Is de-listing sex offenders even possible? Lawsuit claims it is
News About Florida Sex Offender Registry
Maybe we should call it a war between sex offender advocates?
Strange lawsuit filed in a local federal court: A Texas-based service that claims to help sexual offenders get off the state registry that limits where they can live and work is suing a Boynton Beach nonprofit that wants to loosen registry rules.
“I haven’t seen the lawsuit yet and I’ve not been served, so I don’t know,” said Gail Colletta, founder of the Florida Action Committee, defendant in the court action filed last week.
Florida Sex Offender Advocate Sued by Texas company
In February, Florida Action Committee’s website warned: “We have been informed that a company out of Texas called CLEARMYCASE.COM has been soliciting individuals on the Florida [sex offender] Registry claiming they might be able to help them ‘deregister’ and charging a $100 “consultation fee. Please do not fall for this scam.”
“We are not [a scam],” says owner John Bordelon.
The company charges between $4,500 and $9,800 for its services if they are successful in getting a sex offender off the registry, says Bordelon says.
“But we refuse more than 60 percent of the business we could get,” he said. “Very few individuals qualify to be taken off the list, and we only accept to help those who do.”
In some cases, Bordelon says, it takes 15 to 25 years post-conviction for sex offenders to become eligible.
While it might be difficult, “it’s not impossible” to be de-registered, Bordelon said.
FAC attorney Ron Kleiner called the lawsuit “baseless” and “frivolous” and accused Bordelon’s company of giving false hope to people branded sex offenders.
“I defy them from showing us one single person they got de-listed,” Kleiner said.
I am also on the registry my offence was 33 years ago. I would love a chance to get off of it, But I have not found that special attorney yet.
I want to say that I think FAC is being generous with the statement “Maybe we should call it a war between sex offender advocates?” Clear my case is NOT an advocate organization in any way shape of form.
Have any of the 25 year people even come up for eligibility yet? Aren’t all former 20 year folks post 1997 convicts? Also, as even the 15 years folks have to complete sanctions before the clock starts, how many of them would be eligible at this point?
Florida won’t release Anyone !!!. It’s just something we will have to live with if we stay in Florida, Or Some laws change !!!. FLORIDA will simply DENY releasing you !!. Our Governor is Pro Registery and won’t do it !!. Last person to get released was BEFORE our Current Governor !!. Move away or wait for laws to change. OR. File a Lawsuit and take your chances !. I’m moving WEST, After 10 years, Most everyone can get off !!!!.
But youll still be on this one for lofe. Theres no relief anywhere and youll show up on the searches.
Will only show up in Florida !!. Other states (Out WEST) seem to be better about removing people that move away. Seems like FLORIDA and a couple other states ARE PROUD of having so many R.S.O’s !!!. They seem to want to “,Show Off” the fact that they(Florida) has so many !!!. It’s a GREAT draw to anyone wanting to Vacation here or move here !!. Common Sence says Florida would remove Anyone not currently living here, But, It is FLORADUH !!.
You can move as far away from Fla. as you want,. When they find out where you live and they will your new address will be on the Fla. registry no matter what state you move to. I left Fla over 20 years ago and my new address 1200 miles away is still on the Fla registry. I live in a state that has a tiered system, level 1-2 and 3,i am level 2,that means that people have to go to the police station and specifically ask with my full name and address about me.But all they have to do is google my name and all info on the Fla. registry pops up. This crap isn’t ever going away, not in our life time. I give you folks and a lot of others credit though for your efforts. Remember the antiabortionists from back in a day, the extremes they went through? It did them and their cause no good. Think about it, this crap isn’t ever going away.
Well your right about Florida, A neighbor just moved to Texas about a month ago (a week before Christmas), And within a week of him moving, Florida already had his TEXAS address added to the FLORIDA Registery !!. And back in 2011, I went to Sturgis SOUTH DAKOTA for work(I used to be part owner of the World’s largest BBQ Grill) during the Sturgis Biker Rally. So being the 2 weeks, I had to Register there, And I’ll be Danged if Florida didn’t have my S. Dakota address listed the NEXT DAY !!. But as soon as I left S. Dakota and Re-registered back in Florida, S. Dakota removed me and there was no evidence of me ever being there(according to the Internet) !!. Florida seems to LOVE to Scare people !! They make it seem like we’re (all Registerants) are waiting in the Alley’s to pounce on the first child that walks by us !! I know most other states like to boast fear about us, But Florida seems to Thrive on it !!! They LIE about how Important The “Registery” is to EVERYONE including the Government so they(Florida) can continue to get all the GRANTS and Increased BUDGET. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY !! That’s all everyone (in Politics) cares about !!. Politicians have found a “Cash Cow” and they are milking it as much as they can !! Sure , Things are (Slowly) starting to change, But The Public has been “BRAINWASHED” about a “Sex Offender” and how “Dangerous” they are, That it really won’t do any good if the “Registery” died tomorrow !!. It’s gonna take YEARS for the “Public” to realize that we’re just NORMAL PEOPLE that just MADE A MISTAKE or Was LIED to, And we’re just trying to move on and live as normal of a life as is possible !!. GREED has RUINED THIS COUNTRY.
It’s been 30 years and the alleged victim was not a child why am I being forced to register under child protection laws
If you have been off sanctions for 30 years and you are a tear or two or below then you should file a petition to be removed
Tier 2
Florida does not have tiers
If you want to split hairs everyone is on for life but you can petition to be removed after a time certain depending on your “tier” just like said tier determines how often you have to report in each year. Prior to the AWA Florida only had offenders and predators
It’s not splitting hairs. It’s sharing meaningful and accurate information with our members.
Florida still only has “offenders” and “predators”. Where do you see that Florida has other tiers?
Dont even think theres a mechanism in place for a tier system here in florida. I was a no level in ny but the act came then all were a minimum level one. Made mistake of coming to florida now exposed to the world. Its either offender or predator nothing in between or below.
Romeo tier. Offender and predator registration now kinda sorta lines up with AWA Tiers II and III. I guess the “good” news is that Florida left some offenses as “tier II” that would or could be Tier III under SORNA, hence the “substantial compliance” thing.
Florida does not have a tiered registry. There is no reference to “Romeo Tier” or anything analogous in the Statutes.
I think you mean the ability for the romeo and juliet cases to be exempt. Not a tier its an offense classification
Truth is the ultimate defense in a defamation cases.
JoeM – there are no tiers in Florida – the Romeo and Juliet clause is not a guarantee. There is something in the statutes that says after 25 years a RSO in Fl can petition to be removed. Not sure if anyone has done it yet or been granted relief. I have certainly never heard of anyone.
That’s what I was saying !. Even if you are at 25 years, All you can do is “PETITION” to get off the Registery… And NOBODY that has tried, Has recieved “, RELIEF” from the Registery Requirements !!. Florida simply does not and WILL NOT release ANYONE !!. The “ONLY” way to get “RELIEF” is to get a “PARDON”, And our Governor will NOT approve it !! I have a friend that has applied 3 Times over the last 10 YEARS for a PARDON, And each time, He was “LAUGHED AT, And basically to to “Get Out” and don’t let the door hit you where the sun doesn’t shine !!!. All 3 times the Clemency Board, Just “Went thru the Motions” of the Hearing, And said that “NO Sex Offender” will get “Relief” from the Current Governor !!!!.. It’s sad that we now have a “Government System” that is completely AGAINST the Citizens of their State !!!, Yet we(Those who can vote) keep VOTING THEM IN !!…. 1 out of every 3 Adult Men in FLORIDUH, Is under some sort of Supervision from the D.O.C.!!!!!!!. We the Citizens are simply thought of as INCOME !!, The “Government” has to “PUT UP” with us, Because we’re who “Gives Them Their Money(taxes) !!!!. When laws are written to allow someone to “FINALLY” be FREED from PUNISHMENT (pardon), And The Governor can simply “DENY” it because “HE CAN” is Completely WRONG on ALL Levels !!. And most states are Rewriting their laws to make it IMPOSSIBLE to Stay off the “Registery” if you do manage to get off !! So IF we was to get “RELIEF” in say Michigan, And then deside to move to Oregon, They rewrote Their laws saying that “If moving from another jurisdiction, And you have a Offense that would Require you to Register IF YOU LIVED IN THIS STATE, You will BE REQUIRED TO REGISTER HERE EVEN IF YOU WERE REMOVED FROM THE REGISTERY IN ANOTHER STATE !!. So, This says, That even if you do get off the Registery in one state, When you move to another state, You’re RIGHT BACK ON IT !!. And I know it’s all about the “MONEY” and “PUNISHMENT”(hate)….. But I can’t see how it can be LEGAL to do this !!???!!???. Once your off, You Should be OFF !!!. Utah has the shortest Registery Time(10 years for MOST Offenders), And I believe it’s as simple as Sending in proof of your End of Sentence, And proof that you are Conviction Free since you’re Release (10 years), Then Utah Should release you from Registery Requirements. BUT, Utah has so many other “Restrictions” than FLORIDA !! In Utah, A Felon is allowed to posses a “Antique” Firearm(Black Powder) under FEDERAL LAW, But under UTAH LAW, A Felon CAN’T even own a “SPEAR”(pointed stick), or ANYTHING that “COULD” be used as a WEAPON to Cause Bodily Harm or Injury to another human !!!, According to ATF in Utah, A Felon can’t even own a Hunting Knife, Baseball Bat, Spear, Bow and Arrow, Air Rifle, BB Gun, And the list goes on !! And it’s for LIFE unless you get a PARDON from your original State !!. Many other states are the same !! Colorado and Several other states have a 15 year Minimum wait time, BUT I think you AUTOMATICALLY get released from Requirements once you send in your proof !! No court hearings or Judge. They just Release you and mail you the Release, Another words, It’s Automatic after so many years !!! You don’t have to “Ask/Beg/Pay for relief !!!. We will be moving next spring for sure, So I will update on my Status ! Hopefully with good news !!!.y health forces me to move to a Dryer Climate, So a update is sure to come !!, But it is sad, That in order to get off the Registery, I have to move to a State that prevents me from DEFENDING MYSELF FROM HARM/DEATH because they take away ANYTHING that could be used as a WEAPON !!. I don’t understand this Messed up Country !!.
IIRC, Charlie Christ and his cabinet pardoned at least one and maybe two RSO’s. But you are absolutely right about Rick Scott. He flat out refuses to even consider these cases no matter what the circumstances or who is asking..
Charlie Crist had automatic restoration of civil rights also.
Yes and that is one of the first things that the Scott cabinet killed when they took office. I don’t know if Adam Putnam, the most reasonable cabinet member, signed onto that, but either he or Jeff Attwater had to for it to pass.
My friend went in front of Christ once, And twice in front of Scott. Neither one would even listen to the case. And if Christ did pardon 1 or 2 Ex Offenders, Please Provide the cases. Per The Clemency Board, A RSO hasn’t been granted Relief in over 20 years !!!. Also as a RSO, Your “Wait Time” is longer than any other Felon before you can request a PARDON !!. Any other Felon can apply after 10 years, But a RSO has to wait 12 YEARS before they can apply !!!. Also any other felon can try to apply after 7 years. But a RSO can’t even be considered before the 12 year wait !!. I tried at 7 years and they wouldn’t even send me the paperwork (packet) to fill out !!. And won’t send it to me at all (early) until the 12 year time has passed !!!. I’ve requested the packet 3 times !!. And still haven’t received it !!!. And According to ATF, There won’t ever be enough money to restart to FEDERAL pardon Program again !!. So we’re just stuck as SO Felons for life, Because there’s no way to gain relief !! Even the President can’t pardon a RSO !!. Only the state that Convicted them can !!. Talk about crooked !!!.
You should be clear when distinguishing “restoration of civil rights” and “pardon”.
In Florida, a convicted felon cannot vote, serve on a jury, or hold public office until civil rights have been restored. There are many, many RSOs who have had their civil rights restored or who received a withhold of adjudication and never lost these rights to begin with.
A Pardon is something else entirely and VERY few people, regardless of what their offense, receive pardons.
The rules of executive clemency can be found here:
I do not know why you indicate that they wouldn’t even send you the paperwork, because the application is online and can be found here:
Did most of those “many” RSO’s receive restoration of civil rights during the Crist years? I ask because prior to that, their was a backlog of hundreds of thousands of people trying to get that partial restoration (no gun rights) and likely many more that never bothered to try. After Scott took office, the old requirement that RSO’s have to have hearing before the cabinet was reinstated IIRC.
Correct and correct. Prior to Rick Scott it was completely different. Now they have to wait 7 years to APPLY.
12 years !! Call them !! And I asked for a packet to be mailed because I don’t have access to a printer(didn’t then). They refused.
OK. As a courtesy, if you still need it, we will gladly print a copy for you and deposit it in the mailbox.
I have been off probation since 2005. They did the automatic consideration for restoring my civil rights and was denied they said it would be considered again after 3 years and I have not heard from them since the first time. What are they afraid of Me voting them out of office??? Oh and my conviction was in 1996.
Show me only one Florida sex offender that was clear from registry, and I’ll be glad to spend my money!
Oh and where is this guys brain??? Suing a not for profit agency???? REALLY????? Must be the water or air in Texas….SMH!!!!!!!!!!