FDLE Cyber Communication System Updated
The FDLE ‘Cyber Communication System’ has been updated, as of this morning, to enable registrants to register their “App Name” or “Website”, in addition to their “Internet Identifier”.
If you have contacted FDLE for guidance on the new requirements, please share any information below.
While I use the internet to communicate with friends, with professional associates, and research information on politics/religion/aviation, to the best of my knowledge I do not have an “App Name”, a website, or internet identifier…whatever that is.
Capt. Munsey,
If you are communicating on various websites on the Internet, you identify yourself by some name, moniker, handle, user name, nickname or other identifying term or phrase. That is your “internet identifier” on each website. For example, on this site you are identified by the name “Capt Charles Munsey Jr. USN (Ret).” On another site, you may only go by “Charles” or “Chuck” or some other name. These are internet identifiers.
FDLE wants you to notify them of any social networking site you use by giving them the home page of that website — and they want to know your internet identifier or user name for that site.
As for applications (apps) that you may need to notify them about, there are many social networks that connect through applications rather than websites. For these you do not go to a web page by logging onto the website through a web browser (like Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome). Instead you open an app on your computer, tablet or smart phone to access the social network. Some examples might include Instagram and SnapChat. Of course, there are apps for most of the larger commercial social networking websites too. If you use the app instead of the website for those social networks, you will need to notify FDLE.
So now LE can effectively watch and know exactly what a user who used to be able to freely express their opinions which would clearly be against the stupidity of LE and face possible retaliation of their remarks.
Since many of us are in this very situation because having been the victim of an obsessive stalking cop, we have learned fully that LE will pursue individuals that they target for purely personal reasons. This is insane! Of course, we are going to CENSOR what we say and how we express ourselves.
This has gone too far and I am shocked and disappointed at the lack of legal aggression with this blatant attack on the 1st amendment protected online free speech that Florida LE is being allowed to do to a certain class of citizens it has created.
It is very unfair to state that you are disappointed at the lack of legal aggression.
The law was passed Monday. There are attorneys working on an appropriate response.
The 2016 change was successfully enjoined by the Federal Court. Let’s see what happens with the 2017 change, but let’s give the attorneys an opportunity to bring the legal aggression before criticizing the response.
I heartily agree! We are so blessed to have FAC and sympathetic attorneys working for our freedoms! Legal matters take time to go through the courts. We must be patient! The tide does seem to be turning a bit. More and more people — not just judges — are beginning to question the efficacy of the many laws that monitor and restrict sex offenders from living normal lives. They are starting to realize that if they permit the freedom of sex offenders to be curtailed, they are setting a pernicious precedent that can spread to other groups. If the citizens of Florida and the United States really believe that free citizens of the USA should enjoy “freedom and justice for all” and “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” they need to re-examine the idiotic laws they have enacted to control so many aspects of the lives of sex offenders. Once an offender has served his sentence, he should be free to live, work, play, visit and travel anywhere he wants without restriction. If a restriction was not part of his sentence and not part of existing law at the time of his offense and/or conviction, he should not be subject to that restriction. All of these sentiments are clearly enshrined in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. These core truths of American liberty should not be cast aside because the individuals being sanctioned have offended others by their speech or actions. The reason these principles were put in writing was to protect the freedoms of the minorities and the powerless and the undesirable. The Founding Fathers knew that previous governments had abused their power by oppressing the weak, the poor and those of certain classes, including law breakers. They made clear in their writings that once a person was sentenced for a crime, they could not be punished further for the same crime. They did not give exceptions. Nor should the current governments (local, state or federal) of the United States. Sadly, some lawmakers, prosecutors and judges do not respect the words of our Founding Fathers.
Everyone here including those who cannot be, appreciate all the FAC is doing to right this terrible wrong. As you can see, there is a lot of anxiety surrounding the recent law that effects all of us. At the heart of the matter is not that we are doing anything wrong on the internet, it is the continued punishment real or perceived that the government, our government, continues to apply to those among us who have paid their debt to society and just want to try and live a normal life like everyone one else. But, it sometimes seems like there is no end to what punishment the government will attempt to apply to us via new laws. All in the name of justice, of course, but in reality it is just politicians pandering to the voters in order to keep their government jobs. If not for FAC and their attorneys, we would be completely at the mercy of government and I don’t have to explain what that would mean for us, we all know. So now the government can’t pass sweeping legislation, what i call legislative vigilantism, they must continue to punish a little at a time, this is a strategy called “incrementalism”. This strategy is used when the government knows it cannot pass the law in one action as it would be opposed vigorously, so they attempt to pass it a little at a time in hopes that either no one would notice or that no one would care as the change to the law is so small. Thus you wake up one morning and all your rights are gone and you don’t know how it happened. Thank you again FAC and your attorneys for fighting our fight and for keeping us informed about what the government if trying to do. We all hope one day that FAC will no longer need to exist but until then we must support this organization and help them in whatever legal means available to fight the politicians and their laws of retribution.
Thank you!
I hope that what I do put on the internet is monitored. It might help to educate some of the ‘do-gooder’ monitors. I do not put anything on the internet that I wouldn’t be proud for my parents to see or for my pastor to repeat from the pulpit at church.
Good for you, Charles!
So delete ALL social media accounts, uninstall ALL gaming apps, remove memberships to ALL Internet forums and then provide them with any email addresses you still use. That should about cover it. Oh and do not comment on this board just to be safe.
You just commented on this site, Sentinel. Anyway, I know you are angry, but I do not think you need to delete and uninstall everything. Just notify the FDLE about all of your Internet identifiers. Perhaps the government will figure out it is all a big waste of time and money to keep track of what thousands of reformed sex offenders are doing on the Internet, instead of using their limited time and resources educating and protecting people from the real threat: people who know and love their potential victims and potential offenders who do not realize how harmful sexual activity can be to their loved ones. As a reformed sex offender, I can tell you that when I committed my offense, I was ignorant of the facts about the affects sexual abuse. Now that I know the truth, I would NEVER again attempt to commit such a harmful act. The government needs to stop wasting time and money on pointless registries and start using their resources to teach the general public (adult and child) about the dangers of sexual abuse from persons within their family, circle of friends and other close associates. They need to undo the mythical threats from “stranger dangers” and start protecting our children and women from the real threat: someone they know. They need to provide meaningful education and therapy to sex offenders that are in prison and on probation.
I see that the FAC administrator is listing FAC as “a news site.” Has this been checked with FDLE?
So.. have we come to a census… is FAC a news site or a social media site ??
Once again, the law is too vague. That is why Jerry has a question about it. I would would prefer to err on the side of caution. There are three pointed exclusions listed: commercial sites for buying and selling goods and services, websites with the PRIMARY purpose of disseminating news, and government websites. Since FAC is not one of those three, I think it would be safer to just register your user name for FAC. However, clearly FAC is not a commercial social media site. Once again, there are gray areas. Once again we are being required to provide information that is not important to the “protection” of society. Frankly, anyone visiting the FAC website that does not expect to see comments from sex offenders is an idiot. More government nonsense, but I will comply until SCOTUS clarifies matters, because I am a law-abiding citizen and my freedom is more important to me than my anonymity on the Internet.
Since I have not formally joined FAC .. yet.. i dont think I actually have a username / identifier associated with it.. do it ?? i mean, COULD change my name with every post..just trying to figure this out
I thought that there was a temporary injunction on this until decided in the courts.
There is, with respect to the 2016 definition.
The State countered with a 2017 definition.
So now…., do we just wait?