In the interest of time, we are asking members to contact their local probation office and Sheriff’s department to find out what provisions are being made for Registered Sex Offenders and Predators in each County/City.

Since registrants are excluded from most emergency shelters and a significant proportion of this population are homeless, we strongly advise against waiting until the last minute to seek shelter.

We need at least one volunteer in each county to post the information in the comments section below.

For your County’s Emergency Management Office:

For a list of each County’s Sheriff’s Office/Sexual Offender Registration Office:


***comments that do not contain factual information will be deleted ***

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  • September 6, 2017


    According to the sheriffs department all registrants not guided by direction of probation or parole, homeless or not should go to what ever shelter is nearest to them with their families or alone and in the event of an evacuation go where directed. Once the storm has passed if you are able to return to your home do so, if not check in at the local sheriffs registration office and advise them of your resident status if it is different than what is registered.

    If you are on probation or parole check in with your Probation Officer for any directions as to where they want you to go. You may go to a shelter unless you are directed otherwise. If you have somewhere to stay and you are not on probation that is fine. If you do not, go to a shelter. After the storm passes, go to your local registration office and advise them as to where you are staying, you must update the information if you are unable to return to your home.

  • September 6, 2017

    DUVAL COUNTY those on probation will have to report to county jail only if there is a mandatory evacuation.

  • September 5, 2017

    PASCO COUNTY has a emergency shelter for registrants at the Wiregrass Ranch High School,they indicate that you must self-identify yourself to avoid prosecution. The school is located at 2909 Mansfield Way Wesley Chapel 33543
    Phone: (813) 346-6000

  • September 5, 2017

    SEMINOLE COUNTY the court house
    101 Eslinger Way
    Sanford, Florida 32773
    (407) – 665-4450
    Is a shelter for Registered Citizens if you live in Seminole county.

    • September 6, 2017

      SEMINOLE COUNTY ordinances exceptions listed in code for registered citizens states:
      No sexual offender or sexual predator shall travel through or remain within the 1,000 foot buffer zone surrounding any school, daycare center, park or playground except to:

      Seek refuge during times of impending natural disasters or acts of terrorism, if such schools have been designated by Seminole County or the State of Florida as a place of refuge.

      Below is the link to the designated shelters should you or your loved ones need shelter


      • September 6, 2017

        Additional note for Seminole County:
        Sec. 228.4. – Required declaration of status as a sexual offender or sexual predator.
        (1) During times of impending natural disasters or acts of terrorism, sexual offenders and sexual predators shall immediately identify themselves as a sexual offender or sexual predator, as the case may be, to the official in charge of any public shelter where they seek refuge.

  • September 5, 2017

    PINELLAS COUNTY – You can go to churches or friends homes. No schools and schools are the only emergency shelters in Pinellas County. Also, you cannot leave the county no matter what if you are probation. The POs are giving car chargers for GPS monitoring.

  • September 5, 2017

    CLAY COUNTY – I called 904.213.2930 to inquire about Clay County, Florida housing/shelter plan in the event of inclement weather. The lady did not give me her name, but said the RSO have to have their own plan and if they don’t they will be going to Baker CI…she was not helpful.

    Baker Correctional Institution
    Address: 20706 FL-10, Sanderson, FL 32087
    Phone: (386) 719-4500

    • September 5, 2017


      Central Florida Reception Center near Titusville.
      Address: 7000 H C Kelley Rd, Orlando, FL 32831
      Phone: (407) 207-7777


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