FAC in the News – NBC2 Fort Myers Runs Story on Proposed Green License Plates
Shortly after FAC issued a Press Release regarding the “distinctive, florescent green license plates” proposed by Sen. Lauren Book, FAC was contacted by reporter Madison Adams of NBC2 News in Fort Myers. A spokesperson from the FAC Education Committee responded to the request for an interview. Click here to watch the story.
The reporter interviewed people on the street for their opinions. One resident commented that this was a violation of privacy, while another stated ” this is an absolutely terrible idea. No one should be singled out for a crime they committed, and be penalized their whole entire life for a crime that they already served time for.”
While another stated “I do think it is a good idea so they can have their windows smashed.”
That threat of violence is exactly what makes this proposal dangerous to the person forced to register (PFR), their families, and the public in general. Who would EVER vote in favor of placing another human being in certain danger with NOT ONE rational reason for this extreme proposal?
It was interesting to note that Sen. Book did not respond for comment, despite several attempts by the reporter to contact her office for an explanation of why she wants this requirement to be passed into law.
Special Thanks to reporter Madison Adams for giving Florida Action Committee an opportunity to raise awareness of the injustices, and to educate the public.
This proposed bill is just plain horse s***. What’s the matter? The registry isn’t enough? The government has to go above and beyond by branding passports, driver licenses, and now license plates? What’s next? Registered persons have to have their houses painted a certain color? Can only wear certain types and color clothing? Have our foreheads branded “sex offender”?
This crap has gone far enough. The registry is supposed to be for people who want to know but the government is trying to proclaim it from the rooftops. Well I got news. Not everyone wants to know and not everyone gives a damn if there’s a registered person living in the neighborhood.
All this proposed bill will do is put a target on registered people’s backs and their families for those who wish to do us harm, yet a lot of us do not have the means to defend ourselves. We’re limited to the types of weapons we can own. I have a cap and ball black powder pistol but I can’t carry it on me unless I open carry and that draws too much attention. I wouldn’t want some idiot who decides to come at me to know that I was armed. I certainly cannot have it on my person if I’m in my car. I can certainly do what I want in my own home and on my property, but what about when I’m in public?
I’d have to resort to hands on which is no match for someone coming at me who might be armed.
I’m lucky that the Michigan legislature hasn’t done the stupid things that other states have done or are thinking of doing, so I really feel for you guys and gals who have to endure this crap.
One thing I will continue to do for you all is to keep making phone calls to your state representatives and writing emails opposing these ignorant bills. No matter where we live, we’re all in this together and I will not sit idly by while the rest of you suffer.
Great mindset!!! Thanks for sticking up for those not in your state. What others in you state there should know is that what one state is allowed to get away with can spread to your State.
So you comment in right on the money….we are indeed all in this together.
I propose that everyone contact Madison Adams and thank her for reporting on this. Ask her to stay on it. If enough of the public who are against it will speak out to the legislature, perhaps they could be a great ally in getting this bill shot down.
Ok so I am proposing a law that anyone who gets or has gotten released that has a murder/homicide conviction must have a Bright crimson red license plate on their vehicle. Their drivers license will have a skull on it for death.
Sounds ridiculous? Well so is a fluorescent green license plate and a red letter DL for us. I bet Book laughs with joy when one of us is beaten or even beaten to death. That in and of itself is a sickness. Getting joy from the misfortunes of others.
The guy in the interview that said “ they get what they deserve “. Needs to be put on FBI surveillance . He has a vindictive mind set and is a danger to society. He has a hate crime mindset and one’s like him encourage violence and vandalism and harm to others beyond law.
These are the kind of ones that need to be targeted.
That is a great point! Maybe we should ask the reporter for more info on that person or just send the article to the FBI and also them to investigate.
When we speak of people who wish to do us harm, please do not refer to them as vigilantes. Vigilantes have a positive connotation attached to them, as if they were heroes, fighting for justice outside of the law. This is not what these people are, they are criminals, simply that.
You make a great point! They are criminals. Just like using the term SO, instead use PFR, person forced to register, becasue that is the truth.
And yet when I was in law enforcement, we arrested the so-called vigilantes all the time. Batman (Not real) was a vigilante, but he broke a lot of laws doing so. Many will cheer for the vigilante, stating the victim of the vigilante got what they deserved.
Unfortunately, it is almost never the victim of the/a crime that does the self-justice act and many times not even someone who is family or has a connection to the victim. Our house and cars have been vandalized so many times we do not even file a police report anymore as nothing is done. And I assure you these people have zero connection to my crime nor even live in our street. Some of them drive 20 or more miles away to join groups on facebook and other sites to go “Predator hunt” even though not everyone of the registry is a predator, and even if they were, it is not these people’s duty to serve self justice.
In one case post a while back by FAC, a person was attacked that ended up not being an offender at all but mistaken identity. I also posted on FAC last year when I was sitting at a red light and the truck in front of me had a sticker on the back windshield that said “Kill your local Predator”. Free speech at its finest huh?
Looked up the definition of a domestic terrorist…”Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is a form of terrorism in which victims “within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship” as the victims”.
Sounds to me that this is what they are…domestic terrorists…U.S. persons threatening violence against other U.S. persons.
This green tag would definitely be unconstitutional. It would definitely violate the 1st and 8th amendment just like the scarlett letters on the driver’s license. Except this tag would definitely be unconstitutional because it will be out in plain sight for everyone to see. What’s next tattoos on our foreheads or the back of the hand or arms? You know like how the Jewish people had to branded by Hitler?
This Lauren Book has done lost her damn mind. She’s grasping at power straws. We need terms limits for senators and legislators etc.
We have term limits in Florida of 8 years. She will term out November 2024. But like most politicians they rarely go away.