Member Submission
Florida Action Committee has two members who are actively advocating for juveniles on the “sex offender” registry, something we have needed for a long time. We are grateful to have both members working with us.
The following is a brief written by one of these members:
I was 58 when I got trapped into this type of controlling aspect of the registry and now i will be 69 in a few weeks. We all have to think of others in positive ways. Advocacy is good and kids don’t need this psychological death that this registry plays on one life in this indentured servitude or debt bondage. If theirs a will theirs a way and yes true justice is what its all about.
Court systems only realize protecting and serving but via this internet they are commissioning crime inducements with these deceitful and deceptive measures.
It is hard enough dealing with the registry as a grown man. As a kid, if I had been on the registry, I probably would have gone into hiding., ran away or who knows how I would have dealt with that.
Nobody should be on a registry, especially kids.
This is one example of why the FAC’s policy of discouraging talking about reforming age of consent laws is so counterproductive. We ought to demand that no person who is himself or herself under the age of consent can be charged with a sex crime. Even Joe Sixpack can follow the logic of that if we take a minute to break it down.
There was a great site about 15 years ago called Ethical Treatment for all Youth, it is defunct now but the website is still up. They had all the evidentiary and rhetorical ammunition needed to argue for reforms that long ago. An effective way to fight the registry is to fight the laws that feed new victims to the monster.
Dennis, Interesting site. It does not seem it was around but for a couple of years. I wonder why. At any rate there was a link to a 2007 Human Rights Watch report. I have downloaded it and will scan over it. It just shows how the education on this has been around for decades now, as most of know, and yet it continues, like most things government do.