Certiorari DENIED in Snyder and Karsjens – SCOTUS and Florida Sex Offenders

News from SCOTUS on Sexual Offender Laws

It’s now official – Certiorari has been denied in Snyder and Karsjens

What’s next for Florida Sexual Offenders?

Our position on Snyder from last week stands. That was; if the SCOTUS felt there were no reviewable issues in the 6th Circuit Decision finding the registration requirements constituted ex post facto PUNISHMENT, this is not a bad outcome.

We now must move forward with our own challenge.

38 thoughts on “Certiorari DENIED in Snyder and Karsjens – SCOTUS and Florida Sex Offenders

  • October 4, 2017

    Was wondering, the attorney in the McGuire case did not cited the troubling statement in the Packingham case. The Packingham parenthetical is a very powerful antidote to the registry. Numerous opd-Ed articles and lawyers have referenced it. Judge Matsch (Colorado case) has used it in his opinion. One Federal circuit (2nd) mentioned it in dicta (http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-2nd-circuit/1870134.html) panel from a state appellate court in Indiana (John Doe, et al. v. The Boone County Prosecutor) read it during oral argument. When combined with cert denial to the Snyder case, I think it speaks volume! That’s why I was curious as to why (even in the latest addition to his briefing) the attorney in McGuire case did not used it to empowered his arguments! I mean if THAT has being used by judge to help his decision carry more weight, it surely has to be important!

    • October 4, 2017

      you’ve asked this question on the california blog too. Why don’t you write the attorney’s office and ask them.


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