Lauren Book files “child sex doll” bill

Sen. Lauren Book filed a new bill on Monday ( that would criminalize “knowingly selling, lending, giving away, distributing, transmitting, showing, or transmuting; offering to commit such actions; having in his or her possession, custody, or control with the intent to commit such actions; or advertising in any manner an obscene, child-like sex doll“.

What’s disturbing is not the idea of the bill but Sen. Book’s reasoning behind it. According to Florida Politics, “Book is concerned the dolls will serve not as a replacement for the urges of pedophiles, but as a catalyst for perpetrators to seek out victims.“That is not a cure for anything,” Book argued. “The doll just isn’t enough, and then they act out again sexually on children.””

But by her theory, shouldn’t you ban all sex dolls because they will be a catalyst for rape?

Had Book merely suggested that children should not be sexualized in the form of sex dolls and therefore these items should be banned, we would have all agreed with her. But instead she throws her far-fetched theories and theatrics behind her bill in order to get it passed.

Again – this is not a bill the Florida Action Committee particularly cares about because it won’t change any of our lives – it’s just the absurdity behind it that’s ridiculous.


25 thoughts on “Lauren Book files “child sex doll” bill

  • December 19, 2018

    Sex is the center Lauren, revolves around

  • December 19, 2018

    I just looked up forgiveness. I am a Jew. So is Lauren Book’s affiliation. I am taken aback naturally by her inhumanity. In our religion forgiveness is a way of life

    . This is just a part of of a reading. Most notably the offended, should not be cruel. Lauren Book most likely has never read anything about HOW NOT TO BE CRUEL. She claims she was abused and probably abuse is her only way to act?

    The most basic kind of forgiveness is “forgoing the other’s indebtedness” (mechilah). If the offender has done teshuvah, and is sincere in his or her repentance, the offended person should offer mechilah; that is, the offended person should forgo the debt of the offender, relinquish his or her claim against the offender. This is not a reconciliation of heart or an embracing of the offender; it is simply reaching the conclusion that the offender no longer owes me anything for whatever it was that he or she did. Mechilah is like a pardon granted to a criminal by the modern state. The crime remains; only the debt is forgiven.

    The tradition, however, is quite clear that the offended person is not obliged to offer mechilah if the offender is not sincere in his or her repentance and has not taken concrete steps to correct the wrong done. Maimonides is decisive on this subject: “The offended person is prohibited from being cruel in not offering mechilah, for this is not the way of the seed of Israel. Rather, if the offender has [resolved all material claims and has] asked and begged for forgiveness once, even twice, and if the offended person knows that the other has done repentance for sin and feels remorse for what was done, the offended person should offer the sinner mechilah” (Maimonides, Mishne Torah, “Hilchot Chovel u-Mazzik,” 5:10). Mechilah is, thus, an expectation of the offended person but only if the sinner is actually repentant.

    • December 19, 2018

      I am a Christian. I agree with you. The Bible says that if you are slapped on the cheek, (offended) offer up the other cheek. Also, that in order to take the speck out of your neighbors eye, you must first remove the LOG from your own eye first!!!
      Also Peter asked Jesus “how many times should I forgive someone? Seven times?”
      The Lord said, “NO, Seven times seventy”
      It seems to me that poor Lauren has “hateful feelings” towards her father for not being there when she needed him most. Therefore she is taking her “misaligned hatred” towards her father and projecting it towards a group of mainly men. When the real culprit was a woman who abused her.
      And what about the “boy blow-up dolls”????
      Do they get a free pass? NOTHING was even mentioned about that. That only shows her bias and her hatred toward men. (saying only “girl dolls” should be banned only shows her true colors— her hatred towards women–her nanny).
      HOW did she ever have children hating men so much?
      WHO is watching HER kids while she is out politicking just like her dad did while she was being “ALLEGEDLY ABUSED”??? (Apple dont fall far from the tree–does it?) A nanny–or a male baby-sitter??
      I only wish that Jesus, G-D, Yahweh or any other deity would take the hatred from her heart and turn it into a good, just and righteous cause, not this continuing hate-filled diatribe against men.
      Plus she needs to step aside from her much misaligned crusade against men and get into a very intensive therapy session.

  • December 19, 2018

    There is a perceptive comment below regarding the picture. FAC would you please consider removing it. It ain’t funny. Ick.

    • December 19, 2018


  • December 19, 2018

    Her theory does NOT suggest that all sex dolls are a catalyst for rape, only that these would be a catalyst for adults to engage in sex with minors, which would, by definition, be rape.

    It’s a legitimate question, though, whether there is any evidence— any at all— for her catalyst theory (as opposed to “replacement”). Do we know of any incidents in which a child was abused after an adult was using such a thing as a “catalyst”? That might tell us whether such a law is justified.

    It’s a serious question, even though I realize that for Sen. Book, evidence is not really her thing.

  • December 19, 2018

    I appreciate the information but this could have been sent without the picture.

  • December 19, 2018

    this woman needs a very good therapist. (and maybe a father who will pay attention to his daughter instead of his career)

    • December 19, 2018

      I’m not buying that she needs a therapist and her father IS paying attention to her in the area of ” her career ” and not his.

      “Politicians” as she is one and her father as well knows how to politicize things….they know exactly what they are doing when stirring the emotions and fears of the masses and even the emotions and fears of her fellow colleagues in the house and senate. They look for something that would stir the emotions and play on their fears because they very well know it will play to their advantage. Nobody in their right mind would want the selling of child sex dolls, add in the word pedophiles and sex offenders into the mix and things like: it will make them worse and later prey on the public when they get their practice with the dolls and its a done deal for them. The bill passes and Lauren Book looks like the hero for all children and families and we need to elect her again to keep us safe from the evil pedophiles and sex predators. This type of political strategy is older than anything else in the world of politics.

      • December 22, 2018

        I’m not sure what picture, but the one I saw before reading these posts was disturbing even though I think L Book is nuts.


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