FAC Response to Nextdoor.com’s Reply
The below link is FAC’s response to Nextdoor.com, Inc.’s reply to our letter from April.
In the event we are unable to obtain a satisfactory resolution for the individuals who happen to share households with people required to register. It is our intent to bring a lawsuit on their behalf.
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Guessing nothing become of this. 3 years ago I was charged and did my time, rehab, etc. bought my first house 2 years ago and received an invite letter for next door, thought wow that’s neat. A nice way to watch out for one another. After about a week I could no longer log in. Here I thought one of those nosey neighbors contacted the company and disabled my account. Just laughed and brushed it off. Now I just got another invite letter so I used my fiancé email and nope it’s the address. I think it’s appalling that I get profiled my fiancé gets profiled yet someone who was charged with burglary, theft, etc can use this app, their reasoning that someone on the register can’t have a profile because the company can’t tell who on the register is safe. What a bunch of bs!! Just yet another example of how broken the register is And that it does not work.
The FAC should take action against Next-door ASAP & we all need to jump in on a class action suit. When I first joined It was a grt asset keeping all of update during the Hurricane 2017 in S.FL, we all loved it. Soon after mean girls took over as leads (that get paid $1 for every action they take) last I checked. That said Michelle Levy who’s an attorney in S Florida discovered being a Lead gave her some sort so became the Head lead. She monitors the site 24/7. If she doesn’t like you or what you say or heaven forbid disagree w/her “Watch Out” she reports your post or takes it down (for saying it’s a nice day) and if you post again she permanently removes you or anyone living at your address. When you email Next door support for help since she’s the Head Lead NOTHING happens I doubt Next-door Corp even see’s your complaint. She jumps back & forth and Post under her husbands Joseph Levy (Not allowed) posted a 86 page post fighting w/the entire neighborhood calling them racist, etc..I forwarded the entire post to Next-door, no reply. Next-door has had NUMINOUS of complaints from many homeowners for Michelle Levy abusing her power as a lead again NO Action taken. Bullying anyone should not be aloud kind of embarrassing when she’s a mother of two & proudly act like this in pubic. And Next-door does nothing about it. Next-door is a public domain freedom of speech, it’s against the law to stop anyone from voicing their opinion as along as it’s not hurtful. She (Joseph Levy) posted a few days ago replying to a homeowner for no reason a picture of a big Black guy picking his nose with caption reading “OK” Michelle Levy Black Lives matter if she doesn’t get kicked off for that something’s wrong! They Both need to Be sued! Does anyone agree?
Is it possible for the FAC to jump in and assist and write a letter for all of us that continued to get abused by Next-door and thier Leads? FYI- The Leads do get paid for every lead they take down, and report. Next-door is paying them to bullying people and they know it but do nothing about it becasue it’s free labor for them. They need someone locally in each neighborhood to monitor thier domain so pick who comes first. Next-door doesn’t monitor their own leads to ensure They’re Not breaking Their own rules, Next-door believes everything the leads say (especially the Main Lead) If your not friends with the main Lead Good Luck! What are we in high school? Can The FAC help us? Or can anyone send a contact number or email in the state of FL where I can file a law suit against next door? Anyone’s help would be greatly appreciated! 🙂
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Gotta love comments that begin, “FAC should…” Especially when the comment comes from individuals who don’t volunteer a minute to to this organization.
Do you have any idea how much a class action lawsuit costs or how many resources are involved? We don’t disagree that Nextdoor.com should be sued, but we have people living on the streets and unable to feed their children, so this issue is not even on our top 10 unless enough members want it and we’re able to raise the funds to bring an action. Currently, that’s not on our list of priorities.
Thank you for your reply, I apologize for the misunderstanding or if I offended anyone with FAC. I don’t recall saying FAC “Should” This is the only site where found where homeowners can voice thier concerns about Next-door and read a letter where the FAC sent to next-door assisting another homeowner about thier issue, reference “Bullying/ discriminating” thought I might reach out to you or the public for suggestions or any help. ” Gosh” your reply was so aggressive I can’t help but to think it’s from our main Michelle Levy. Anyone’s help or suggestions to the next-door community would be appreciated. Next-door leads abusing thier power to use as a from of bullying is happening a lot. Stay safe everyone and God bless.
To the Florida action committee, Gotta Not like the/your comment that begins with a condescending reply” You were a bit short with the person that was only Asking if you folks could assist in taking legal action against Next Door for allowing their Leads to abuse and bullying homeowners. It was unnecessary not to mention unperfessional.
maybe the wife can just put down Apt/unit or whatever “#A”
the RC live in apt “B”
problem solved
That actually doesn’t work. My wife and I live a townhome. She tried even her parents address which is half a block away and was denied for the same reason. I’m not sure what method of ferreting out where you live, but lying on the registration form doesn’t work.
It doesn’t matter to me. I’m on my HOA board and it’s one less social media contact for me to manage… but I sure which they’d pull their heads out of their rears and realize we’re not all bad.
Back to concern about so’s living in your neighborhood. You the neighbor need not worry about them. This has been an issue for over 11 years!. If you have been following FAC or any news concerning S.O. laws. Don’t you know that after all this time that there’s a lot less “Danger” after all this time, compared to 11 years or more when the public was terrified from a potential SO from moving in your neighborhood! And there was accuately nothing to worry about back then. It’s just not likely for a SO to do another crime after doing there time. That is the reason they got that time to begin with!!. And for the very few that reoffend are not going to reoffend in the neighborhood that they live in. Try to get to know them. As God as my witness, the person you talk to is a lot less to worry about than a convicted criminal of a different situation. Or even possibly a person that has lived in you neighborhood for years. Maybe not the same street!!!. But the possibility exist. It seems that all crime is getting more rampant with population growth. It has gotten to the point where you have to educate your children from potential harm at home, and everywhere else they congregate. I’m sure that most children these days already know how to stay safe, and know what to do if confronted by someone they don’t know!!. And even person’s they do know. Even preachers, teachers. It is sad but true..
Drug dealers are allowed on Nextdoor.
Terrorists are allowed on Nextdoor.
Animal Abusers are allowed on Nextdoor.
so what gives with Nextdoor.
who are they to watch over us.
I wanted to add on a separate thread that I don’t think Registered People (RPs) should disclose to anyone that they are listed on the Nanny Big Government (NBG) $EX Offender Registries ($ORs). Any time that an RP tells someone that, they are legitimizing the $ORs. The $ORs should be ignored by intelligent, sensible Americans. The people who want it are rubes.
People have no obligation to acknowledge the $ORs or support them. It is not “living in the shadows” or hiding anything. It is simply not accepting NBG’s label and harassment. It is not an RP’s obligation to support the $ORs.
My business is not my neighbor’s business. In fact, they completely need to mind their own damn business. NBG does not supply me with dossiers about them so they should not be doing so for me either.
There is one great benefit of the $ORs though – it does sometimes help you identify people living near you that support that BS and you know who should be ostracized and avoided like the cancer that they are. THAT is useful. You can find out who should be supported and who should be harmed by any legal means.
Nextdoor is an anti-American company that has no business operating in America. America is not about their ideals of marginalization and ostracizing.
Their problem is that they are only targeting past crimes that involved $EX. They said themselves that they have no way to “reliably distinguish” people who “post a threat to their neighbors”. That is very true. Because they cannot tell my family about my neighbor who SHOT his last neighbor with a gun just a few years ago, they probably shouldn’t be too worried about telling us about some guy down the street who looked at illegal PICTURES (!!!!) a couple of decades ago.
And of course not only that, but there are surely hundred of thousands, if not millions, of “$EX offenders” who have not been convicted at all. You very likely have some living very near you right now. Nextdoor has no way to “reliably distinguish” who those people are.
Their supposed motivation about worrying about people who might be a “threat” is absolute BS. Their real motivation is PR.
Un-American nextdoor.com likes to brag about how they promote communities. Obviously they don’t do that. They do the opposite. nextdoor.com should stop lying.
No American government or any other publicly funded entity should be allowed to use or interact with nextdoor.com. No government should have any business with any entity that excludes some citizens. Any government that uses nextdoor should be sued. What is the case law about governments using platforms where some citizens cannot see the content? Would a government be allowed to post information in a location in a building where only 90% of the population was allowed to see it? Same thing.
Lastly, I don’t think FAC should endorse nextdoor.com’s exclusion of Registered People. The Registries are complete BS. People either have legal sentences that end or EVERYONE convicted of any significant crime must be listed on a Registry, excluded from nextdoor, etc. People have to get over their issues with $EX.
We don’t endorse their exclusion of anyone.