City of Palm Bay to change how it handles sex offenders

As if it were not hard enough to find a job…

A court victory for the city of Palm Bay means homeowners could be protected from sex offenders working for contractors or delivery companies, city leaders said.

From now on, painters, delivery services or other contractors who come to homes with children must disclose to the homeowner if they employ a sex offender or sexual predator.

“I think any law that protects our children is a good law. And that’s one of them,” Palm Bay resident Hank Crantz said.

“It’s just another level of protection that the city has sought to protect our residents,” former city council member Andy Anderson said.

Homeowner Lisa Velie said she is not comfortable with the new law.

“I feel like I’d just rather not know and just trust that whoever came to my house would be just there to do the work,” she said.

The city passed the law in 2005, but because of a court fight from business owners who said it would hurt their businesses, the law could not go into effect until now, after the city’s court victory.

Bob McClure, who owns a lawn care business in the city, agrees wholeheartedly that businesses like his should disclose whether sex offenders are working at homes where children or vulnerable adults live.

“If you do something to a child, you shouldn’t be rehabbed, and they should do everything possible to keep you in jail,” he said.

The law makes the same requirement for businesses employing sex offenders who work where children congregate. City leaders said they are breaking new ground with this law and they expect other cities to follow suit.



16 thoughts on “City of Palm Bay to change how it handles sex offenders

  • March 22, 2017

    maybe it’s time we start getting together in different counties and at least 2 or 3 of us a day go into the city where these bs laws are being created, call the police and ask them to meet us at home depot or lowes, etc.. and ask exactly what are the special city rules on sex offenders. lets help them tie up resouirces, thus there will be a slower response time for other matters. cause how is one to know what the rules are as they change faster than a traffic light for every city, town, etc… you drive through. so what if someone from say orlando that has a niche business goes to palm bay how are they expected to know the rules. what BS this has me sick. and PS. i do have a nich business and travel from jacksonville to naples. thus it could be me or anyone arrested on these little bs laws made to trap and arrest people!

  • March 22, 2017

    Will there be a challenge to this?

    • March 22, 2017

      If anyone knows who is handling the lawsuit – please let us know. Unless the residents in Palm Bay want to organize funds to bring the action, we don’t have the resources to fund it.

      • March 24, 2017

        Does a person have to live in Palm Bay to challenge this law? It seems to affect anyone who works in Palm Bay, or anyone who works for a company that happens to serve Palm Bay (whether or not the “offender” performs the on-site service). Am I reading it correctly?

          • March 24, 2017

            Thanks for the link. I don’t see where it says that the company must disclose that they employ someone on the registry. It says that it is a misdemeanor for someone on the registry for an offense involving a child or vulnerable adult to work at many places. It is also a misdemeanor for a supervisor or business owner to send someone out who is on the registry for the type of offense above.

          • March 24, 2017

            Still searching for the case – Can’t even figure out who the parties are.

          • March 25, 2017

            humm, than what if the Business owner is the past sex offender? perhaps they give to little credit and don’t think past sex offenders can own and operate a business

          • March 24, 2017

            There is no additional information in the Ordinance Book other than word definitions and the penalty.

  • March 22, 2017

    Not every registrant has harmed a child. Thats an argument unfortunately most people refuse to accept.I have seen first hand how a drug dealer has harmed many children including causing them death. It takes only a minute to turn a child into an addict thus harming themselves their children, friends, etc. etc. If you think keeping a registrant from all aspects of being human will protect children then you sir are what I consider ill informed. The laws today are created out of fear and even guilt driven in some cases, not actual facts. Take the time to educate yourself and I pray this branding of humans will never touch your family.

  • March 22, 2017

    what ! ? palm bay what are they going to do go to every house and check idenifications in employees and employers. this ordinance will have to be challenged this is so easy to challenge why not all felones. we all know it’s
    about money. I think the city would be worried about drug dealers,domestic violence,homicide,any other crimes that deal with felonies. if the people would get there heads out of there a__ and look at the city satistics. you will see that sex offenders are low on the totem pole. we are just easier to make as a target.
    with this ordinance they will have to make this for all felons with this ordinance
    this discriminate against sex offenders as being the primary cause of all sex crimes.

    • March 22, 2017

      Well said Ken, I totally agree with you. It is so stupid.

  • March 22, 2017

    I find this law another example of people in charge preying on the public fears and not being educated on the difference in the severity of sexual offenders. To state that they need to be kept in jail rather then rehabbed is simple stupidity. Do we treat manslaughter the same as 1st degree murder? Are they required to register when they get out? Are they required to tell home owners they were convicted of murder or brutally beating their significant other or depriving their children of food or burning them? No they are not. As with any offence there are different degrees of sexual offenders and the law should reflect that. We continue to fight for a tiered sentencing law.

  • March 22, 2017

    I adore “Homeowner Lisa Velie” – she has my heart….


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