Florida Governor Wants to Disenfranchise Sex Offenders
As if it wasn’t bad enough that people convicted of Murder or a Sex Offense were excluded from Amendment 4, which restored former felon’s rights to vote upon completion of their sentence, Governor Elect Ron Desantis wants to stop registrants from voting entirely, even those who were never convicted of a felony and who never lost their right to vote.
According to Naples’ NBC 2 News, “He wants the language to say that people, such as sex offenders who did not face felony charges, should not be eligible to vote…I think the voters of Florida would not have passed that if sex offenders had been allowed”
If his attitude towards people required to register is so harsh when it comes to removing the voting rights of people who never lost their voting rights in the first place, one can only imagine how he’ll be to those who come before him for clemency hearings.
Why is always such a clusterfuck to get passed amendments implemented in this state? The people want medical weed. Over a year later they are still jacking that one around. The people want felons(excluding Murderers and felonious SO”s) voting rights restored.
When the vote of the people is pushed aside, we no longer have a democracy.
This should scare the shit out of every registered person, who are like fish in a barrel, with their elected leaders holding the shotgun.
Soon they are going to round us all up and put us in camps you watch. Once they bend the constitution enough it is over!
I have feared just that for two decades.
If you have read Ayn Rand, or Glenn Beck, on this subject, rso’s will be the first group banished.
We’ll be put in a penal colony.
Lesser crimes will follow and after that, we’ll just have a good old fashion police state.
Sorry. Reading all this crap really makes me frustrated.
My first thought was the lyrics to song by The Who, “We Don’t Get Fooled Again” that says. Meet the new boss. The same as the old boss.”
Same old corrupt self serving politicians and one of the reasons Florida ranks as the 10th most corrupt state in the union.
Oh and are you guys following the yellow vest protests in Paris?? Sounds like a good idea for the 1 million RSOs in America to do in Wash DC. And the thing is, theres only maybe a few thousand protesters in Paris. But they made the PM change the law!!! THAT’S the kind of action we need if we ever wanna see things change for us. But that kind of action is seen as too radical for most people and will never materialize. It’s a shame. And until were willing to go to that level, we might as well just keep bending over and being the government’s you know what.
Wed all be violated for some proximity statute or travel violation the way things are
LOL!! That made me laugh. Sure you’re right. Especially in FL.
Just found a narrow ray of hope on this for OTHER Floriduh felons. Apparently, the ACLU crafted the wording of the amendment so it could withstand republikkkan meddling:
“In fact,” [Howard] “Simon”, [former head of the ACLU in Florida] “told the Post Editorial Board, the ACLU worked closely with former Florida House Speaker and University of Florida Law School Dean Emeritus, Jon L. Mills to help craft the amendment’s language for just this reason — to avoid leaving its interpretation and implementation at the whim of a Republican-controlled Florida Legislature that could care less about restoring felons’ voter rights, and a governor and Cabinet (acting as the Executive Clemency Board) that de facto suppressed those rights with a joke of a restoration process.”
“Implementing language” subverts the intent of the amendment and the will of the people who voted for it. How can this be constitutional? ACLU or other big players need to stop the legislature and DeSatanist with an injunction from a District judge. This case will need to go to the Florida Supreme Court!