Does Megan’s Law Put A Scarlet Letter On A Sex Offender’s Former Address?

This news story features the risk – an actual, likely danger – to people whose addresses are listed on the Sex Offender registry, even if they are not a sex offender. This woman was merely vandalized, but people have gotten assaulted or even killed because vigilantes were going after who they thought was a registrant.


15 thoughts on “Does Megan’s Law Put A Scarlet Letter On A Sex Offender’s Former Address?

  • October 31, 2017

    Commit all the felonys you want. just don’t commit a sex offense.Then all the felones, allowed to commit, a feloney on you.

  • October 31, 2017

    Very SAD! But yet again a Murderer,Drug dealer, person driving drunk killing someone, can live anywhere. & has no restrictions or can travel anywhere in the world. What’s wrong with this picture…? Insane !!!

    • October 31, 2017

      The problem with this picture is that we have the uneducated making it possible. It is a sad state of affairs.

  • October 31, 2017

    Social acceptance to a community or state is awful by having that letter attached to your name. I had a plea agreement only to get out after my obligation and treatment were completed, to three or four years later to have these restrictions put on me. Some one who took responsibility, found out why and how not to do what I did again. Holding very accomplished jobs, and being promoted to a cooperation position for 14 years. Only retire to Florida where its awful to live, what a mistake. I lost all my freedom and being punished again for what I did man years ago. Any one who has this tag attached to who they are live in danger, 24/7. I feel bad for that lady, but what options does she have. None… if what they do in Florida isn’t double punishment I don’t know what else it can be called. They restrict where you can live, they come to your neighborhood when you register, which I do every three months. Nothing has ever changed, no crime before my offense none since my offense. Cant go to state park, cant go to any park. Need to tell them if I’m going to visit anything, away from the house, give addresses how long staying report to law enforcement if your going to be there more than 48 hours. Reporting all changes to them immediately, or you stand a chance of being put back in jail.
    Don’t kid yourself, they do that here.
    I pray each night for relief some how or some way. I am so embarrassed when the cop comes to make sure what I report is my actual address. Never had parking ticket before my crime, led a life of accomplishments, haven’t had a parking ticket since, or any other run in with the law. B elieve it or not, I have even been president of some organizations, without a problem. How I wish I could just enjoy my retirement years, and be left alone. I know of no help in sight.

    • October 31, 2017

      Pat, I fully understand. Prior to my offense I had not even had a parking ticket. I had a most successful 29 year Navy career receiving both military and civilian awards. I had a temporary character failure after my wife passed away but that has been resolved and the ‘victim’ and I get along quite well today…she is my daughter. I still want to serve in my community as a volunteer and am asked to serve but must decline due to bureaucratic restrictions. My friends and neighbors can’t believe that such restrictions can be enforced here in the United States. I love living here in Florida and have numerous friends but Florida is going to have to eradicate many of its ‘do-gooder’ politicians if it is ever going to move out of the 19th century. Hang in there and be strong. Right and justice will eventually win out.

    • November 2, 2017

      I know right! If we are going to be treated as criminals despite following all their rules to the letter and still having more cruel and unusual punishments added year after year when we stay good conformists really makes you stop and think that if they are going to treat you like a criminal might as well start acting as one.

      Seriously…pretty much kills any incentive actually follow these unjust “rules” when you know that they are meaningless and that there is never an end…just MORE punishments added each year whether you are a good boy or not…actually makes you think is it worth it.

      Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results IS the definition of insanity. Why do we follow the rules thinking that it will result in change when it ONLY results in additional and harsher punishment! Now that IS crazy…really makes you wonder if it is worth it at all.

  • October 31, 2017

    I have children and I am fortunate to have means necessary to own a seperate house on the other side of county. This allows my children to live a normal life without all of the drama that they do not deserve because of my actions 17 yrs ago.

    This stuff happens, people are crazy. The lawmakers are for prptecting children, just not mine. Thats on me.

  • October 31, 2017

    This is what happens when over zealous, uneducated bureaucrats get unearned authority. They can’t think much beyond their next paycheck.

  • October 31, 2017

    An over bloated system. I feel badly for this woman but, Imagine what it is like to wear that letter. I am a low level T1 offender, Consensual sex with a 17 year old girl. In the time I have been in my home ( almost 10 years now) I have been shot, stabbed, had windows broken, break lines cut 7 times, lovely notes and letters left on my truck, tires slashed so many times that I just buy used ones. Things thrown at me when I walk my dogs, verbal abuse, once a very drunk man came up to me and took a swing…. That did not pan out well. I have 3 black belts and 1 blue belt in various forms of martial arts. I await the end of this madness so that I may move and not carry this with me. For now, I am stuck at this address, a well decorated prison cell. So, I did make a mistake and accepted my judicial punishment. But the societal punishment has been far greater.


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