GA sex offender pleads not guilty after visiting own child’s school
A Decatur, Georgia man is being charged with violating a Georgia law that requires sex offenders must not come within 500 feet of a school. On January 25th, a man required to register visited Parsons Elementary School for one hour to attend one of his own child’s school events.
Georgia law does provide an exemption, where the person is “attending a meeting about their own child and notifies school administration of their presence”, but the man failed to notify the school. He now faces prison time.
If you think the rule is unfairly harsh and can’t imagine anyone being prosecuted for violating it; the same court sentenced someone to two years in prison for a similar violation.this past May!
This is not rocket science. Schools are screening parents and using a device sold as a Sex Offender Identifier. As soon as they find you on the list you are no longer allowed on the School Property for any reason in many States.
School boards panic stricken with misinformation and vigilante mentality create these insane ordinances.
You try to care for your children but as a RSO Society says don’t touch your kids. The only solution is to challenge these Compliance issues in every court in the land. JEV
Thats why i pulled mine from public school.And you know what else im about at my last straw with all this.Back in 91 on my 18th birthday I committed my charge plead out to 3 years probation and was told it would be finished yeah right here comes the registration law now its pulled me in And to tell you something you cannot raise your kids while on the registry.No first day of sports for them the things dads do is finished and my kids weren’t born and to now subject them to this.If i didn’t have a family i would have been snapped and the thing is we remained friends and now our kids stay the night with each other every one who knows me say is this from when you were in highschool?I say yes never had any other charges arrests or anything one charge from 91 in high school and im still facing it but you what dammit im tired now!!!!!!
Is your situation the system’s definition of correction and restoration? Who in their right mind could possibly go along with the craziness some of our legislators are putting citizens and their families through? As I see it the greatest threat to our society is not ex-sex offenders but power hungry, brainless politicians who will do anything…lie, cheat, steal…to maintain power. Do the ex-offender’s children mean anything?
@ Capt.
Do the ex-offender’s children mean anything?
In a word? No.
Although I imagine they do only if they are voters.
Our so-called justice system has gone totally crazy. Too bad the man wasn’t a murderer or armed home invader. He could have gone to the school for his child’s event with no problem. If he goes to prison he will be separated from his children…whom he obviously cares about. Where are the ‘bleeding hearts’ who believe that separating children from their illegal immigrant parents is ‘criminal’? How can a justice system get so screwed up?
Same kind of law here in Michigan. You have to get prior permission from the school for any visit. What are the odds that the school officials will actually grant that permission though. Can’t go watch a football game, even if your son is the star quarterback. Can’t go watch your 7-year-old daughter’s school play. It has to do real harm to the children’s psychological well-being as well.
And now again the gov’t will seperate children from parents.
Anyone with commons sense would see past the history of “SEX OFFENDER” at school and realize he’s a parent doing what parents are supposed to do. I am very glad this guy is not taking a plea deal because let’s be honest: There is no good outcome of a plea deal, especially when it comes to registrants.
I bet more than anything this will get dropped as long as he fights it or if nothing else, he’ll win on an appeal should he lose due to the constitutionality of this issue.
It’s been the same law here in Michigan for years, and no one is winning appeals on constitutional grounds, I’m afraid. Just think how the kids feel when they see everyone else’s dads there but theirs. Everyone assumes he’s a rotten father, not realizing that his hands are tied. Same for grandparents on the registry. Very sad.