenders by the State of Florida. Anyone with honest suggestions that may help reduce SORNA should be listened to and appreciated, not silenced by the forum, because it will make someone’s feelings hurt, for making any reasonable suggestions.
FAC would like to hear from any members who have been arrested, or know someone who has been arrested, for Failure to Register (FTR) for conduct that was not willful and intentional, or who was not offered an opportunity to comply before being arrested.
FAC would also like to hear from members if they, or someone they know, has ever been arrested for failing to report a temporary address.
FAC would like to hear from members who have been required, or know someone who has been required, to report that they are going back to that temporary address after a first report, and who have been arrested for failure to do so.
Finally, FAC would like to hear from members who have been arrested for failing to register or report without the sheriff having first made “several attempts” to secure compliance.
If you have been arrested as a result of one of these situations, please respond ASAP to or call 833-273-7325 Option 1.
Jed, I asked if you were an attorney since you are opining on legal matters. Since you did not answer in the affirmative I assume you are not an attorney.
What I am humbly suggesting to you is to not opine on legal matters if not an attorney because your comment that Affidavit are not needed goes against the attorneys opinion working on this.
As to your comment that you are making “very well thought out and logical suggestions” I suggest you research first before concluding they are thought out and logical. You are not an attorney and I urge all to do as we are being asked and submit Affidavits. They will be used in our lawsuit.
I urge all to not be misled by “common sense” fallacies of non attorneys. As we all know most people thing it is “common sense” that a person on the registry should not live near or be near children. Those of us that do our research and are informed know this is not an informed opinion. “Common sense” is not informed, nor well thought out and they will not hold up in court. Urge everyone to do as FAC says and submit Affidavits if this applies to you.
Will not comment or reply any further on this as feel it is a waste of time and energy better spent on other pressing FAC matters.
Thanks for clarifying this!
The law is confusing, and I did ask a couple years ago was told that one could list and address to return to it without having to go into the Sheriff office. I never tried it though.
775.21 The Florida Sexual Predators Act.—
(k) “Permanent residence” means a place where the person abides, lodges, or resides for 3 or more consecutive days.
(n) “Temporary residence” means a place where the person abides, lodges, or resides, including, but not limited to, vacation, business, or personal travel destinations in or out of this state, for a period of 3 or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year and which is not the person’s permanent address or, for a person whose permanent residence is not in this state, a place where the person is employed, practices a vocation, or is enrolled as a student for any period of time in this state.
I am preparing for a family member to get out of prison and all these rules are overwhelming. Just wanted to clarify, if someone on the registry frequents a location, not all day and not overnight, they have to register the address? Does that temporary address appear online?
Just frequenting a location does not make it a residence and is not in the statute.
Do you have to spend the night for it to count as a day?
Seems Like our paper work states “Each time we establish a Temp……. must report with in 48 hours.” It is vague and does not say once is enough. At least not what I can recall.
I know every time I register (every 6 months), they ask me if I have any temporary residences to add. That implies to me we can list several and use them as we wish.
But I have not tested it. 🙂
Should this be a new call to action, if information like this is needed.
Not on subject at all
coming in under LB’s amendments .
It’s definitely something I would like to know about.
Will i have a bail? or remand? Who will pay my bail or help get me out after i get arrested put in jail till the authority’s find out they made a mistake. So many laws, to many to know up from down.
I traveled back to Volusia a few times with no issues. After one I got a phone call a month later from the sheriff’s office asking if I was still in Florida. I said no I moved. The last said no, you were here for a week. I always have to register my travel here in my state, they forward information to Florida. She said I needed to make sure the hotel was an allowed address, and come in to tell them I’m there. The last time I went I was there just over 48 hours. I called prior to verify what I needed to do. The person said if I want there 3 or more days I didn’t need to call or come in. That trip has come and gone with no issues, so I assume I’m fine. But for more than 3 days, I need to see if the hotel is a good address, and appear to register. Not sure if anything beyond that because I’ve avoided having to do it.
Oh my hold up this is coming in under LB amendment s.
Way off subject.
It’s really something we need to know but but it’s getting muddy in the mix of things.
Should this have been under the other comments.
And maybe a bit more clarity of subject.
So if I gave a temp address last year put of state I can go back with out signing out?
See what I mean this kind of comments off subject with out more explanation throws a curve ball.
We are coming off a really highly charged time with LBs stuff.
Just saying
I emailed all senators today. Please send them a courtesy email, be respectful explaining how the green tags hurts your innocent family members. If possible, provide the personal burden that will affect your own family. This irresponsible law will hurt thousands and thousands of innocent constituent family members. It’s important you use the word innocent family members, so they can understand the over all damage that creates.