Fearless Group Support Team Starts in Florida

There is Fearless Group starting in Florida and you are invited to participate.  This is a peer-led support program that has been offered by NARSOL affiliates in other states.  With the leadership of a key volunteer in the Tampa area, FAC members can now participate, too.

Meet your facilitator Daphne on the first phone meeting Thursday November 19 from 6:30-8:00pm ET.  Call 727-731-2927. 

The program is aimed specifically at providing a supportive community for persons who are required to register, along with their family members and significant others who face the same challenges, which are immense. Fearless groups run independent of FAC and have no direct ties to the organization. The purpose is to encourage members to become “fearless” and strength to be an active advocate for organizations such as FAC.  You can read more about it in the Fearless Group pamphlet.


Three Key Goals of Fearless Groups:
* Ending the fear we experience as registered citizens or friends and family of registered citizens.
* Ending the fear of the general public due to false stereotypes and hype regarding registered citizens.
* Helping each other to overcome obstacles and succeed in life, in spite of the laws that keep us down.


The meetings are structured, beginning with the reading of the Fearless Group Courtesies and Manifesto, then moves to the two main potions:

1) a presentation that focuses on ways to take charge of your own life and affect change in the law.

2) a very quick check-in: where they are, what you may be dealing with etc. then proceeds to discussion and feedback on a range of topics.

 Sharing your story with others
 Coping with stress
 Taking care of ourselves
 Getting past fear
 Discuss a manifesto declaration
 Letting go of anger


Initially, the meetings will be by phone and we hope later to see small, local in-person groups develop throughout the state.

Join Daphne and others for the first meeting Thursday Nov 19 from 6:30-8:00pm ET.  Call 727-731-2927.  

If you are unable to join Thu evening, but want to participate at another time, contact Daphne to let her know your availability, your concerns, and perhaps your desire to lead a Fearless Group in your area.  She can be reached at: daphne.fac@gmail.com or leave a message at 321-754-0446.

You can read more about Fearless Groups on the NARSOL site.

31 thoughts on “Fearless Group Support Team Starts in Florida

  • November 23, 2020

    You are only creating rumors. The courts have already ruled that Michigan must treat out of state offenses the same as in state offenses. Michigan cannot apply a different set of rules to persons who were required to register in another state. If registrants move to Michigan to get off of the registry, then so be it.
    If you are not required to register in Michigan and remain in a state where you are required to register, then getting off of the registry isn’t that important to you.

    • November 23, 2020

      All – this post got hijacked. This is not about Michigan

  • November 23, 2020

    The court ruled that placing registrants on the registry whose offence date preceded July 1, 2011 is unconstitutional. Any person who is on the registry today is on in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Michigan is forcing them to be removed one by one through the petition process. Removal is mandatory and less than 5% have applied and have been removed. The remaining 95% are most likely unaware that they are eligible for removal. Does I only removed the named plaintiffs. Michigan has a petition process and is forcing eligible registrants to use this petition process to be removed. They have recently changed the petition to reflect the recent court decisions. I emailed a copy of the new petition to FAC and asked them to post it. You can obtain a copy of the petition by googling “Michigan sex offender 406 a”.
    The remaining registrants may be eligible for monetary compensation for being on the registry after the court ruled keeping them on is unconstitutional. To see if they are seeking monetary damages in Does II, you have to contact the Oliver Law Group in Troy, Michigan.
    The problem with determining if a person is required to register is that there are so many different dates reflecting the various changes in the law. It is difficult for even an experienced criminal defense attorney to determine if a person is required to register. Read the court decisions at aclumich.org and you see that even the judge was confused.
    The 2 most important dates are October 15, 1995 and July 1, 2011. All offenders whose offense date preceded October 15, 1995 are permanently off of the registry except for a very small number who were in prison or on parole or probation on or after October 15, 1995. All persons whose offense date falls between October 15, 1995 and July 1, 2011 will either be removed from the registry or receive a date certain to be removed. These persons eligible for removal who are still on the registry may be eligible for monetary compensation.

  • November 22, 2020

    The federal court suspended most registration violations, except for persons who refused to register. Due to covid, the federal judge suspended enforcement of the registry in a separate order.
    Read all of the info at aclumich.org.
    Persons who relocate to Michigan whose offense date predates July 1, 2011, can move to Michigan and apply to be removed from the registry today. You can download a copy of the petition on Michigan’s website. I have emailed all of this to FAC and asked them to post it on this website.

    • November 23, 2020

      Has Michigan removed anyone from its registry under this procedure?

  • November 21, 2020

    Read the posts. Does I took all of the named plaintiffs off of the registry. Yes, the judge did order them removed. Does II was filed to enforce Does I for the remainder of 1994-2012 registrants. We expect a final order in 2021 to take the remainder off of the registry.
    Very few prosecutors are filing FTR’s in Michigan anyway due to the registry being up in the air.

  • November 21, 2020

    I have a problem in Osceola County, FL because there are no hearings being held and the inmates are continually being kept in jail because of this. What is the solution? What can we do?


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