FAC Weekly Update 2024-11-12-Arrested for Online Reporting

Recording ID# 289.

Dear Members and Advocates,

This Weekly Update is focused on the original “Ex Post Facto” case filed in the Southern District Court in 2018, now known as the Does vs Glass case.  We do not have specific dates at this time, but the case finally proceeding to court.  The attorneys for the case are preparing to file amended complaints to reflect the changes over the past six years.


One significant change, as a result of Harper vs Glass case in the Northern District Court, has been the option for persons designated as “Offender” to report temporary addresses for in-state travel in Florida using the FDLE Cyber Communication System (CSS), instead of in-person.  This was mandated by the court on 3/27/2024 and FDLE implemented the new reporting feature in CSS on or about 6/1/2024.


How is that going?  Members were asked to question the staff in their Registration office from July-October 2024, and report results to our legal team. We learned from their declarations, that most Registration office staff did not understand their right to report in-state travel online instead of in-person (for “Offender” status only).


We are reaching out to our membership to ask whether YOU or someone you know has been arrested for reporting in-state travel online rather than in person. 


This is time sensitive.  If you have any information please email membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave a message with your contact information at phone 833-273-7325 Option 1.

Thank you

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Florida Action Committee



Announcements for this Week

FAC Monthly Membership.  Reminder that this call is on the first Thursday of each month.  On the last call 11/7/2024), FAC Board members spoke on their current efforts.  Danell shared with us the conferences in which FAC representatives and the SHINE women spoke on your behalf.  Sarah and Ann described the Legislative team’s plan to get our messages to all 160 Florida Senators and Representatives that will be attending Legislative Delegation meetings. And Chris updated us on the status of our legal challenges.  You can listen to that recorded meeting by calling (605) 475-4953, enter Access Code: 739392#, and Recording ID 288# (or just enter “#” to hear the last recording).


New Member Call –  Anyone can join this call on the Second Thursday each month at 8pm ET.  Call 319-527-3487. Call in to learn more about the organization, action opportunities, where to find support, get resources and referrals, or just share information. If you have any problem connecting for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.  New member calls are not recorded at this time.

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