Dealing with Frustration – Riots or Rational Action

(Weekly Update #202)

Dear Members and Advocates,

Thirty years ago, Los Angeles, California erupted in a series of riots in response to the beating of an unarmed black man by police officers. After nearly two months of frustrated and angry citizens hitting the streets in protest of Police brutality against the minority communities, Rodney King, the victim of the beating that was the catalyst for the riots, spoke at a press conference addressing his community. Instead of encouraging the rioters, King asked the now famous question, ā€œcan we all get along?ā€

May 1, 1992 was the day that Rodney King called for an end to the violence. For those of us old enough to remember the incident, it barely seems that long ago. Sadly, here we are, thirty years later and just emerging from protests over the murder of George Floyd and it feels like not much has changed. If riots then didnā€™t change anything, will riots today work? If not, what will it take? What will it take to effectuate change in a subject of such importance to so many people? What will it take when the subject is so controversial and polarizing? What will it take when emotion has overtaken logic and you can no longer argue reason because the other side just doesnā€™t want to hear it?

As I write this weekly update, I ponder our organizationā€™s motto, ā€œwith unity comes changeā€ and I still believe that it does. I chose this updateā€™s topic because we spent too much time last week arguing amongst ourselves. We had to defend our organization from the comments of a few angry members and other organizations who were upset that FAC didnā€™t take a more active role in a protest that took place seven years ago in Tallahassee, or didnā€™t have a more vocal role in a documentary that was filmed around that time (which, incidentally, we had no say in) or that even now, weā€™re not more ā€œaggressiveā€ or ā€œout thereā€.

Look, we get that you are angry, frustrated and exhausted from fighting for years. We are also. We understand that you think the best way to get our point across is by doing something radical. Weā€™re not saying youā€™re wrong and we respect your choice to fight this battle however you chose. But donā€™t be angry at FAC because weā€™re not going to take the same approach. Thankfully, there are several organizations out there which have employed several distinct methods and you have the freedom to align yourself with the one or ones that best fit you. Anyone who thinks we are not being ā€œaggressiveā€ enough need only read the pleadings in one of the many lawsuits we have helped launch over the past few years. Anyone who thinks we are not ā€œout thereā€ enough needs to attend one of our many meet and greets or outreach efforts to get our fellow registrants off the streets or support family members who are struggling to cope.

We might not be aggressive in the style you want, or our meaning of ā€œout thereā€ is not the same as yours, but weā€™re incredibly proud of what we have been able to accomplish in such a difficult climate and our plan is to stay the course, keep our litigation active, continue being there for registrant families, actively bring more members on board so that when we ask for people to oppose bills the response is significant and continue to maintain positive and professional relationships with stakeholders from both sides of the table in an effort to end this irrational, unreasonable and ineffective scheme that we are ALL fighting against.

Over the years that our site has been in operation, weā€™ve become used to moderating comments from trolls, vigilantes and others who call us names and suggest ideas for what should be done to us. But the most hurtful comments we receive are from other registrants who feel itā€™s somehow helping the cause to publicly bash FAC or our efforts. It is so unnecessary and hurtful to the cause. We should all be better than that.

Nobody knows which approach will ultimately yield the most success in our movement, but until we have that indication, itā€™s probably best to continue working all angles. We might not be members of the same organization (though you certainly can belong to multiple), but we are fortunately not in a situation where we need to pick sides here. When it comes to abolishing the registry, we are all on the same side and Iā€™m sure we all look forward to the day where itā€™s unnecessary to be a member of any team in this unfortunate league.

Until that time comes, to everyone receiving the FAC Weekly Updates or who follows our website I remind you of our motto, ā€œwith unity comes changeā€ and the words of Rodney King, ā€œcan we all just get along?ā€ ā€¦I think we can. Letā€™s all keep fighting the good fight as best we know how.


The Florida Action Committee


See Calendar of Events – Click Here for Calendar, and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions. Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events.Ā  For questions, contact or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

  • Join the County Coordinator Team.Ā  Only requirement is your desire to HELP us organize your county.Ā  Training for new Coordinators is available April 1-30,Ā  Ā Choose best day/time for you, join once or as often as you can: Sundays 7-8pm, Wednesdays 7-8 pm and/or Thursdays 1-2pm:Ā  DialĀ (760) 548-9898.
  • New Member Orientation CallĀ Thursday April 14 at 8pm.Ā  No Agenda.Ā  Learn more about FAC, ask questions, get resources, volunteer. Dial 319-527-3487
  • Meet and Greet in Fort Myers Saturday April 23 from 1:00-4:00 pm.Ā  For details and location, RSVP to olivia1.fac@gmail.comĀ or call/text 941-315-7914.


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