Does Megan’s Law Put A Scarlet Letter On A Sex Offender’s Former Address?

This news story features the risk – an actual, likely danger – to people whose addresses are listed on the Sex Offender registry, even if they are not a sex offender. This woman was merely vandalized, but people have gotten assaulted or even killed because vigilantes were going after who they thought was a registrant.


15 thoughts on “Does Megan’s Law Put A Scarlet Letter On A Sex Offender’s Former Address?

  • November 3, 2017

    I did not know Megan. She did not know me. I did nothing to her and I’m tired of her name being used to destroy my life. I’m not going to let it happen. I do not mind being held accountable for my failures but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let others’ failures destroy a life that I served 29 years defending.

  • November 1, 2017

    Not really sure where to post this, wish there were forums here (not a complaint! just a wish!). Found this video on the YouTube made by a victim. Thought you guys might like to see it.

    Also, on topic: this is why I never hit the time cap of ‘temporary residence’ when visiting any family members or friends. Cannot imagine having my short vacation taint their lives like this. Have spent Christmas without family for the past many years because I am NOT putting my relatives on the registry.

    • November 1, 2017

      It’s a shame that someone in the US of A, who has had life style failures and paid the debt to society as affixed by the legal system, still must live under these conditions. We must stand solid with each other until common sense is once again part of the justice system. Every time I read about a ‘legal miscarriage of justice’ I make sure that the Orlando Sentinel is notified. One day the story going to land on the right desk and someone in the media world is going to take up the banner and bring to the light these unjust, unconstitutional acts by ‘public servants’.

      • November 1, 2017

        I agree we must stand together I know a lot of us (people) are ashamed of what we did so not many are willing to jump out on the light and stand up for our rights
        I my view we are now dealing with extreme drivers license humiliation and now past port humiliation at some point we will need to band together and convince attorneys to stand up
        for us in scotus
        Realizing that the ones that do may have public or peer repercussions
        There are so many sex offenders on probation that won’t even see our communication maybe that is the real reason for them to not have internet access

    • November 3, 2017

      Scott I am right there with you I’m always back in place before the bell rings and unfortunately when relatives come to visit a week or more their vehicles are parked elsewhere. It’s taxing but I refuse to subject them to the registry

  • November 1, 2017

    The first problem I have is with the homeowner kicking her cousin and her husband out. Thid was a opportunity to educate the homeowner on sex offender facts vs myths. A opportunity for the husband to take responsibility for whatever his actions were that lead to him becoming registered,and to educate his cousin in law on the pitfalls of the sex offender registry now she blames him for her house being vandalized. Btw no way would I sell my grandmothers house the neighbors would just have to get over it. I would file a police report everyday and make them do their jobs


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