Free Viewing of “Untouchable” – Everyone needs to see this film

In 2016, producers David Feige and Rebecca Richman Cohen released the documentary “Untouchable” and it continues to be one of the most powerful films that chronicles the origin of why we have such harsh laws today for sexual offenses.

The documentary, which is described in the review below, aims to “recognize the many shades of sex crimes and seeks a better system for dealing with offenders at all levels” and highlights that no one who carries the title of ‘sex offender’ on their record is ever given a fair opportunity to move forward in life. The reviewer ends by saying that everyone needs to see this film.

To ensure this happens, FAC is hosting a FREE viewing period until midnight Thursday April 7, 2022.  In addition to the FAC members, thousands of  viewing invitations have been sent to Florida Legislators, county commissioners, city officials, law enforcement, churches, schools, universities, and media contacts statewide.  From now until midnight April 7th, viewers have unlimited access to the film and may share the link as desired.

Enter link:

Enter password: screener0322

For your convenience, there is a digital transcript of the film that you may download for reference, and a Playbill that you may share.  Click here for the Transcript of Untouchable and click here for the Playbill.

Following the free viewing period, there will be a PUBLIC conference call on Thursday April 7, 2022 from 1:00-2:00 pm ET with special guests Professor Emily Horowitz, Attorney Val Jonas and the film’s producer, David Feige.  To participate, call 319-527-3487.  Due to the limited time, callers are encouraged to email questions, comments or desired discussion topics in advance, to

Later that evening, April 7th at 8:00 pm ET on the regularly scheduled Monthly FAC Membership Call, our guest will be Shawna Baldwin, featured in the film, who will address her status as a Registered Citizen, from teen to motherhood, and the projects that she serves today. Call 319-527-3487.

The Florida Action Committee has license to hold free in-person screenings across our state. If you are a member of a religious, academic or civic group and can arrange a facility to conduct a screening, please contact to help coordinate an a public screening of this important film.  Our goal is to ensure every PTA, political, academic, social organization and citizen of our state who has a stake in the safety and well-being of ALL Floridians, has an opportunity to see the film and consider the impact on ALL citizens and their families.  With Unity Comes Change.

‘Untouchable’ is a challenging, but necessary documentary

Film Review  – Originally posted Apr 25, 2017-written by James Shotwell

There are few things in this world people have less compassion for than those whose names appear on the ‘National Sex Offender Public Registry’ (NSOPR). It seems many blindly believe this list reveals the monsters who live among us, which serves the better good, but very few actually understand how the list works and what it does to those who appear on it.

Untouchable’, a documentary from David Feige, takes a closer look at the registry, its purpose, and the many implications its continued existence has for those on it, as well as their families.

‘Untouchable’ is not a movie trying to downplay the seriousness of sex crimes. If anything, the film aims to recognize the many shades of sex crimes and seeks a better system for dealing with offenders at all levels. As it stands now, the National Sex Offender Public Registry includes everything from convicted pedophiles and rapists, to people who were caught urinating in public after having a few too many drinks. There are no markers or symbols to separate the various crimes committed, so everyone is lumped together and branded ‘sex offenders’ regardless of if such description actually fits the crime. Feige and the numerous talking heads he’s gathered, which cover offenders and lawmakers, argue that because of this mass generalization, treatment and rehabilitation is practically non-existent despite the fact the recidivism rate for sex crimes is incredibly low.

At the center of this story is Florida lobbyist Ron Book and his daughter, Florida Senator Lauren Book, who was molested and tortured by an immigrant housekeeper. It was Book’s response to learning of these horrifying events that set the laws that now dictate the treatment of sex offenders in place, and it’s not hard to understand why. Book, like any parent, wishes to protect their children. When confronted with the reality he had failed to do so, Book reacted as any parent would by taking drastic action to ensure such events never transpired again. His actions did not stop sex crimes outright, but he did forever alter the way the public treats and views those convicted of a sexual crime.

‘Untouchable’ highlights the stories of several convicted sex offenders, all from ages and backgrounds. Each crime is different, with some being far darker than others, but the events that happened in the wake of their convictions are largely the same. The lifelong pedophile is treated the same as someone who never touched another person or viewed illegal materials. As a result, no one who carries the title of ‘sex offender’ on their record is ever able to move forward in life. Those on the NSOPR are virtually unable to find meaningful employment, nor are the able to live where they desire. In fact, many lose homes that may have been in their family for generations because of laws restricting where sex offenders can live. As a result, many on the list are homeless and unemployed, living in groups huddled under bridges or in empty parking lots. Their lives are essentially destroyed forever, yet they are forced to keep on living.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from ’Untouchable’ is that no other type of criminal is treated with same prolonged disdain as sex offenders. Even convicted murderers, for the most part, have an opportunity at parole and a life that extends beyond the shadow of their past. Our nation has found a way to forgive countless crimes and rehabilitate those who perpetrated them, but if you’re convicted of a sex crime the same is not true. Those on NSOPR are written off for life and, as it stands right now, there is no way around that.

‘Untouchable’ stops short of detailing the possible paths to improving our current system. A few ideas are mentioned, some better than others, but ultimately ‘Untouchable’ is a movie that aims to make us more aware of how our current system dehumanizes people. Feige does such a good job outlining the issue and its many intricacies, but he doesn’t come across as a man hoping to carry the torch for change. Instead, he gives us the information we need to know, including many hard truths about how we treat other human beings, and leaves us to consider whether or not we are okay with our own behavior. ’Untouchable’ isn’t afraid to make us uncomfortable, and because of that I have a feeling it will be a movie we talk about for many years to come.

My only hope is that our response does not end at conversation alone. Change is needed, and it is going to require people to be compassionate in a way that initially may go against our instincts, but at the end of the day even the worst people are just people and we cannot lose sight of that.

Everyone needs to see this film.

50 thoughts on “Free Viewing of “Untouchable” – Everyone needs to see this film

  • April 8, 2022

    Thanks FAC for the links.
    The one tiny part which was subtly interesting to me was watching Lauren Books “evolution” from in line with daddy early on {Hate all registrants}; to “create a more efficient system -we can’t be driven by fear”
    Not a big step as was shown by Patti Wetterling, but I saw some change.
    I recognize her direction is $$$, political power and don’t piss of dad. I also realize Dad’s initial motivation was guilt and hate. Now it’s seemingly spattered with $$$ greed, power and more hate. To bad Lauren didn’t admit “we can’t be driven by guilt and hate”.

    • April 8, 2022

      Lauren is worse than Ron. Ron doesn’t try to hide behind a facade while Lauren pretends she disagrees with daddy while doing whatever she wants. She is, in that sense, a consummate politician.

      I think under the current political climate we have seen being clever is better than being smart. You can be clever while still being an idiot.

      But I have proven she has a mean streak as bad as daddy Ron. Don’t buy into her sweet lady routine.


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