Fearless Group

There is Fearless Group starting in Florida and you are invited to participate.  This is a peer-led support program that has been offered by NARSOL affiliates in other states.  With the leadership of a key volunteer in the Tampa area, FAC members can now participate, too. The program is aimed specifically at providing a supportive community for persons who are required

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Fearless Group Support Team Starts in Florida

There is Fearless Group starting in Florida and you are invited to participate.  This is a peer-led support program that has been offered by NARSOL affiliates in other states.  With the leadership of a key volunteer in the Tampa area, FAC members can now participate, too. Meet your facilitator Daphne on the first phone meeting Thursday November 19 from 6:30-8:00pm ET.  Call

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Member Submission: Don’t allow yourself to be shut out of public meetings. The Law Allows All Citizens The Right To Be Present

August 25 2020   County Commissioners are not permitted to ban any citizen of Florida from all open meeting when the General Public is notified of Govt issues , and business .  Sunshine Laws of Florida  Controlling Force . Offenders have the right to be present during any and all hearings in reference to any discussion of enacting ordinance  design .

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Michigan Law Review: International Megan’s Law as Compelled Speech

When the IML was signed into law, a handful of observers saw it for what it was: bad policy. The sole representative to object to the passport identifier during congressional debate worried that the provision could lead to unintended consequences, including persecution and the risk of bodily harm. Others denounced the IML’s provision as “vindictive and petty”and “premised on a

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Scams persist

A member from Jacksonville contacted us today to let us know that he was targeted in a sex offender scam. This time the person was pretending to be calling from the US Marshals Office. He writes, “today I was contacted by someone who stated he was with the US Marshals Office. He stated I did not pay my registration fee.

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The FBI’s terrorism watch list violates the Constitution, federal judge says

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that an FBI watch list of more than 1 million “known or suspected terrorists” violates the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens in the database. The decision from U.S. District Judge Anthony J. Trenga of the Eastern District of Virginia in favor of 23 Muslim Americans who sued over their inclusion in the Terrorist Screening Database found that

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