Florida Senate Bills 234 and 932 – Substituting Emotional Animus for Evidence-based laws

Weekly Update #139

Dear Members and Advocates:

We have been calling on our members to contact their lawmakers to oppose two bills that are making their way through the Senate this term. SB 932 (Prohibiting a court from granting time-sharing with a minor child to a parent registered as a sexual offender or sexual predator under certain circumstances) and SB 234 (Redefining the meaning of “Day” to be “part of any calendar day”). These bills will have a devastating impact on persons required to register. Whether you are on the list or have a loved one who is, we NEED you to take action to help us defeat these bills or to put our opposition on the public record so when we sue to enjoin their enforcement we can demonstrate our objection to these bills.

Senate Bill 234 will be presented to the Rules Committee TOMORROW and we all need to do everything we can to stop it. We have identified a member to appear before the Committee on behalf of the Florida Action Committee to speak in opposition. What we need all of you to do is support her efforts by filling out an Appearance Card in which you waive speaking AGAINST the Bill. The appearance cards will be read into the record and will hopefully show significant opposition to the bill. We have another FAC member in Tallahassee who is willing to print and deliver cards on your behalf.

Here is what we are asking you to do:

  1. Print out an appearance card, which can be found here: https://www.flsenate.gov/UserContent/Committees/CommitteeAppearanceForm.pdf
  2. Fill out the card with your personal information. Make sure you fill out March 4, 2021 as the meeting date and SB234 as the Bill Number. Topic will be “Registration of Sexual Predators and Sexual Offenders”. Check the box next to “Waive Speaking
 Against”. Where it says ‘Representing’ write in “myself”. For the last two questions select “no”. Complete both the top and bottom of the cards (one is duplicate)
  3. Collect these forms from as many supporters as possible.
  4. Scan and email the forms to membership@floridaactioncommittee.org and we will arrange to have them delivered to the Senate meeting.

We have gotten dozens of calls and emails from members asking what we will do about these bills, so we are expecting dozens (hopefully more) of appearance cards read into the record tomorrow.

In other news
 A Notice of Appeal has been filed in Ex Post Facto Plus I (the original Does 1-5 v. Swearingen) that means simultaneously with Ex Post Facto Plus II being filed, the attorneys will be appealing the original decision. This is an aggressive position being taken, and we certainly can never say that every possible effort to win this case has not been taken. Now that there will be two cases pending in this same category, we will need to rely on our members continued support of our legal challenges. This is incredibly important!

In other exciting news
 the head of the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL), our sister organization in California, Attorney Janice Bellucci, will be our guest speaker on this Thursday’s member call. California WAS one of the most draconian states when it came to laws governing persons required to register as sex offenders. That was before ACSOL and Janice. California was successful in knocking out residence restrictions and proximity ordinances. California was able to institute a Sex Offender Management Board and most recently, beginning this year, California implemented a Tiered registry system. While far from a utopia, California has come a long way from where it used to be. Janice will join our call this Thursday to speak about what has worked for their organization, with particular focus on how they managed to get a tiered registry implemented.

We encourage everyone reading this to set your reminder to call into our monthly member call THIS THURSDAY. It will be an incredibly informative call. In the meantime, PLEASE send in your appearance cards NOW!

The Florida Action Committee


Thursday March 4 – Monthly Membership Call – 8:00 pm ET – Guest Janice Bellucci from Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL).  Topic: Legislation for Tiered Registry.  Phone 319-527-3487.  If unable to connect, text “CALL ME” to same number to receive call back and be joined to the meeting.

Thursday March 11 – New Member Orientation Call – 8:00 pm ET – No set agenda. All callers are welcome to ask questions and learn more about the FAC organization, available resources, and volunteers opportunities.  Phone 319-527-3487.  If unable to connect, text “CALL ME” to same number to receive call back and be joined to the meeting.

Saturday March 13 – Family Support Session – Facilitated by Dr Jill Levenson and Shelley Kavanagh.  Contact membership@floridaactioncommittee.org for access to this Zoom meeting. Only for the family and loved ones of registered citizens.

Thursday March 18 – 7:00 pm ET – Fearless Group – Peer-led support group. Phone 727-731-2927.  If unable to connect, text “CALL ME” to same number to receive call back and be joined to the meeting.

Want to be a County Coordinator for FAC?  Sign up for a class to receive your training package.  Class A meets by phone on Sundays or Class B meets by phone on Wednesdays.  Looking for members who want to be part of the Membership team for their local area.  It requires 2-4 hours/week, self-motivation and a one-year commitment. No limit, you can have multiple coordinators in one County if you have a friend or family member that wants to help.  We will provide the training, support, and materials that you need to succeed.  If interested, contact membership at 833-273-7325 Option 1 or email membership@floridaactioncommittee.org for more information.

Need to Talk?  FAC has peer volunteers that are here to talk one-on-one, call 904-452-8322.  Volunteers are not available 24/7 but you will receive a call as soon as possible.  If you have an emergency, call 911, or helpline at 1-800-273-8255 or a crisis center (Listing of Crisis Centers and Hotlines)


ACSOL: CA: Lawsuit Challenges Halloween Restrictions

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MN: Win in Minnesota as 8th Circuit rules civil commitment challenge can proceed.

A win in the State of Minnesota, where a group of civilly committed individuals challenged their continued confinement. They will have their day in court. Below is a summary from the court and below that is a link to the opinion. Plaintiffs, persons civilly committed…

VA: Win in Virginia as 4th Circuit reverses and remands ex-post-facto registration case.

Some good news (or, I should say partial good news because a dismissal was upheld on due process grounds), out of Virginia where an Ex-Post-Facto case was reversed and remanded after being dismissed by the trial court. In 1994, Prynne was convicted and sentenced to…

Table added to track Florida’s 2021 Bills

We recently updated the table on our website with the Bills currently being considered by the 2021 Florida Legislature that impact persons required to register. You can access this table from the header on our website labeled “2021 Legislation” that will lead you to…

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