FDLE Says FAC Posts Do Not Require Registration

Florida Sexual Offender Laws

The FDLE filed a “Response In Opposition” to the Motion for Summary Judgment in the Internet Identifier Case this past Friday.

In it they wrote, “The visits that Plaintiffs and other sexual offenders make to the websites of the Florida Action Committee, Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, and the National Association for Reform Sexual Offender Laws (DE 67, ¶¶ 63, 64, 78) do not trigger registration. Registration is not required if they post comments, unless the website allows users to create their own webpages or profiles that are visible to other users and provides a mechanism for communication between users. Plaintiffs do not make any allegations about a particular website’s functionalities that would bring those websites within the registration criteria.”

While not offering legal advise or telling you what to do; according to the FDLE’s own brief, you do not need to report your activity on the FAC website.

Both sides submitted Motions for Summary Judgment (essentially judgment on the pleadings – claiming the other side does not have a case) in the last couple of weeks. We will continue to keep you updated as the case progresses. For now; we are just updating that the word from the FDLE is that registration of activity on FAC or similar sites does not require registration!

17 thoughts on “FDLE Says FAC Posts Do Not Require Registration

  • October 5, 2017

    One does wonder if this is a “legitimate” interpretation of the law by FDLE or a calculated moved to specifically ensure that there is no tangible evidence on record that a court might interpret as an effort by the State of Florida to “dissuade” RSO’s from participating in political speech related to their situation.


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