Federal Appeals Court upholds NC sex offender registration law

“The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld North Carolina’s sex offender registration law.”  (The Carolina Journal, “Federal Appeals Court upholds NC sex offender registration law,” August 9, 2024)

“Two nonprofit groups had challenged the law in federal court as violating offenders’ constitutional right against ex post facto punishment.”

“A unanimous three-judge appellate panel agreed with a trial court that plaintiffs did not offer the ‘clearest proof’ that sex offender registration is ‘sufficiently punitive’ to violate the U.S. Constitution.”

Some people feel the case was weak.  You can hear comments on Registry Matters, starting at 28 minutes.


3 thoughts on “ Federal Appeals Court upholds NC sex offender registration law

  • August 19, 2024

    I feel the registry is violating our due process. We register because we “might” offend again. Prove the future!

    • September 26, 2024

      hummm sounds like your guilty till you prove yourself innocent!

  • August 16, 2024

    So whats proof about punitive… God’s wrath, or is american justice in a lot of debt with much of this registry. One has a constitutional right to be heard. This plea deal or bargain crap is man’s device with these crafty ordeals, Were talking forcing justice in many for authority’s pride. Same way with justice systems. Justice is good if done right but court systems want to lord it over on others. Talk about a mockery in judicial issues

    Public safety is like driving down the road and trusting one doesn’t get slammed by another.

    I’m sure those in authority wouldn’t put Sex offender on license plates but who knows about today. So innocent until proven guilty. One has to question that one. Talk about an abomination and a moral judicial debt. So what is society factors.. set em up and reel em in or do court systems have absolute immunity in their vain understandings.

    So is the registry over riding christian justice with abuse in high places.


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