Certiorari DENIED in Snyder and Karsjens – SCOTUS and Florida Sex Offenders
News from SCOTUS on Sexual Offender Laws
It’s now official – Certiorari has been denied in Snyder and Karsjens
What’s next for Florida Sexual Offenders?
Our position on Snyder from last week stands. That was; if the SCOTUS felt there were no reviewable issues in the 6th Circuit Decision finding the registration requirements constituted ex post facto PUNISHMENT, this is not a bad outcome.
We now must move forward with our own challenge.
I agree, go for it now. Also, look into FCCC this is clearly “ex- post factory. ” Let FL. be the State to defeat this.
Actually Michigan was the state that paved the way… then the 6th Circuit… then Colorado. So, FL won’t be breaking any new ground, just hopefully jumping on the bandwagon.
Am I correct in thinking that one of the successful challenges to to the “enhanced” Georgia laws was heard by the Us District Court in Atlanta? I remember that the Georgia Supreme Court really lowered the boom on the state, but I seem to recall that one matter, maybe the retroactive application of residency restrictions that threw people out of homes they already occupied might have gone before the Federal court.
Terrible for the karsgens. If they feel its not ex post facto or unconstitutional to hold people beyond their sentencing….. there really hope to any end to this? Will there be a next step here in florida?
Agreed – the decision not to pick up the civil commitment challenge was a bad one! It effectively rubber stamped the indefinite confinement of people for what they “might” do. Tragic
Yes!!! This is awesome for Snyder. It is only going to get interesting from now on and time is on our side as well.
I only wished they accepted Karsjens with civil commitment. Those poor people being held indefinitely in MN.
I had a very strong feeling Snyder would be denied. There was no reason to touch it unless to overturn. The 6th circuit got it right and the SG agreed. I’m glad they left it ” as is “. Now we can move forward with this for pending cases and like I mentioned in a previous post, Snyder is now amplified( a lot stronger ) by the backing approval of both SCOTUS and the SG. Indeed wonderful news.
Of course, the other states will try to say what the SG said and claimed that there laws are different. They only problem with that is that some of the laws are WORSE than in Michigan. Alabama may be a good example. Same with Florida because by action or inaction, they permitted/condoned the ex post facto application of draconian residency requirements, etc. well in excess of the state restrictions by counties and municipalities.
This is Awesome !!!. Better than what could of happened !!. I’m regaining a little faith !!!. Now let’s file a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against Florida !!!. This starts the Ball “Rolling” Just hope it’s not Uphill !!!. .
I’m in!
It’s Florida. Flat as it is, any progress in this state is uphill.
Yes, but let’s not forget McGuire in the 11th Circuit is still pending. The 11th Circuit has already referenced Snyder when denying the Miami Dade dismissal.
Snyder is also referred to in the latest documents:
(credit given to G.W. on September 29, 2017 at 12:05 pm for the above link in the Supreme Court Update article)
Thanks for the shout out Mike. Now let’s ROCK and ROLL the judicial system people !!!!!!!!
Go for it while the ‘iron is hot!’