Dr Chrysanthi Leon and Maggie Buckridge are interviewing formerly incarcerated folks about their re-entry experiences with religious communities. They are especially interested in learning about what religious communities provide for people on the sex offender registry. In addition to speaking with those who found a church or another place of worship to join, they are also interviewing people who wanted to join a place of worship but did not because of various barriers. The purpose of this study is to examine what re-entry practices for religious communities people find beneficial, and what practices they find stigmatizing and harmful. What are re-entering persons hoping to find in religious participation and community after incarceration? What is it like to join or re-join a religious community after incarceration? What practices deter re-entering persons from attending or partaking in certain religious communities?

Participants will receive a $20 gift card as a token of appreciation. Interviews typically last around 60-90 minutes. Please pass this along to anyone you know who may be interested in participating. If you have any questions, or are interested in participating, please reach out to Maggie Buckridge: [email protected] and Dr. Chrysanthi Leon: [email protected]. Their study consent form is here.


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