FAC Letter to FDLE concerning new registration requirements

As the change to the registration statute, reducing the number of days to register from 5 to 3, will undoubtedly increase the frequency of registration, we reached out to FDLE with questions about the enforcement.

Previously, a brief get-a-way, like a family trip for Memorial Day this coming weekend would have not triggered a registration requirement, now it will. That requires taking an extra day off to meet the IN PERSON registration requirement. Even if you wanted to come back a bit early to take care of it and avoid missing work, you can’t, because registration offices are not open!

Below, you can find a copy of the letter sent to the FDLE, asking for clarification on the law.

Letter To FDLE re July 1 requirements 05252018

Additionally, please consider contributing to our IN PERSON registration challenge. The purpose of this lawsuit will be to challenge the increasing number of events that require IN PERSON registration, where these things can easily be taken care of online or by telephone. We already must report IN PERSON two or four times per year, Reporting something like a vehicle change (which gets pulled from DHSMV anyway) or brief travel should not require having to take extra time off work to appear IN PERSON. You can donate to this cause here: https://floridaactioncommittee.org/donations/ we are just over 1/4 of the way there! Every little bit helps – let’s try to get to 50% funded this week!

85 thoughts on “FAC Letter to FDLE concerning new registration requirements

  • May 30, 2018

    THANK YOU FAC! I can see that your repeated answers appear to be going unheard, but I assure you, they are being heard. It’s just that in our situation, as a RSO, we have this sense of ‘everyone is out to get us’, so we are extra conservative in our self-protection, and the protection of any further damage to our families. I can put money on it that a large percentage of RSO are one time offenders, people who made a mistake at a very bad/difficult time in their lives, or as young adults who didn’t really understand the boundaries, legally. Again, I will say it, NO ONE IS WITHOUT SIN, yet those not actually caught in their sin or legal imperfections are the first to judge. So be it. We will just have to stick together and fight. Big win in Ft. Lauderdale this week. It will become a national win eventually.

    Again, FAC, thank you for answering our questions so PC and quickly.

    By the way, if I stay in a friends house for 3 nights, do I have to let my local SO know? ….JKJK, I know the answer. Whether it’s 3 days or 5, it doesn’t impact us all that much. Who it does impact very negatively is that already overworked, super-nice lady at the Sheriff’s registration office.

    • May 30, 2018

      The FDLE did reply to our last letter. That was our inquiry whether out of state travel for less than the (3 or 5) established days requires registration. It does not.

  • May 28, 2018

    What if your going on a cruise? You stay 3 days or more, how would you handle that to be in compliance? What if it’s a cruise to “no where” and your out to sea for more than 3 days?

    • May 29, 2018

      Big J,
      There are so many possibilities – some are completely unforeseeable. If you leave the country you have to report under IML and Florida Statutes. No matter where you go.
      If you don’t establish a temporary, transient or permanent residence and you don’t leave the country, you don’t have to report it. You should ask the FDLE or a licensed attorney to give you an interpretation of the statute. This way you have a defense. Some may interpret the fact that the ship is moving to never establish a “residence” others may believe that the ship itself is a “residence”. Arguably, it would be like taking a trip with a motor home for a month and stopping at a different place every night. You’ll get two different opinions but then someone will point out that you need to register the “vehicle” anyhow.

      As much as a pain in the ass it is to do, it might be worthwhile to err on the side of caution and just register. We are trying to raise funds to challenge the IN PERSON requirement, so that at least someone doesn’t have to take an extra day off, just to jump through the hoops.

      • May 29, 2018

        FAC, Ok Thank you for the response. I will follow up and see what I can find out.

        • May 31, 2018

          Big J. Please post on here what you find out. I was hoping to accompany my family on a cruise next year but wonder if maybe I should not even try. It’s too embarrassing to plan for something and then, oops, I can’t go because of these laws (lawmakers) try so hard to make me believe who I am. (Good thing I know better and I’m stronger than ever before) #tearsfortiers

    • May 30, 2018

      Big J
      FYI, most cruise ship companies compare their passenger manifests with the national sex offender list and do not allow RSO on their ships
      ..all the major oned are doing this..the smaller boutique ones, not so much

      Bon Voyage

  • May 28, 2018

    I grew up in the good ole days when in school…public at that…we were taught definitions and to think for ourselves. When I was in flight school in Pensacola all my possessions were with me; when I was in radar intercept school in Glynco, Georgia, all my possessions were with me; when I was in aircraft maintenance school in Millington, TN, all my possessions were with me. These were all temporary residences. When I go to visit friends or to a symposium for 3 or more days I do not have United Van Lines load up my stuff thus where I stay are not temporary residences. Like everything else nowadays some of our politicians think they can change definitions to meet their agendas. Even recently, ‘spies’ were termed ‘confidential informants’. I will continue to live my life by definitions I have known over the years. I did not serve in the Navy for 29 years so politicians could take away my liberties with ‘words’.

    • May 29, 2018

      Some thoughts from a man who was considered for 25 years to be the best jailhouse lawyer in Ohio
      The substantive prong of the Due Process Clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments secures the right of all citizens to be free from arbitrary and capricious government conduct.
      Since Congress and most State Legislators have been stupid enough to place the “purpose” of the AWA and equivalent State laws into the statutes, i.e., the erroneous assertion of high rates of recidivism, and all empirical data is in opposite, the laws are subject to challenge.
      My research finds no lawsuit that focuses solely on the question of whether or not the registration laws are arbitrary laws in violation of substantive due process rights.
      There is a line of law on arbitrary laws. It states that any law which was passed based upon a belief in erroneous facts by the legislative body is an arbitrary law and unconstitutional.

  • May 27, 2018

    what is the challenge to this new law.? this sounds just like all the other
    challenges to retroactive cases. we know that the state of florida will push any laws and get away with until they are challenged. even if they know the laws are unconstitutional. I am sorry I will not stand in the front line because I have a wife, grown children and grandchildren and
    will not put them in harms way. please for give me. I am a rso with no job. my wife is only one working.

  • May 27, 2018

    This thing is so confusing that I would just rather stay put. sigh

  • May 27, 2018

    I did an on-going but I wasn’t sure what to choose so I opted for general fund. I hope that means you can use it where needed?


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