Former Seminole County prosecutor accused of sex with minor

Andrew Jones, former assistant state attorney in Seminole County was arrested Monday night and charged with three counts of violating F.S. 794.05(1) – Unlawful sexual activity with a minor 16/17 years of age. Jones, who happened to be running for Judge at the time, has withdrawn his candidacy.


36 thoughts on “Former Seminole County prosecutor accused of sex with minor

  • September 11, 2019

    Three big ‘hurrahs’ for karma! Love this update

  • September 11, 2019

    so shocked..ok.. not really.. the only thing shocking me is that Jones may have been caught. They are all guilty just most are never caught because of the good old boy network.

  • September 11, 2019

    I wonder how many people he has sent to jail, for less than what he did. And how does he feel about being found guilty by simply being accused. Karma strikes again !

    • September 16, 2019

      So true, guilty until proven innocent mostly.

    • September 19, 2019

      Indeed – I truly hope that he suffers and is raped nightly.


  • September 11, 2019

    I saw this in the local news and am commenting based solely on what the news reported. I know nothing of this man nor the purported victim. I say purported because the public has only every limited snapshot of the case facts.

    In an era of weaponizing the legal system and the so called me too movement, I am concerned that the reports may not be factual. Time will tell. But I recall something that happened not long ago when a woman accused a man of sexual misconduct and nearly ruined his career without a scintilla of corroboration from her own witnesses. The man accused in that case was Brett Kavanaugh. The unsupported accusations against him also came to light in a political contest just as the allegation against to former prosecutor-turned-judicial candidate have. Again, time will tell as the facts come to light.

    In my case, it has taken nearly two decades for my accuser to be outed as a liar. And in another case recently reported in the news, a man was released from more than 50 years in prison because DNA exonerated him of raping a young woman.

    • September 11, 2019

      According to the arrest paperwork, the DNA conclusively confirmed it was this guy.

      • September 11, 2019

        Thanks for the update on the DNA confirmed. The news Ive seen failed to report that.

  • September 11, 2019

    I wonder how many sex crimes this guy handled during his tenure?

  • September 11, 2019

    I really hope he gets his due process. But its unlikely. First off hes already guilty in the court of public opinion. His professional career is most likely done. Assuming hes convicted lets see what he thinks of the judicial roller coaster for sex crimes. Welcome to the fold Mr Prosecutor..

    • September 12, 2019

      IF HE IS INDEED GUILTY, in his mind he will be different somehow from all the other individuals he prosecuted and convicted. Well, it wasn’t like……and so his rationalization will go.


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