As promised, there is good news to report this week.

To resolve the Statute of Limitations issue that caused Does v. Swearingen to be dismissed, Doe v. Swearingen II was filed today with a plaintiff who has no Statute of Limitation Issue.

The Ex Post Facto Plus Challenge moves forward!

The new complaint was filed in the Northern District of Florida (where the new Doe resides) and assigned to Judge Robert Hinkle (who presided over the Internet Identifier Challenge that was successful). It was assigned case number 4:21-cv-00085

A copy of the Complaint can be accessed at the link below and as we always try to do, we will keep you continuously updated on how it progresses.

Thanks to the attorneys for getting this filed so quickly and thanks to all those who contribute to our legal fund, without whose continued support this would not be possible.

Doe v Swearingen II – Complaint

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