FAC Letter to Nextdoor.com
Unlike some social media platforms that prevent someone on the registry from creating an account, Nextdoor.com prevents anyone in the same household as a sex offender from creating an account. That includes, spouses, children, roommates and anyone else who happens to share the same address as a registrant.
In response to inquiries from members, Nextdoor claims that this policy is a condition of the public entities (law enforcement, municipalities, etc.) that they partner with.
FAC sent the following letter to Nextdoor.com, inviting them to reconsider their policy in light of the recent Packingham decision.
I Cut, copy & pasted the letter to Nextdoor from FAC and this is their response to me. Notice there is no mention about the “500 police stations”….. Or the families that are effected.
If FAC needs me to send this to them personally, I will; just let me know.
APR 12, 2018 | 02:59PM PDT
Victor replied:
Hi Sean,
I can certainly understand how important it is to be connected to your local Nextdoor community.
On that note, I will follow up with our legal department to review the court case you guided us to. We want to make sure we’re in compliance with the law and also do what’s right for the community.
While we probably won’t be changing our policies until we’ve done a thorough review of the Supreme Court decision, we appreciate your candor and patience with our process.
OK – this seems to be a step in the right direction. Perhaps we can come up with an amicable resolution?
What makes me mad is the asked for my email address before they denied me access. Now they have my email address which was not public.
wow – it sounds like they are somehow searching to match names with the list all the time – or searching for addresses – sounds to me like someone is obsessed! I usually do not feel vindictive but becasue I found it to be nothing but a big hole of gossip and busy bodies (boy LE has a gold mine there!) I would love to see them fail.
Do non registrants have any legal recourse #1 and seconly didn’t the courts say social media is a first amendment right
Sounds to me like next door buckled to their “partners”,that’s where we should start ,finding which public entities are making them use this tos any vote them out
Next door is lying no one is forcing them to exclude registrants. It sounds good to cover up their blatant and massive discriminatory policies and they were hoping no one would inquire any further but boy were they wrong. I’m very interested in their response if they have the guts to give one
I’m sorry, but what the heck is Nextdoor? Never heard of it. And actually, I deleted all of my social media. Besides it being an enormous waste of time, it was found in light of these Facebook proceedings, that these companies are using our data for nefarious purposes. So as an RSO, that’s an even better reason NOT to use social media. Yeah, I enjoyed seeing what my friends and family were doing, but it gets old after a while. I’d rather just give my number to someone and say, hey, just text me LOL. But anytime there’s something to fight, I’m all for it. Great letter as usual Gail.
Lmao. omg… I thought that same exact thing and was going to write something, but didn’t want to seem foolish. I’ve never heard of them either until now.
I’ve never heard of it either and Just the name Nextdoor.com by itself seems really shady enough and somewhat creepy. Sounds like the title of a B-rated horror film of some loser stalker gathering info on the private lives of your neighbors from his basement to do goodness knows what.
It seems that I am not the only one on here who has been outed by Nextdoor.
IF you have ANY correspondence pertaining to Nextdoor violating your (or your families) rights, PLEASE forward this to FAC legal dept.
I personally that this small, but Nationwide Company has stepped in the proverbial “pile of Doggy DOO-DOO!”
This could be the IN we have been looking for to lever bigger companies to stop abusing our rights.
Handled properly, this could become big. Start with one (or a few) plaintiff’s and begin discovery. Once documents are obtained (the evidence) will find other people who need to to be added as plaintiff’s and new additions (additional complaints) to the original complaint.
People love to talk about others on sites like that. What do you bet there is a lot we can use.
mh- you are correct. People (even the ones you meet and they seem nice) can turn into vindictive haters at the drop of the hat. When my son was arrested the rumor in the neighborhood were absolutely crazy! Picture this a barely 19 yr old young man, a fifty something woman. and an 80 something women (lived in the same house for 40 yrs) the young man lived there for the majority of his life – but all of the sudden (I was not there but neighbors told me) our house became a CP manufacturing home where we had children imprisoned and were producing CP (my son was not even charged with that for goodness sake) but this was discussed at a Homeowners association meeting! The discussion was about how to get us out! lol My mother owns her home and has been there longer than any of those asses! lol Oh and I forgot the gay part…they also discussed that my son and his friend down the street were gay and so the CP house was a gay child molesting CP producing ring! It was unbelievable! Can you imagine what the talk would be like on the ND app?
Sites like Nextdoor.com foster rumors just like that Karen. Because they exclude the Registered Citizen AND anyone who lives at that address, gives rise to a “need to know” just to see how many civil law suits should/could be filed. I am sure Florida is not the only state where this happens. A suit like this is filed in the federal court as Nextdoor.com HQ is in California. I wonder if Nexdoor.com can be held liable for their members posts??
Interesting that their policies outlined here https://help.nextdoor.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2467402#shaming
They have strict policies against public shaming, discrimination, and personal vendettas. I guess what they’re doing to us doesn’t count.