Fearless Group Support Team Starts in Florida

There is Fearless Group starting in Florida and you are invited to participate.  This is a peer-led support program that has been offered by NARSOL affiliates in other states.  With the leadership of a key volunteer in the Tampa area, FAC members can now participate, too.

Meet your facilitator Daphne on the first phone meeting Thursday November 19 from 6:30-8:00pm ET.  Call 727-731-2927. 

The program is aimed specifically at providing a supportive community for persons who are required to register, along with their family members and significant others who face the same challenges, which are immense. Fearless groups run independent of FAC and have no direct ties to the organization. The purpose is to encourage members to become “fearless” and strength to be an active advocate for organizations such as FAC.  You can read more about it in the Fearless Group pamphlet.


Three Key Goals of Fearless Groups:
* Ending the fear we experience as registered citizens or friends and family of registered citizens.
* Ending the fear of the general public due to false stereotypes and hype regarding registered citizens.
* Helping each other to overcome obstacles and succeed in life, in spite of the laws that keep us down.


The meetings are structured, beginning with the reading of the Fearless Group Courtesies and Manifesto, then moves to the two main potions:

1) a presentation that focuses on ways to take charge of your own life and affect change in the law.

2) a very quick check-in: where they are, what you may be dealing with etc. then proceeds to discussion and feedback on a range of topics.

 Sharing your story with others
 Coping with stress
 Taking care of ourselves
 Getting past fear
 Discuss a manifesto declaration
 Letting go of anger


Initially, the meetings will be by phone and we hope later to see small, local in-person groups develop throughout the state.

Join Daphne and others for the first meeting Thursday Nov 19 from 6:30-8:00pm ET.  Call 727-731-2927.  

If you are unable to join Thu evening, but want to participate at another time, contact Daphne to let her know your availability, your concerns, and perhaps your desire to lead a Fearless Group in your area.  She can be reached at: daphne.fac@gmail.com or leave a message at 321-754-0446.

You can read more about Fearless Groups on the NARSOL site.

31 thoughts on “Fearless Group Support Team Starts in Florida

  • November 19, 2020

    Sadly, even if you move to Michigan and eventually get off their registry, you will forever be on Floriduh’s. So a Google search will still show you as a “sex offender.” Until that battle is won, moving should be discussed thoroughly with your family/friends/support system.

    Thank you, “Detroit,” for your obvious dedication and hard work helping registered citizens.

    • November 21, 2020

      With Regard to The Google Search of a ‘Person Forced to Register’, it is my understanding that the FDLE pays Google a fee so that an algorithmic sequence can be created so that all ‘persons forced to register’ in Florida are ‘TAGGED’ in Name Searches,…SO, THAT is the Real Problem of Being on The FLori-Duh Registry……I have not looked in to the Legality of why the FDLE is able to have GOOGLE do this…….SO, the real problem is GOOGLE!….Please comment!

      • November 23, 2020

        How is it your understanding that FDLE pays Google a fee? Based on what?

        • November 25, 2020

          Companies or entities can pay Google to have their sites at the top of the search results. But, Google always seems to place negative content at the top. Information on this topic is suppressed by Google so it’s hard to find. But here’s something:


  • November 19, 2020

    Does I only removed the named plaintiffs years ago. Does II is being litigated to remove the remainder. The attorney in the Does II lawsuit is the Oliver Law Group in Troy, Michigan. Their # is 248-206-3677.

  • November 19, 2020

    FAC already has a link to both briefs. Put Betts into FAC’s search box and two articles come up with one of them with the links. Perhaps FAC needs to issue a reminder on these briefs.

  • November 19, 2020

    The attorney general’s briefs in the Michigan Supreme Court cases can be read at: People v Snyder, case #153696 and people v Betts, case #148981. Ask FAC to post them.

  • November 19, 2020

    Michigan removing thousands from the registry isn’t new. We have won a string of victories in both state and federal court for the last several years.
    In 2018, Michigan elected Dana Nessel as it’s attorney general. One of the first things she did upon taking office was to begin work to reduce the number of persons on the Michigan registry. She put out a press release only 3 months after taking office on the subject which you can read on the Michigan.gov website. She filed two amicus briefs in two separate Michigan Supreme Court case SUPPORTING THE REGISTRANT’S POSITION. We are talking 60+ page briefs telling the truth about the registry. All the other attorney generals want to castrate and torture sex offenders. Michigan is the only state in the union where the attorney general is placing science and reason above politics. Ask FAC to post these briefs.
    I keep telling registrants that Michigan will be the first state that will be forced to abolish the registry by the courts but no one believes me. And yet the courts have been consistently siding with registrants in Michigan. Now we have an attorney general that is siding with registrants.

    • November 19, 2020

      Has Michigan removed anyone from the registry yet?

  • November 18, 2020

    I own several houses in Michigan and rent to registrants. I recently purchased a house I will be remodeling into an office for my business. During non-business hours I will be holding meetings there for registrants. If I can get a reliable person to handle a helpline I will buy the phone. I am also looking for a property to turn into a homeless shelter for registrants. I have housing today for registrants and their families and a rooming house for single males. I will put females in this house if I believe they are able to protect themselves and don’t bring drama. In the coming months we will have a freestanding office to hold meetings and receive mail. As soon I have a reliable volunteer, we will have a helpline.
    Through a series of federal and state court decisions, most persons with an offense date that predates 2012 will be removed from the registry in Michigan and the remainder will receive a date certain to be removed. If you have an offense date that predates 2012, want off of the registry and are willing to relocate to Michigan or want to participate in this effort, please contact me at leonb7056@gmail.com. I have never been on the registry so this is something I do when I have time. My properties come first. I am also in my 60’s and getting quite slow, so you have to be patient. I can reduce rent for advocates and persons with carpentry, electrical and plumbing experience.

    • November 19, 2020

      Michigan will REMOVE thousands from its registry? That’s new. Can anyone verify?

    • November 19, 2020

      If I am forced to register for life in florida and I relocate to Michigan, do I have to continue to register for life? If I don’t, where in the law does it say i dont have to?

      • November 20, 2020

        You’ll remain on the Florida registry until the end of time, at least for the foreseeable future. As I understand it and assuming your original register-able offense was pre-2011, you would not have to register in Michigan.

        But understand that if and when Michigan rewrites its registry law, they’ll probably include a provision that requires registration if you’re registered in another state regardless of whatever date the crime was committed.

        Even so, you’d have a good chance to beat that if you move prior to the enactment of the rewritten law. I’m not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night….


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