Michigan Supreme Court decision on nonsexual offenses and the SO registry

In Florida, kidnapping or false imprisonment of a minor can land a person on the Florida sex offense registry, even though a sex crime was not committed.

The Michigan Supreme Court says that such a placement on the registry is unconstitutional.  It is cruel or unusual punishment, barred by the Michigan Constitution.

According to the ACLU of Michigan, there are approximately 300 people on the Michigan registry for nonsexual crimes.

Court Opinion



14 thoughts on “Michigan Supreme Court decision on nonsexual offenses and the SO registry

  • August 4, 2024

    Supreme Court Decisions’ well they make mistakes like every body else. Why would one ask for a picture after giving them a regular picture of oneself?. We could ask why in many of these non-sexual issues but the facts speak for themself. How presumptions of them. If the punishment doesn’t fit the crime why would they give a plea deal in the first place. Answer… They don’t have enough evidence To avoid a trail, etc Remember they know what they are doing.

    Placement on the registry is unconstitutional and puts many in jeopardy with this abusive registry. If Government can’t do law right they don’t have to demoralize others in these ruses and cons.


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