Lauren Book files “child sex doll” bill

Sen. Lauren Book filed a new bill on Monday ( that would criminalize “knowingly selling, lending, giving away, distributing, transmitting, showing, or transmuting; offering to commit such actions; having in his or her possession, custody, or control with the intent to commit such actions; or advertising in any manner an obscene, child-like sex doll“.

What’s disturbing is not the idea of the bill but Sen. Book’s reasoning behind it. According to Florida Politics, “Book is concerned the dolls will serve not as a replacement for the urges of pedophiles, but as a catalyst for perpetrators to seek out victims.“That is not a cure for anything,” Book argued. “The doll just isn’t enough, and then they act out again sexually on children.””

But by her theory, shouldn’t you ban all sex dolls because they will be a catalyst for rape?

Had Book merely suggested that children should not be sexualized in the form of sex dolls and therefore these items should be banned, we would have all agreed with her. But instead she throws her far-fetched theories and theatrics behind her bill in order to get it passed.

Again – this is not a bill the Florida Action Committee particularly cares about because it won’t change any of our lives – it’s just the absurdity behind it that’s ridiculous.


25 thoughts on “Lauren Book files “child sex doll” bill

  • December 21, 2018

    I’m a registered citizen and I’ve seen/heard of some crazy sh*t in my 48yrs. But I’ve never even heard of this type of thing! So the Books just sit around and think of the the most perverted garbage they can amd submit a bill about it? Amd she’d call me the pervert.

    • December 24, 2018

      I never imagined them sitting around thinking all this stuff for themselves. I imagine them only sitting around counting their money and looking periodically at their bank accounts and looking at a list of potential future donors that they can take money from. The whole sitting around thinking of the perverted stuff so they can pass a bill is probably left to a special staff group employed by the Books, sort of like a think tank council (most likely college interns) where they research and then think of this crap and report it to the Books.

  • December 20, 2018

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how many times a person had committed a sex offense because he/she got bored with a sex doll? Has it ever happened at all? What exactly was the inspiration for this particularly stupid piece of proposed legislation?

    That’s the problem with most legislation today, registry and sex offense laws in particular. They’re always based on either rare, stand alone events or what I call “phantasms”, things that never have and are extremely unlikely to occur. This and the Halloween laws/rules are perfect examples of politicians claiming credit for solving problems that never existed in the first place while disregarding genuine ones.

    • December 22, 2018

      You have to realize that “they” (Ron & Lauren Book) have to keep this charade going to keep their political careers going.
      They have nothing else to stand on.
      So to keep their careers going (tell me what “legitimate” piece of legislature have either one of the Books tried to get thru?) Besides sex offense cases…?
      Fear mongering, terrorizing, and trying to control/brainwash people (without ANY substantial FACTS) into fear that isnt there is their mantra.
      What next? Outlaw Barbie & Ken dolls ? What about Sponge Bob? He lives in a pineapple in a place called “BIKINI BOTTOM” So can we actually call Sponge Bob a PREDATOR?????
      What about TV commercials? Take all the kids off the commercials because they might cause a person to go out and look at/molest kids? Then you would have to take down the Shriner’s/Walmart/Chevy adds too.
      SEE HOW STUPID THIS SOUNDS (or can get?)

  • December 20, 2018

    not to sound crass but this is the slippery slope of stupidity. The idea we still allow for morons to write and pass laws on emotion is why we have the mess of a justice system we have.
    Mind you,I am not for and I am not advocating sex with minors. I in no way am advocating for thinking about such acts. But really now..A manufacture can claim anything they want and claim any purpose they want and a deviant mind can imagine any purpose and create any imaginary they want. Absolutely useless law, almost as useless as the idiot that sponsored it. Idiot legislators can not even figure out what bathroom to use or what gender they are and they want to
    Criminalize sex with latex? oh…my… That is sheer stupid on a million different levels. We dont need more stupid laws any more then we need more stupid law makers that cant follow the laws. Reminds me of the south park episode with the v-chip that the government would use to deliver shock therapy to anyone using “bad words”. And really how are you going to identify the latex is “under age?”

    I see where this is going ..Next time a paramedic try’s to train a classroom CPR and Heimlich techniques they may wind up on the sex offender registry since the dolls didn’t give consent to being touched on the mouths….hahaha
    there really is no cure for the imbeciles in governance of America at this point.,.The only thing good about all the election rigging is I hope that means there really are not that many factual stupid people that voted for them.

  • December 19, 2018

    Lauren Book is evil and filled with hate…which is fine since most Americans are exactly the same.

    The problem is that she is a so-called law maker and as such she uses her position to abuse a small artificially created minority labelled “sex offenders” and her entire career revolves around them.

    This golden goose to too good for Lauren and her daddy to ever let go of and forget facts when you can emotionally manipulate parents with fear. They are going to ride this train as long as they are allowed to do so.

    The time to derail the train is NOW!

    • December 19, 2018

      Sex Offender Truth,
      I think I speak for everyone on here and I ask you this one question:
      (How are we to stop her?)
      She has money, clout, a raging line of BS, and a daddy that is more interested in “at the end of the day”……
      Any suggestions would be heart-fully welcome!

      • December 19, 2018

        I can tell you that since politicians like Lauren Book use false data and outright bold face lies we do have the truth but everyone seems to forget that!

        We have the data…we have facts…we have reality.

        We need to get the word out to the average Joe. We need to show the reality that their children are NOT made safer by the registry but the opposite by being lied to and given a false sense of security which leaves the door wide open for the person they already know and NOT a stranger and NOT someone on a registry to molest their offspring!

        Parents might be a little bit PISSED to find out that not only have they been lied to BUT those lies actually put their children in MORE danger.

        I am doing my part running a blog (SexOffenderTruth) on which I discuss the real reasons behind the registry and how it benefits those in power like Lauren Book. I also post relevant links to stories related to the abuse of those on the sex offender registry and the further harm being done!

        Much like the gay rights and every other minority won the rights that they already had in American we need to public behind us to make that change and only through education will that happen – BUT – as I stated we have facts and science. They have the boogeyman and lies!

      • December 20, 2018

        considering how blatantly congress and the courts are breaking laws and how boisterous they are about ignoring them?
        the only way to clean up the mess we allowed to happen is found in four numbers. I let you decipher them. 1776

        • December 20, 2018


    • December 22, 2018

      She is some special kind of crazy.

  • December 19, 2018

    With Lauren Book’s reasoning, revealing clothing and bathing suits should be banned in public because it serves as a catalyst for rape. Has she also tried to ban child beauty pageants? It makes the same sense as the widespread assertion that registered sex offenders will prey on children if they are allowed too close to a school: NONE. I doubt that any of her actions have ever prevented one assault of a child. She has certainly done a great job of lining her pockets though.


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