Fighting back..from JEV
You cannot convince any city council, any political body in Florida a abuser of a child deserves anything other than what they are getting. No mayor will ever say, lets find then decent housing, lets get them back into society. Why, because of the decades of media hysteria and the pressure to protect children and most importantly the untruths about recidivism that have warped the mind of politician’s.
Think also of the fact that violent and non violent offenders including juveniles are all lumped together. We are all considered “Monsters of Society”.
Today, you have entire area codes wanting to get rid of the RSO legally and anyway they can. The Mayor of Daytona said publically, I don’t care where they live as long as its not my city! Â Lawsuits peck away at the issues but don’t help change the conscious arritudes of the lawmakers.
In my opinion what should prevail is a rise up to fight by the Offender themselves. We have nothing to lose, a prison cell actually may be better than living by the railroad tracks. We must ban together, find leaders and fight back. 200 registrars all compliant can be a force. They need to protest and to be vocal. Activism works, I know.