FAC Letter to Miami-Dade Commissioners

Earlier this week, the Florida Action Committee sent a letter to the County Commissioners for Miami-Dade County, requesting the repeal of the sex offender residency restriction that has caused over 250 individuals to live in squalor, without shelter or sanitation alongside active railroad tracks.

A link to the letter can be found here: https://floridaactioncommittee.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Letter-To-M-D-County-Commissioners-08282017.pdf

The letter also contains references to recent news articles and current studies on the negative effects of SORRs.

Please feel free to cite the research contained in this letter, when drafting letters to the commissioners of your own Counties.

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3 thoughts on “FAC Letter to Miami-Dade Commissioners

  • September 2, 2017

    Thank you FAC

  • September 1, 2017

    Whoever writes your letters Gail has a wonderful grasp on how to handle disseminating information to the politicians. If it’s you, then you certainly have a talent for the written word!

  • September 1, 2017

    Excellent letter FAC. Thank you for everything you guys do and always fighting for constitutional and human rights. Beautifully written.

    They can do the right thing on their own right now or will be forced by the courts to do so in due time.


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