Kentucky Judge Declares Sex Offender Internet Ban Unconstitutional.
Good News for those on Sex Offender Registries
Following the trend of most courts, including the US Supreme Court, a Kentucky Judge struck a law that banned sex offenders from any site that’s “available to minors”, stating the law is too broad and effectively bans most of the internet.
Judge says Internet ban is unconstitutional
U.S. District Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove didn’t buy the State’s arguments and ruled that the law, which restricted access to sites that potentially could be “accessible” to children, could include practically any site on the Internet.
Sex offenders in Kentucky now have the constitutional right to use social media.
I’m in New York (Suffolk County-Long Island) and not sure of what is happening with the laws here…and not sure of who to ask, not wanting to identify myself to the “wrong” people.
I’m a RSO from a plea in 1999. In the plea bargain I was placed on the registry for TEN years. The law was changed and, retroactively, my time on the registry was made permanent. So the legislature usurped the judge’s sentence.
Tried to get something changed a few years but had a buffoon of a public defender who didn’t seem to want to help me.
Is there anyone on here who knows definitively what the restrictions in New York? especially Internet identifiers?