FAC in the News – PRESS RELEASE Regarding the Green License Plates

Senator Lauren Book waited until after-hours on the 50th day of the Legislative session to submit an amendment to SB 1252 (#589098 filed 4/25/2023 at 9:02pm) that would require special fluorescent green license plates assigned to persons forced to register (PFR) as sex offenders.  FAC Immediately issued the following Press Release:

Florida State Senator Lauren Book Proposes Special Fluorescent Green License Plates for Spouses and Children of Persons Required to Register as Sex Offenders

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla.April 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — In what civil rights groups are calling both a shocking and heinous move, Florida State Senator Lauren Book, long known for the extreme legislation she has supported against the families of persons required to register as sexual offenders, has proposed an amendment that would require special fluorescent green license plates not only for the registrants themselves, but for their spouses and children as well. Book recently proposed an amendment to Senate Bill 1252 that would require all vehicles owned, leased, or operated by persons required to register as sexual offenders to have their current license plates removed and replaced by “a distinctive, fluorescent green license plate.”

According to Gail Colletta, President of the Florida Action Committee, such a policy would gravely threaten the safety and property not only of persons required to register as sexual offenders, but also their family members and in some cases roommates, extended family, or even friends. “As Senator Book well knows, the Florida Statutes define a vehicle owned by a person required to register as a sex offender not only as their own car, but as any vehicle parked at the registrant’s home for five days or more. This obviously includes the registrant’s spouse and children, but in many cases also includes roommates, extended family, and friends visiting for a week. Book’s amendment to SB 1252 should shock and terrify every citizen in the state of Florida,” Colletta said.

When asked why Book, a South Florida Democrat who describes herself as “an educator and public servant working to make life better for all Floridians” would propose such a dangerous and unconstitutional law, Colletta pointed out that Book has a history of proposing extreme legislation targeting those who have committed even relatively minor sexual offenses, along with their families. Colletta noted that “Lauren Book apparently is oblivious to, or just doesn’t care, that her fluorescent green license plate amendment would put registrants and their families at extreme risk of not only harassment but physical violence. I’m sure Book would say that registrants should have thought of that before they committed their offenses, but how could they have possibly contemplated such a law in some cases decades before the fact? And what about their families? What did their child do to deserve a special fluorescent license plate forced on her car by the state? When it comes to piling on additional punishment long after registrants have completed their sentences, the Legislature just can’t seem to help itself.”

The Florida Action Committee (FAC), a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the public through the passage of rational laws based on empirical evidence, has urged other state senators to vote against Book’s dangerous anti-family amendment. An official spokesperson for the Florida Action Committee confirmed that if Book’s amendment eventually passes, it will immediately be challenged in court.

 For more information, contact: Gail Colletta (833-273-7325) or visit www.floridaactioncommittee.org


83 thoughts on “FAC in the News – PRESS RELEASE Regarding the Green License Plates

  • April 27, 2023

    All I would challenge you to email the 5 Senators that voted no in committie the bills sponsor and your Senator. I would also recommend reaching out to Rep. Daniels, Gottelieb, Robinson and the others who voted no in the house asking them to reach out to their friends in the Senate. I went out on a limb and emailed them. Put in some personal stuff along with the LA Case, AL case and Wooley V Maynard.

    Have a good night all.

    • April 27, 2023

      Thanks for doing that.

      Some of us cannot take a stand for various legal reasons so thankful for those like yourself you can do it for us. If I can ever get some legal closure, I will be on fire for the cause.

      • April 28, 2023

        This was the first time I have done this. The main reason is because up til now this only really affected me, but the green license plates directly put a bulls eye on my family who are law abiding, never been in jail, no criminal record US citizens which I see no way the legislature can force them to where the yellow star oh sorry the green license plate! This is not 9/01 1941 Germany…….. or is it? We find out today. Do we know approximately what time this happens

        • April 28, 2023


          And they keep being allowed to retroactively apply these horrible laws and rules by using the go to key words “Not Punishment”.

          My Dad used to tell me that when he beat the crap out of me as a young child. Then try and hug me and tell me he loved me. Just because someone says it is not punishment doesn’t mean that is true. I could point at a dog and say “Hey what a neat llama you have there”, but that doesn’t change what it really is.

          • April 28, 2023

            Totally Agree. I had a conference call with an Attorrney today explained what Book did on the Senate Bill, thank God it didnt get approved …. yet. I gave him the Orange Coloring case out of LA and the Red Letter Case out of Alabama and Wooley V Maynard out of NH. This Attorney is not a Registrant attorney per se but a First amendment constituional ammendment as well. I also think we may of an arguement with the “Right to Travel” clause in the Constitution as well. But Also Due Process and Equal protection clause as well. I will emailing Senator DiCeglia and Asking him to Withdrawl his bill. That Stops the Book Nonsense for now.

          • April 28, 2023

            Again, Sen. DeCeglie does NOT need to withdraw his bill. It’s Sen. Book’s proposed amendment to that bill that must be withdrawn, and DeCeglie’s own amendment adopted.

          • April 28, 2023

            But if he withdrawls his bill is it not moot. Can not vote on an amendment if there is no bill. I would rather not take the chance that She has garnered support for her ammendment.

          • April 29, 2023

            Ask the Florida Senators to vote YES on Senator DiCeglie’s amendment to SB 1252 that would remove the red lettering language and vote NO on Senator Book’s amendments that include the red lettering on the front of driver’s licenses and florescent green license plates.

    • April 28, 2023

      Can someone please list the five senators that voted no. I had a hard time hearing some of the audio. Thank you. I want to write them today and thank them. Continue to write a Lauren Book to let her know how much she is going to affect my family. My poor husband, and two children do not need this. They did not do anything wrong.

    • April 28, 2023

      Below are the 15 House Members that voted No on HB 1085. I emailed them asking for their support and to please reach out to their Senator friends to Oppose SB1252:


      • April 28, 2023

        Thank you for the info and addresses! I am working on sending thank you’s. Jay Trumbull’s aid, Tina, is the only one to send me personal replies, to 3 emails I sent.🥰

        I included a family photo in my pleas yesterday so the reps could see we are human beings and not just numbers on Lauren books hit list. They say a picture is worth 1000 words. They just need to see who Lauren Book’s unconstitutional domestic terrorism is harming and who could be killed by vigilantes in addition to Lauren Book. Her soul is in so much trouble.

        Thank you, again🙏🏼

    • March 3, 2024

      I certainly would like to email all of them ad well as governor … To me, the ones on the list aren’t the problem, they appear to be trying to redeem themselves and undo the wrongs they did. They should be given an easy route off the list and let them live a life without having to look behind their shoulders all the time.
      They need to focus on the truly dangerous people and the ones who should be on the list but avoid it.
      We need to gather in force and get this stupid list shut down and we might as well start here in Florida and set an example for others to follow. Otherwise soon the state will prosecute everyone, and when everyone has left the state, then what will they do?


  • April 27, 2023

    The only way to remove her constant hate toward us is to remove her from office. No effort has been made to even find someone to oppose her at the polls. Why cant we begin to do that now.?

    • April 27, 2023

      She’s done in Nov 2014. She will have reached her term limit

      • April 27, 2023

        Vincent if she is done in 2014 she must be a time traveler.
        Yikes no wonder she has so much power.

        • April 28, 2023

          Yea,lol I meant 2024!!

          • April 28, 2023

            Still think she is a time traveler she knows our every move and comes up with more and more laws to make our lives miserable. She does not know any of us other than the person she was a victim of and yet she has made it her personal mission to destroy not only our lives but the lives of our families.
            The Word (The Bible) says to Not repay evil with evil.

            My interpretation: We can remember the past so we do not make the same mistakes, and yet not dwell on those we have burdened nor those who have burdened us.

          • April 28, 2023

            Are you saying @Vincent, she is working up a crescendo of legislative motions now to set up her legacy in the FLA legislature conclusion next year with perhaps even more shenanigans? Sadly, I could see her trying to graduate to the next political step up for a higher office like others from FLA are.

          • April 28, 2023

            She terms out in 2024. I left Florida due in part to the shenanigans in Brevard county. John Tobia has his own special vendetta.
            Lauren Book is a self centered ego maniac. All she cares about now is her legacy. Only a Constitutional lawsuit will solve this problem. How is her father allowed to drive drunk with no repercussions yet we have to have our licenses stamped in red? This is ludicrous. This is done blatantly without even trying to cover it up. This is the state of affairs in the United States of America. Is Florida still part of America?

      • April 28, 2023

        Please clarify……

        She has next year to do more damage?

        Or is she done this year? She went in, in 2016 so this is year 8.

        If this is her last year, this must be her last hoorah to do as much damage as possible. I pity her children. They could end up in Karma’s lesson for her.

        Nothing cuts a heart as deep as as going after a mother’s child. Those hurt/negative frequencies affect the Aether and everyone swimming in it and finds it’s way right back to the one who transmitted it. It’s a universal law for teaching humility, kindness and compassion.

        Do your best not to hate her. There was a time I would have wished her dead. Very personal inward experiences have taught me that just thinking that comes back on me. She hates my son and my family, but hating her only perpetuates an endless cycle of pain and suffering. It takes tremendous work to master emotions and thoughts, but it is doable.🙏🏼🥰

  • April 27, 2023

    Just in time for the constitution carry law to go into effect, July 1st, would mean a lot of danger for anyone driving a car/truck with those tags on them…

    • April 27, 2023

      I don’t believe you will approve this. There is a point in what I am about to say. My first 12 years was very abusive. At the age of 12 & 13 I lived on the streets of K. C., MO. I was molested many numerous times and other heinous things. I was put in a home for abused children in Oklahoma. The point is, I have forgiven all who has done me wrong. I am not minimizing what happened to Senator Book. Yes, I offended and served all my time. I offended during a long period of depression during my PTSD. These two bills of red lettering and fluorescent license plate have brought back untold stress. I plead for Senator Book to look past the wrong that was done to her and find forgiveness.

      • April 27, 2023

        John Clayton

        Sir, thank you for being brave enough to share your story, your past and your bravery in posting it. Although our past will always be in our minds messing with us and telling us we are no good, That is the Devil trying to get us to give up.
        I am so sorry that as a young boy you had to survive on the streets. Although nowhere near what you went through I grew up getting bullied because my Father was in the military. He was never home as he always went overseas and left us in whatever city he was stationed at, at the time. My Mom was left to take care of me and my sister and I was the new kid at school usually ever 2 years for most of my life. I was always the target of bullies.
        For many years it bothered me but one day I decided those experiences actually made me mentally stronger. And I think the same about your experience. If you can survive living on the streets as a child you can do anything. Please do not give up. There are some really good people on here both staff from F.A.C and some of the regular commenters. One of these days when we gain our freedom from the registry, I would love to meet some of the people in person on here I talk with in the comments.

      • April 28, 2023

        John, this has nothing to do with the wrongs that were done to the Senator. Not a single piece of legislation that has passed in the last 30 years would have prevented the crimes committed against her, just like they don’t stop the crimes being committed now. This has everything to do with being seen as fighting the good fight to keep those charitable donations rolling in from donors and the State of Florida coffers.

        • April 28, 2023

          Exactly! Lauren Book’s sitter wasn’t on any registry. There was no way to know what would happen, just as there’s no way she can know her kids are safe with their sitter.

          This is THE point to everything she has done! Nothing she does can undo what was done to her. I truly see mental issues in her eyes. I honestly believe she has some form of Munchhausen disease.

          I don’t know how she is with her kids, but she obviously wants to be seen and praised for her horrific actions, because somehow in her twisted mind, she really believes she’s doing good. The only alternative is that she is acting as an agent for her lobbyist father and that some corporation(s) will profit from her actions. We know corporations are profiting from ankle bracelets and the overpriced junky crap that jails allow to be sent to inmates. They don’t let families bring personal items that are already owned. Not even socks and tshirts to stay warm. Greed is evil and destroys everything it touches.

          I just watched Daddy’s Home 2. In the end, they all forgive each other and find in themselves their goodness and kindness. One of those endings that feels good all over. That’s the ending I want to this nightmare.🥰

    • April 27, 2023

      The only reason I am not worried about it is, there are enough gun totting crazies around my area already so I am use to it. My Windows get shot out so often that I just started putting tape over the holes.
      Police tell me to fill out a report online which never gets followed up on. Insurance deductible is $1000 and makes your insurance go up. And the bullet holes are sort of like scars, they show you have street cred LOL

    • April 27, 2023

      Family members carry, too. Self-defense is legal.👌🏼

      • April 28, 2023


        I was told by an attorney we cannot live in the same house with someone who has a firearm. The only thing I could find online is if you are on probation, you can’t. Maybe someone can clear that up for us?

        • April 28, 2023

          Firearms stay with family members during probation. They just have to be locked up. I think they’re afraid when the trolls come around to do home checks that the victim on the registry will shoot the trolls. That’s not the answer. Trolls aren’t worth it, no matter how angry you are, it will only make it all worse.

          Idk if this is different in each county, but this is how it is in Osceola.

        • April 28, 2023

          If you’re a Convicted felon you cannot be around anyone with a rim/center fire gun, but as a convicted felon you can use/own a black powder gun, without being arrested for having it….when I was on probation I was allowed to have my guns, (adjudicated) I just had to tell probation officer when I was going to use them….

          • April 28, 2023

            Yeah I think that law is dumb. You can kill someone or rob them just as easily with a black powder as any other gun, just you only get one shot so better make it count.
            They changed the law recently that we cannot carry a pocket knife or pepper spray or mace either. Next we won’t be able to be in possession of a kitchen knife. I guess no more going to Longhorn.

          • April 29, 2023

            After looking into it,Florida law 790.23 says you cannot own a firearm of any kind if you are a convicted felon.
            Federal Law say you can own a black power gun if your a convicted….

            I was unaware of the Florida law and I’m sure a lot of others don’t know it either….

  • April 27, 2023

    Great comments Gail!!! So thankful for FAC leadership.

  • April 27, 2023

    Who does this law serve? If law enforcement reads your plate, they already have your information. So, again, who does this law serve? Lauren Book: ask yourself if you’re helping or hurting people. I understand you were hurt, but that doesn’t mean you have to seek retribution from everyone else. I hope someone finds something nasty about you and it makes the news. There MUST be some questionable financial dealings going on here.

    • April 27, 2023

      Bet the odds are better than average that Ron Book is a paid lobbyist for some company that manufactures those plates.

    • April 27, 2023

      I posted a story on her about a month ago about her getting arrested and FAC refused to post it. It was legit and verified on several news stations. It was a minor crime but she did get arrested.
      I don’t know her and she does not know me. She was not my victim and I am not her accused. But she is taking it out on all of us.

    • April 27, 2023

      She has already received a preliminary bit of Karma. A 19 year old man somehow got hold of nude photos of her and tried to blackmail her. She found out in 2020 that the photos were sold and on the internet. Now, I wonder…..HOW did the photos get out there? Was she sexting and got hacked? Was she sexting with the 19 year old? Was she the one responsible for the photos? Are there nude photos of you out there? What are the consequences for HER actions if she took them and sent them?

      I fear for her twins for two reasons…

      I don’t think she is mentally stable because she is holding onto victimhood. It’s kinda like the disease some moms have that makes them keep their kids sick for attention. Munchhausen disease. She likes attention. Just look at her photo on Wiki and look in her eyes. There’s a lot of static in the void.

      Reason #2….while she’s out pushing legal fiction that destroys tens of thousands of families and lives, who is watching her twins? Just because the sitter isn’t on the registry doesn’t mean they’re safe. At the rate our corrupt government is dragging people into this ever expanding web, her sitter(s) are more and more likely to either have a friend or family on the registry. She has no idea if anyone has plotted to get in to harm her kids and it could be a massive shock if that’s how Karma bites her on the butt. Her kids may never be safe. The angry hurt child of a registrant might attend school with her kids some day. And they could end up victims of her legal fictions…arrested and go to prison for sexting or whatever.

      All I know for sure is, I’ve witnessed Karma thousands of times in my life and the bully that dished it can’t take the heat when it comes back exponentially worse than they sent it. Her day is coming, it’s just a matter of time. She has no idea how she is harming her own self and her kids with her hateful vigilante mentality. She’d feel so much better if she’d just let it go. Forgiveness and kindness are magical.

      • April 28, 2023

        Lauren Book was raised in a very privilaged environment. She didn’t experience childhood abuse on the streets or bullying at school. She was not molested by a stranger or someone with a prior sex offense. She was molested by her nanny! You asked a rhetorical question about who was taking care of her twins while she is off making life miserable for registrants. There is deep irony in that. Yes indeed, who is watching her twins?

  • April 27, 2023

    Praying for common sense legislation regarding the Registry. Facts have shown it doesn’t work. It only hurts innocent family members. Lord please wake our leaders up to this Fact and Change the entire Registry as written.

    • April 27, 2023

      Thank you so much.

      In Romans 12:17-1 9 the apostle Paul tells us, Repay no one evil for evil. Commend what is honest in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

      This is pure Vengeance on people she doesn’t even know.

      • April 27, 2023

        You are right Cherokee about not repaying evil for evil. Now when the person in question said I want you to talk dirty to me I didn’t really know how to react to that.

        Now from what I gather ministers of God are for good or do these ministers tempt. God does not tempt. What does one do in a compromise. Remember we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood but its the principal behind the whole action. So who has the greater sin..

        I think a review of many cases will spell out truth. God is not the author of sin.Guess Law enforcement tend to forget that for their self pride and power.

      • April 28, 2023

        Exactly. She is perpetuating the cycle of hurting those accused of hurting someone. Harm for harm. There’s absolutely no positive, helpful, kind or compassionate effort. She just wants to beat up people she doesn’t even know or ever met because she loves being a victim. You’re only a victim if you beLIEve you’re a victim. She’s never let go. She’ll never heal till she lets go.

        We don’t know where this may end up, but I am very aware of behind the scenes plans to completely enslave every human into oblivion. There’s a very good possibility that they are using this crime du jour as a testing ground for eventually applying registrations and restrictions for everything for everyone. They passed legal fiction that all new vehicles have remote controlled kill switches in them in the next 3-4 years…in the name of “safety”, of course. All the evil they do, they tell us is for our good and safety. But literally everything they say is a bonafide lie and a trap that sets up the next trap.

        • April 28, 2023


          A pastor I was listening to last year said to have some cash stashed away as once the Governments seizes bank accounts there will be chaos. I think a step further, when that happens, actually cash probably will no longer be valid anyway. People will barter with food, supplies, gas and other things I cannot type on here but use your imagination.
          Not saying that is happening tomorrow, this year or when, but the signs and warnings are getting stronger. Be aware and prepare.


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