He Says, She Says

Law360 reports New York’s State Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault conviction “has reignited a decades-old legal debate around whether sexual assault prosecutions should be excluded from the rule against allowing propensity evidence in criminal cases, so as to aid juries assessing the plausibility of a defendant’s consent defense, or whether doing so could result in wrongful

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Florida, make better choices

By Sandy Rozek First published at narsol.org A 19-year-old Floridian charged with 30 counts of possession of child pornography deserves appropriate punishment but also needs a “specific target intervention focusing on dysfunctional internet use and sexually deviant arousal.”  “It is unlikely he will receive this type of intervention sentenced and incarcerated in the adult system in Florida.” Read Sandy’s article

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Some people feel that more registries will cause all registries to collapse

Representative Aaron Bernstine of Pennsylvania has introduced legislation “modeled after Megan’s Law… for any crime committed against a child.”  Bernstine has “co-sponsors for the bill from both sides of the aisle.” Legal analyst Blaine Jones says, “…when you have a law that’s too broad it can impact a wider demographic than intended.”  This is exactly what has happened with sex

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Courts are not always unbiased

Two recent decisions in Florida: Lawrence Taylor failed to report a change of address to authorities.  Prosecutors in Broward County, Florida, dropped the charges. An FAC member, John Doe, recently failed to report a change of address, which triggered a domino effect that has him now serving ten years in prison. Lawrence Taylor is a famous NFL football player.  His

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Update on Jacksonville case challenging “SEXUAL PREDATOR” on driver’s license

Last fall, attorneys Ray Taseff and Dante P. Trevisani with the Florida Justice Institute filed an injunctive and declaratory relief request for the plaintiff who is being forced to acquire and display a driver’s license that brands him as a SEXUAL PREDATOR and broadcasts the government’s message that he is a danger to the public. Two of our FAC members,

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The Inescapable Shadow of the Sex Offender Registry: A Systematic Injustice

By Dwayne Daughtry (Raleigh, NC) First published at NCRSOL (North Carolinians for Rational Sexual Offense Laws) Imagine being judged for a crime you’ve already atoned for, condemned to a life where your freedom is a mirage. This is the reality for many former sex offenders who, even after being successfully removed from one state’s registry, find themselves ensnared in a Kafkaesque web

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