FAC Letter to Nextdoor.com
Unlike some social media platforms that prevent someone on the registry from creating an account, Nextdoor.com prevents anyone in the same household as a sex offender from creating an account. That includes, spouses, children, roommates and anyone else who happens to share the same address as a registrant.
In response to inquiries from members, Nextdoor claims that this policy is a condition of the public entities (law enforcement, municipalities, etc.) that they partner with.
FAC sent the following letter to Nextdoor.com, inviting them to reconsider their policy in light of the recent Packingham decision.
Nextdoor content is moderated by Nextdoor neighborhood leads, not leftist employees.
@jacob, nextdoor leads can remove content but they cannot disable your account or suspend anyone. Only next-door support “agents” can do that. Also, you can report leads to support@nextdoor.com
How did you get an account in the first place? I tried to get an account to see what was being said about me. (Because of the new issues I was having after nextdoor came to my hood)
As soon as I made the account and entered my address it popped up saying ” This address is not eligible for an account”. Nextdoor automatically blocks all known registered addresses so did they just miss yours somehow?
I would like info as well as how to sign up. I received a letter as well and my address is blocked. What can I do about this?
You have no actionable cause because you’ve paid exactly nothing to be a member.
The company receives no taxpayer money so, again you have no remedy in a court of law
If they’re managed, moderated & populated by racist profilers then why do you return to their site?
They have the same 1st Amendment right to offend that you do. This is their private forum: Do you pay their rent? Have you paid anything to join their forum?
Their private forum, their rules. If their religious, political & social values differ from
yours find a forum or network of like-minded people and WALK AWAY. Over time they’ll achieve the reputation they deserve. They sound repulsive! I’m so glad I researched them before joining.
For me, it’s for evidence gathering for a court case. It’s either join or pay someone to join on your behalf.
How about if they use your personal information, without your consent, by mail (not email) to get people to join? The postmark is from the other side of the country, I would say that is a federal crime that would hold up in court.
You can’t walk away from them. Once you open an account, you are in there for life. You can delete your posts and comments but they keep your personal info and not-really-private “private” messages forever. They won’t delete your account if you request that; they lie openly and persecute dissenters. They kept my account after I defied them but blocked my access to it and there’s not a darned thing I can do. Anyone want to start a class-action lawsuit for invasion of privacy, data hoarding, violation of their own terms of service, etc? I AM IN FOR THAT!!!!
How do we start a class action suit?
as one computer expert told ME….do “THE SAME’ to next door, as ‘they’ did with the Colonial Pipeline (read through the lines)
Get them at their ISP Jugular! Then split the bitcoin pie with others!
(why pay the vultures, aka, the attorneys, when u can put it all in your OWN wallet)
No one should even desire to become a member of an organization like Nextdoor anyway. They aren’t worth the trouble or expense of a lawsuit. Unfortunately, they DO have the right to pick and choose who they accept as members. It’s called freedom of association, and the union busting Supreme Court that we have today is not going to take that right away from them. A class action discrimination lawsuit only works where you have a recognized protected class, and registered offenders are NOT such a class. The better course would be to create a NEW social network geared toward neighborhood interaction that DOESN’T discriminate against anyone. Competition is a great tool for persuasion.
Yes I think we have figured out that the bullies are the administrators of ND in Venice. I reported at least 20 of their comments and also wrote a letter to admin and I was banned, not them. So I believe the bullies are the admins of ND.
I totally agree with you! They are bullies. Having a black family myself I described a black kid in my neighborhood who went up to a woman waiting for the bus and ripped the necklace off her neck! Now NextDoor has cut me off for reporting this to our neighbourhood!! Unbelievable!!!
I agree. And now, a nextdoor lead has been arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. What kind of operation are these people running??
Wow Ricki, you just said a lot! It’s difficult for me to wrap my head around such a lovely place as Venice as harboring such awful people!
The leads can only do so much. The real problem is the organization is run by left-wing liberals from their main office in San Francisco. I believe their support “agents”, the people that can suspend your account for violating community guidelines, have got to be first-year washouts from Berkley. Their guidelines are vague and they interpret them to suit their agenda. I never deal with a lead I email support@nextdoor.com to find out why I was suspended.
We need to go after their sponsors. I’M UP FOR THAT!
I would like to know if anything has been done as well. I am in NC and would like to be apart of the cause.
NextDoor is a horrible site. Freedom of speech, diversity of thought are not allowed. You end up having one little cliche of nasty bullies that gang up and attack anyone they disagree with. I honestly never knew most of my neighbors because I live in rural area, but after seeing how so many of them act, I want nothing to do with them. In fact, my doctor referred my to physical therapy and I chose not to go in my own town because the people there are so unlikable and one of them that often shoots his mouth off is a physical therapist.
Yesterday I posted a simply link to factual information, and within minutes the same usual bullies all jumped in making asinine remarks and personally attacking me. One particularly rude person posted a link to a website to self-help for schizophrenics, implying that I was one. Just unbelievable.
Then I wake up in the morning and the nextdoor nazis have banned my account. They don’t even bother to tell you that you are banned. No email. Not even a message when you try to login. Another neighbor told me he got banned the same way and it was because “a bunch of people (likely the same group of little bullies) complained”.
I absolutely agree. I’ve had similar experiences. This is a horrible site with “leads” that have no respect for any opinion different from their own. The nextdoor in south venice, florida is the most discriminatory websife i have encountered.
I totally agree Henry. I followed all the rules and was very careful about what I said and was still suspended. I appealed twice saying that my freedom of speech was infringed on and asked my lead to respond to my complaint but it was useless. When I get back on I will have a lot to say and I don’t care if I’m permanently suspended.
That’s their biggest way they screw with you, when you have been suspended you lose all access to the site so you can’t even talk to people on there that are on your side.
We need to organize and write all the companies that place ads on their newsfeed and threaten boycotts. That would be quicker, easier, cheaper, more effective than trying to sue.
Threatening cancellation is the thing now, use their own medicine on them! Get their sponsors to cancel their advertising with them.
Yes!!! Agree totally as that has been my awful experience as well.
I have just been banned for the third time in 6 months, with no explanation why. Any time I post or reply to anything, the same half dozen or so bullies attack me, call me names, and are just plain ugly. They do it to other women too, so recently, I started reporting these people. I never see any of them go away, nor do I get any response from Next door, but for them to instead ban me.
Is there any way to reach a real person there? The only thing I have is their “support@” email address, but I get no support whatsoever. This is beyond frustrating!…Does anyone know why they allow this bullying of minorities, women, and liberal leaning members? It’s just wrong! It’s as if it is a trump property. …smh
I googled who owns nextdoor.com , it list key people like the ceo which has a face book page that clearly states she works there. Maybe post to all key people on their facebook pages would get something moving. Im not mentioning names but a lot of the co-founders are listed and openly have facebook, let them know how you feel.
I don’t think they care. We need to get the companies that place ads and pay them money to stop doing business with nextdoor. THAT WOULD GET THEIR ATTENTION. Organize a letter-writing campaign.
How do we do that?
They think they are untouchable and can treat people however they feel like and I really don’t like bullies!
That is very odd … because the area I live in , I experience the complete opposite .. I guess it all depends on where you live … mob rules !
Nextdoor is a liberal based organization based from sf so anything that is happening in your community that is the result of liberal policy u are not allowed to call out for what it is they claim to care bout the neighborhood I was banned for stating what the sheriff dept policy is on defending yourself when I let them know about what they could do legally I was quickly banned
NO IT IS NOT A LIBERAL ANYTHING!!! I AM LIBERAL and they banned me! Take your stupid right wing biased ass somewhere else!
I had the same experience. I was banned because I happen to be a Democrat in a community of MAGA types. They goaded me into discussing politics, then the entire group of Magas filed complaints against me. Diversity of opinions is forbidden on Next door.com.
You are part of the problem
Part of what problem? This is a forum for advocating for registrants and their families.
David Chapman,
There very well be “right wing bias” when it comes to laws and crimes but don’t sit there patting yourself on the back as if your liberal buddies are any better. Liberals are bias about EVERYTHING. So much for your “tolerance” motto, eh?
Neither political party is going to be open minded about sex offenses. Period! Especially the liberals who think everyone with a penis is a rapist.
As for the “right wingers”, just call them out on their wonderful Christianity. Ask them where all the forgiveness and redemption in Jesus is. I guess they reserve that for petty “crimes” like running a red light. But don’t get too comfortable with the liberals. They’ll turn on you faster than a rabid dog. And no, you cannot defend their actions. It’s a fact.
I disagree, strongly. Nextdoor is most definitely leftist, to the degree of Marxism. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….its a San Francisco liberal. Hard to live on streets strewn with crap and hypodermics.
It is amazing how hard it is for politically minded folks to admit the part of the political spectrum they swear fealty to does not give a damn about them.
Right wingers love “tough on crime” laws and “zero tolerance” policies and their perceived moral superiority. Left wingers love “justice” for “victims” and will tolerate tough on crime when it advances the agenda of a chosen minority. So both sides greatly benefit from sex offense registry and related laws.
However, what are the worst states in the US for Registered persons? Conservative states like Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana top the list. The so-called bible belt. Are you aware that the left leaning SCOTUS justices have often voted against SOR laws? Right leaning folks tend to be more defensive about these facts.
Stop pretending the pols you blindly swear fealty to care about you. You can meet them and they will smile and tell you they will take your words under advisement, then do the same routine to your opponent.
While this is a political issue, meaning causes division by causing people to pick a side, it is not really a “leftist” anything. The word “leftist” is just an aspect of the fraud system.
There is NO left or right wing anything. It’s the head that controls the pseudo wings, constantly flapping them about, creating division and distraction from what the head is doing.
The majority of humans, mostly Americans, don’t know the real history and who is ultimately the head. Yes, all roads lead to Rome, but the identities of the ancient controllers are jews. They’ve told the world they’re “God’s chosen”, as if “God” is a racist bigot, and that the world belongs to them.
Then they made “anti-semetism” a bad thing, while they create all sorts of divisions around the planet intended to cause people to fight amongst themselves, including all racial divisions except for their own, inducing judgement on categorized humans, such as “registered citizens”.
Hitler was actually a hero. He knew who were the parasite jewish bankers and about their NWO goal of world dominance. People don’t know just how much of the world is owned by Lord Rothschild and family. It’s in double digit trillions of $$. Hitler tried to stop it and that’s why not only his German people supported him, also Austria, origin of the Rothschilds, and other countries supported him.
There was a manmade famine event in Ukraine prior to Hitler that killed millions of christians. Research The Holodomer: The Jewish genocide of Christian Ukrainians. You’ve never heard about this one. It was this event that inspired Hitler to go after the Jews. These people didn’t call themselves Jews till around 1860, after the mud floods, another even caused by the jews.
The jews are the NWO engineers. They run Hollywood, they’re running our government, they’re behind the current genocidal injections. They infiltrated the vatican. They’ve sacrificed babies for God knows how long. Adrenachrome is a jewish practice of violently abusing babies and children and then harvesting the adrenal filled blood for a high that is said to be like no other, and is said to be anti-aging. These parasites are writing laws, like “SO” laws, for profit.
The word “jewelry” originated with them. They own all the big jewelry stores…diamond mines and so much more. They have no regard for life and there is evidence to support they aren’t originally from Earth. Research the origins of rh negative blood. There is no earthly origin for this blood factor. WHY?
This is why they are never prosecuted for their crimes. They wrote laws to govern the “goyim” that do not apply to them. Based on evidence that has surfaced, they are the original pedofiles and they’ve created a system and laws to persecute and profit from their proliferation of what they call “perversions”.
This is why we’re hearing the cry of anti-semetism so much lately. The evidence is overwhelming, Lost history surfacing, and they know their time is short…we KNOW who they are now, and we know the genocide jab is the next phase.
@david chapman, sorry you are a liberal but that just means you are uninformed about next-door like you are about most other left-wing things. Maybe nextdoor banned you for name-calling and personal disputes.
That just happened to me…everyone Was being so mean and crazy but when I said it’s OK if we disagree just be kind and no name calling but yet my things get reported and now I’m banned because I don’t believe the same way they do. It’s crazy it’s almost like they are dictatorships and they are Nazis with their way of thinking is the only way to thinking if you don’t think the way they do, they ban you. I would love to come up with a different app like Nextdoor that basically states no discrimination I don’t like the name calling but everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I took screenshots of all the items that were reported of mine just because I disagreed with someone so I would imagine the same person who banned me has the same beliefs system as the other. I would hate for them to sit on a jury because they would use their emotions for decisions. Absolutely ridiculous!
I have been trying for over a year to get this place to delete my account and they won’t do it; just disable me so I can’t access the site to protest their total lack of principles.
I have screenshots of neighborhood leads promoting vigilantism
on nextdoor dot com. Yet Nd ignores the reports and I get retaliated against for whistle blowing. Sue nextdoor for allowing it. I have so many screenshots of really unethical behavior on behalf of Nd leads. Years worth. All reported by multiple neighbors, yet leads are not disciplined
Kinda makes a person wonder if the real intent behind Nextdoor is to provide a platform for this very thing. The greedy, hoarding control freaks behind the laws have been using divide and conquer tactics for millennia, pitting neighbor against neighbor. That’s why they invented labels in the first place, and it makes it easier for them to categorize and organize their chattel, which is how they see us, NOT who or what we really are, which is the exact same level of creation as them. Fact.
Excerpt- The Secret Destiny of America, p138-139 by Manly P. Hall:
“The Greek law giver Solon declared that in the ideal state laws are few and simple, because they have been derived from certainties. In the corrupt state, laws are many and confused, because they have been derived from uncertainties. These corrupt laws are like the web of a spider which catch small insects but permits the stronger creatures to break through and escape.
Where there are many laws there is much lawlessness, and men come to despise and ridicule the restraints that are imposed upon freedom of action. Corrupt laws, resulting from efforts to amend inadequate legislation by further inadequate legislation, reveal a general ignorance of right and wrong. Where such ignorance exists the ideal function of democracy is impossible, and liberty degenerates into license.
The half-truth is the most dangerous form of a lie, because it can be defended in part by incontestable logic. Wherever the body of learning is broken up, the fragments become partial truths. We live in a day of partial truth; and until we remedy the condition we must suffer the inevitable consequences of division.”—-
They created false religions with intentional misinterpretation of spiritual allegories and symbolism and published their VERSION of SCRIPTS-ures by which to rule the morals of the masses. In doing so, they created a plague of hypocrisy due to judgement against people who the same false powers forcibly label as being “criminals”…those less-than others who have not [yet] been caught up in their ever expanding web of laws.
Their own version of the bible warns about the consequences of judgement but humanity, especially in the US, has been so programmed and conditioned to judge and condemn others they can’t see their folly, not their own or that of those who have been perpetrating fraudulent authority for far too long.
“The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. …How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”
–Autobiographical dictation, 2 December 1906. Published in Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2
(University of California Press, 2013)
Mark Twain was a loyal friend to Nikola Tesla who wanted to give humanity so many wonderful gifts to make their lives easier. The same control freaks ended Tesla, took his work and make us pay for what they have “allowed” us to have. I never heard or read about Tesla in school and yet he was the real genius behind radio and AC/DC electric current while Edison was electrocuting elephants and dogs in THEIR attempt to discredit Tesla. Same false authorities that keep making more and more laws took Tesla from us too.🤬
The Force truly is awakening. I feel we are rapidly heading to the big AH HA moment because so many more people every day are getting caught in the big expanding net and so many haven’t done anything at all, haven’t harmed another soul, and people are realizing the horrific atrocities the liars from the beginning have instigated. Just believe and watch it happen.
Check out Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project to learn how powerful are our thoughts and intentions and how we each contribute to the mass global consciousness that some call “God” or “The Force”…by any name it’s the same. Those in false authority have been/are using this knowledge to their own benefit. We/Consciousness/The Force, has been asleep but not anymore.👁👊🏼👀
Edison was intent on discrediting Westinghouse, who was his bitter enemy. I don’t recall reading anywhere that he had any opinion at all about Tesla.
Yes, please dig deeper about Tesla and Edison. One of our kids did a report on Edison and we couldn’t believe what we saw on documentaries or what we read in books.
I see bullies who are suspended for just a few days and allowed back to do more harm. Can you say libel case?!?! What if the comments cause someone such emotional distress that the person does the unthinkable!