FAC Member Call Tonight!

Tonight, June 4, 2015, will be our Florida Action Committee monthly member call. The topic of this meeting is an important one; travel for registrants. The member call begins promptly at 8:00 PM EST. The lines will open at 7:45 PM for new member orientation and housekeeping matters. To Join the Call: 1. Dial 724-444-7444 2. Enter: 114125 # (Call

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The Second Class Citizen

True Confessions – From a RSO POV By: JEV In a recent speech by Hillary Clinton, she spoke of  both the Immigrants in America as well as Women in the Workplace as being treated as Second Class Citizens. What is interesting here is that just after Megan’s Law went into effect in a Major speech President Bill Clinton stated that

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Sex offender arrested – Was working near middle school

A sex offender was arrested and is being held on $25,000 bond because he was working at a flea market 1474 feet away from a school! As you read this article, think about this other article (http://www.prisonpolicy.org/zones/thousand_feet.html) which shows how difficult to see someone from just 1000 feet.     ______ A convicted sex offender was arrested Monday, April 27,

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REDEEM Act could give youthful offenders a second chance

This country accounts for five percent of the world population, yet we have 25% of the incarcerated population. We have seven times the proportion of incarcerated citizens as Spain, which has the highest incarceration rate in Europe. The United States simply incarcerates too high a percentage of its population, and that means there’s a good chance that you or someone

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TWITTER TECH FACTS from JEV   I have read a few defenses that CP or questionable material just popped up on my Twitter Feed.. here are the hard line facts:   A person cannot post a pic to your Twitter account without first getting your permission to do so. Furthermore simply favoring a pic or story does not save pic or story

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True Story: “Bathroom Cops” Arresting Men in Public Bathrooms After “Shaking Off” When Done Urinating

A string of recent complaints filed by alleged victims of wrongful arrest are bringing question to NYPD practices of arresting men in public restrooms. There are currently undercover cops posted up in public restrooms across New York City, waiting to catch sexual predators in the act. However, according to dozens of alleged victims, average men are becoming entrapped by these

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“Its often I wonder what new State Law or City Ordinance will affect my Life as a RSO.” There seems to be a never-ending Lobby to make harsher Laws in Florida for Registered Citizens whether we are in Jail, on Probation or in Release. I asked a Lawyer recently, a excellent Civil Rights Attorney about what would happen if I

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